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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Connecting the Dots - Week ending 14 September 2014

Sott Talk Radio logo editors Joe Quinn and Niall Bradley analyze global impact events that shape our world and future, and connect the dots to reveal the bigger picture obscured by mainstream programming.

From the crisis in Ukraine to the ISIS in Iraq, from increasingly extreme weather to surviving in a world ruled by psychopaths, your hosts, their colleagues (and occasional guests) explore the deeper truths driving world events by exposing the manipulations behind what passes for 'news'.

Running Time: 02:06:00

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Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Who was Georges Gurdjieff? Interview with William Patrick Patterson

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This week on SOTT Talk Radio we spoke with author William Patrick Patterson about the mysterious teachings of Georges Gurdjieff. After many years as a student of The Fourth Way and discovering no answer to the question that had gradually formed in him - what is the 'self' in self-remembering? - Mr. Patterson was called to explore Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism). In doing so, he realized the full significance of the ideas and practices of The Fourth Way and how this sacred and seminal teaching provided not only the necessary foundation, but was applicable on the very highest levels.

Mr. Patterson is the founder/director of The Gurdjieff Studies Program and has led groups, as well as given seminars and talks, throughout the United States for many years. He has written nine books on the teaching and directed, written and narrated the award-winning video trilogy The Life & Significance of George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff, and the just-released video Introduction to Gurdjieff's Fourth Way: From Selves to Individual Self to The Self. A new video talk has also recently been released:William Patrick Patterson Explores The Life & Teachings of Carlos Castaneda.

His latest book is Georgi Ivanovitch Gurdjieff: The Man, The Teaching, His Mission.

Running Time: 01:12:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: The 'White Widow' - Western Intel's Phony 'Jihadis' - Interview with Jon Ryman

This week on Sott Talk Radio we spoke Jon Ryman, creator of the excellent short documentary called 'White Widow' - The Samantha Lewthwaite Conspiracy.

The so-called "white widow" grabbed the headlines over a protracted period last year for her alleged leadership of the attack on Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya. Samantha Lewthwaite first rose to 'fame' as the alleged 'wife' of alleged London '7/7' tube bomber, Germaine Lindsay, and since then has been a veritable rising star in the phony world of Islamic terrorism, particularly in Africa.

As with so many other supposed 'Muslim terror leaders', the story of Lewthwaite appears to be one large fantasy that reveals disturbing insights into how British, Israeli and US intelligence agencies run the bogus 'war on terror' from behind the scenes.

Running Time: 01:55:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Global Picture - Ukraine, Ferguson, Islamic State, Ebola and Palestine - WTH?

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It has begun, and there can be only one. No, this isn't Highlander, it's global politics at its worst. How does it all fit together? The coup in Ukraine, militarized police shootings in Ferguson, the 'Islamic State' threatening to behead all of Christendom, a looming worldwide Ebola epidemic and Israel is up to its old tricks again with more indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians. To top if all off, there appears to be no doubt that our climate is in the midst of a major 'shift' to something radically different from what we've known to date.

Running Time: 02:05:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Untold History of the U.S. - Interview with Peter Kuznick

This week on SOTT Talk Radio we spoke with Peter Kuznick, Professor of History and Director of the Nuclear Studies Institute at American University in Washington, DC. Kuznick received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University in 1984 and was active in the Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War movements. He is author and co-author of several books on the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the use of nuclear power, and the Cold War.

Kuznick and Oliver Stone co-authored the 10-part documentary film series and book - The Untold History of the United States - which explores some of the under-reported and darkest parts of American 20th century history using little known documents and newly uncovered archival material.

We explored with Professor Kuznick the creation of the U.S. National Security State during WW2, the real reasons behind the Cold War and the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, and the side-lining of 'the man who would be president', Henry Wallace.

Running Time: 01:55:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Russia vs USA, Israel vs Palestine - Interview with Finian Cunningham

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This week we took take a closer look at the chaos unfolding in Ukraine and Gaza, placing both conflicts in the wider political context of the modern history of both the Middle East and Russia.

To help us do that, we were joined by Finian Cunningham, an Irish journalist who has written extensively on international affairs, with articles published in several languages. For nearly 20 years, Finian worked as an editor and writer for major news media organisations, including The Daily Mirror, The Irish Times and The Independent.

Deported from Bahrain in June 2011 because of his critical journalism, in which he highlighted systematic human rights violations by the Bahraini regime forces, Finian is now a columnist on international politics for Press TV and Strategic Culture Foundation.

Running Time: 02:26:00

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Star of David

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Israel - Global Pariah or Promised Land?

This week on SOTT Talk Radio Niall and Joe discussed the ongoing conflict in Israel/Palestine and other major recent events in world news. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the world's longest running conflict, yet very few people know its actual history, when and why it began and why it continues to this day. Even fewer have any understanding of how, because of the conflict, the state of Israel and its 'intelligence agency' the Mossad, has wielded and wields vastly disproportionate (relative to its size and population) power on the world stage and has thereby contributed significantly to the course of our modern civilization.

Other topics discussed on this show include the recent spate of 'downed' commercial aircraft, the ongoing information war between the 'West' and Russia over Ukraine, and much more.

Running Time: 02:20:00

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Grey Alien

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Mysterious Planet - Interview with ufologist and cryptozoologist Nick Redfern

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This week on SOTT Talk Radio we interviewed best-selling British author, ufologist and cryptozoologist, Nick Redfern.

From 1984 until 2001 Redfern worked as a freelance feature writer for numerous UK newspapers. In recent years, Redfern has made many TV appearances in the UK and overseas, sharing his research and insights into all things Fortean, and today runs the U.S. branch of the Centre for Fortean Zoology. Redfern posts regularly on his blog.

Our guest is also the author of numerous books about some of the truly weird (but totally real) topics we discussed this week, including Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind, A Covert Agenda, The FBI Files, Three Men Seeking Monsters, Body Snatchers in the Desert, On the Trail of the Saucer Spies, Memoirs of a Monster Hunter, Final Events, The NASA Conspiracies, The Real Men in Black, The Pyramids and the Pentagon, The World's Weirdest Places, and many more!

Running Time: 01:48:00

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Star of David

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Israel massacres Palestinians (again) - Interview with Miko Peled

This week on SOTT Talk Radio we interviewed Israeli peace activist and author Miko Peled, discussing the latest round of atrocities in Gaza, the circumstances surrounding 'Operation Protective Edge', and Peled's insights into the horror and tragedy of the decades-long Israel-Palestine conflict - for Palestinians of course, but also, ultimately, for ordinary Israelis too.

Miko Peled was born in Jerusalem into a prominent Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the IDF, in which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed in a terrorist attack in 1997, you may have expected the family to blame the Palestinians, but surprisingly, they blamed the state of Israel.

Imbued with his father's deep knowledge of Israeli war practices, Peled authored The General's Son: Journey of an Israeli in Palestine, a book that lays bare the myths surrounding the situation in the Middle East. Peled now travels extensively, giving talks about his experiences to audiences across the world.

Running Time: 01:24:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: 'Terrorist Rectal Bombs' Social and Climate Chaos: Has Our World Gone Mad?

underwear bomber
On this week's SOTT Talk Radio show we took a closer look at the latest developments in the never-ending 'war on terror' and the origins of the latest 'Islamic terror' bogeymen - ISIS. We delved (figuratively of course) into a new twist on the 'knicker bomber': the 'intrarectal terrorist bomb threat' that has appeared, on cue, for summer holiday season and is promising to make airport transitions as invasive (literally) as possible for millions of holiday-makers (the paedophilic elite can barely contain their glee!).

We also looked at the latest "global warming" data, and analysed the spectacular mental gymnastics that 'climate scientists' have been engaging in to explain the inexplicable. Speaking of the 'weather', we discussed the recent record-breaking flooding on every continent; 'haildrifts' up to 3 feet high being ploughed off streets in Tokyo, Spain, Istanbul and Mexico; and tornadoes touching down in the very unlikely locales of Norway, Sweden, Greece and Algeria.

From the stark increase in African immigrants risking horrific conditions (and their lives) on 'salvation seeking' boat rides to Italy that heralds an 'immigration crisis' for Europe, to the ongoing pedophilia in 'high places' scandal in the UK, the latest on the situation in Ukraine and the hard data linking fracking to earthquakes in the USA, we discussed all this and more on this week's Sott Talk Radio show!

Running Time: 02:08:00

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