High StrangenessS


Japan's Defense Minister troubled over legal issues if UFO arrives

Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba said Thursday that he was troubled over potential legal issues if a UFO arrives in Japan, requiring action by the Self-Defense Forces, Japanese media reports.

©Toho Company
Japan's Defense Minister: "Nobody ever questioned the legality over mobilizing the Self-Defense Forces in the Godzilla movies."

The subject was triggered by a question from oppositional lawmaker Ryuji Yamane, who argued the government should attempt to confirm what UFOs are because of "frequent observations" of them in Japan.

"There are no grounds for us to deny that there are unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and some life-form that controls them," Ishiba said at a news conference. "Various possibilities should be considered."


Carolina Writer Releases UFO Book for 2007

Lincolnton - George Fawcett, a local author and a veteran UFO investigator and researcher for 67 years has released a revised and enlarged version of his book, UFO Repetitions - A Challenge to Scientific Investigations.

Fawcett has investigated over 1,200 UFO sighting reports and has read over 700 books and 1,000 magazine articles on the subject since 1944. He has had published over 100 UFO investigative and research articles he has written in Flying Saucers Magazine, Search, Fate, Saga, Argosy, True, Flying Saucer Review, National Enquirer, UFO Magazine, UFO Universe Magazine, MUFON UFO Symposium Proceedings. In 1975 Fawcett authored the highly illustrated book, Quarter Century of UFOs in Florida, North Carolina and Tennessee.


Japan government spokesman says UFOs do exist


Tokyo - Yes, UFOs do exist, Japan's top government spokesman said on Tuesday.

The comment by chief cabinet secretary Nobutaka Machimura drew laughter from reporters at his regular briefing on government policy.

Grey Alien

US: Unsolved Mysteries


As most of you know me through my ramblings in the enigmatic world of UFOs, spirit beings, religion and my personal encounters with MIBS, and the world of the paranormal, let me introduce my first meeting with the TV show, Unsolved Mysteries.

Yes, I was involved with them. From trying to find someone who I was told died (my fiancée) but was missing to a case of a UFO landing in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in the early 1980s. Many do not know that if you gave them a case that was aired on the show they gave you an Unsolved Mysteries hat.


UK: UFO sighting over Bolton?

Members of the Bolton UFO Society are investigating a possible sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) above the town.

A caller telephoned the society's chairman, Phil Catterall, last Wednesday, saying he had seen a strange object in the sky, at around 8pm.

The man told Mr Catterall, of Pennine Road, Horwich, that he had been driving from Harwood to the centre of Bolton when he spotted a triangular silhouette in the night sky.

Mr Catterall said: "The man wanted to know if there had been any other reported sightings. He was convinced it was a UFO and was quite disturbed by it."


US: Sighting draws UFO research

Lacomb - One clear evening last September, Raye and Derral Laufer spotted what they thought were strange objects in the sky above their home on Moran Lane in Lacomb.

They reported the incident to the National UFO Reporting Center, and the
Democrat-Herald reported on their experience in October.

Since then, Raye has heard from about 100 people who have seen strange things in the sky, and a few saw what she and her husband did: Two silver, bullet-shaped objects heading across the sky and a glowing ellipse size of a Greyhound bus that hovered for about a minute above the treetops of their forested backyard and emitted sparks.

One caller was upset that the couple didn't take any pictures. The Democrat-Herald touched base with Raye again last week.


US: NASA forced to turn over files on '65 UFO

A federal ruling requires the space agency to turn over any records it might have related to a 1965 incident in a small Pennsylvania town

The U.S. government says nothing of note happened in this small town in the hills of southwestern Pennsylvania at 4:47 p.m. on Dec. 9, 1965. A meteor may have passed by, but no alien ship or Russian space probe fell to Earth, as many here believe.

Still, Bill Bulebush, 82, says he knows what he saw, heard and smelled, despite the doubts of the government and others in this community 40 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

"I looked up and saw it flying overhead and it was sizzling," said Bulebush, a retired truck driver. "I found it in the woods down there [in a valley] and I got to it 15 to 20 minutes after it landed. I saw it 10 to 15 feet away from behind a big tree -- because I was worried it might blow up -- and it smelled like sulfur or rotten eggs and was shaped like a huge acorn, about the size of a VW."


FBI Deleting UFO Files and Fortean Material

As I noted in my post here yesterday, the FBI has quietly removed from its website a PDF collection of documentation on alleged cases of spontaneous human combustion. Instead, all you get now is a summary of the files in question.

Interestingly, the FBI has also begun to remove other Fortean files, and UFO-related data, from its site too.

For example, up until very recently - but no longer, sadly - you could also download in PDF format the FBI's 135-page file on Silas Newton, who was a key player in the legend of the alleged UFO crash at Aztec, New Mexico in March 1948.

Also: the FBI's 42-page file on Philip Corso, of The Day After Roswell, has been completely deleted from the FBI's site. All you get now is a name check listed in the "C" section of the Bureau's online research page.


Research of WWII events uncovers the unexplained

©Sun photo by Barbara Haddock Taylor
Keith Chester (pictured) wrote his book after talking with Leonard Stringfield, an American flier who reported having a UFO experience in the sky near Japan.

The peculiar red orb hung motionless in the summer sky near Frederick.

A boy at the time, Keith Chester vividly recalls that day in 1966. It was about 6:30 p.m. and Chester was on his way to a friend's house. As he walked, he noticed a shiny red ball in the sky near the Catoctin Mountains.

"The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up," Chester said. "I was so scared that I ran into my neighbor's house. I still think it was a UFO." To this day, the 50-year-old Bel Air resident has not been able find an explanation for the object, but incident sparked an interest in unidentified flying objects.


Nigeria: Mysterious Death Hits Egbin Station

Can the death of three senior staff of Power Holdings Company of Nigeria (PHCN), Egbin thermal station at Ijede near Ikorodu be attributed to "juju" power or is it a mere coincidence?

This has been a big question that could not get instant and definite answer at the Egbin power generating station. There has been an alleged juju scare in the station in the recent time while accusing fingers are being pointed at the senior officials who are not in the good books of the junior officials.

Sunday Trust gathered that one Engineer Adeleye, died after seeing the juju prepared in a calabash and placed in front of his office one morning not long ago.

Another Engineer, one Mr. Olanitori who was the Head of Maintenance Department in the station died in a mysterious way after relaxing in the PHCN's Egbin Club House. Sources at the station said the late Engineer drank some bottles of drinks, played chess game with some people in the Club House only to return home and collapse. He died few hours after he had writhed in pains, complaining of stomach ache. It was gathered that he was being rushed to a nearby hospital by his neighbours but gave up the ghost before he got to the hospital. The nature of his sudden death led to some junior workers believing that he was poisoned.