Health & WellnessS


Scientists Reveal Connection Between Cancer and Human Evolution

Researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) have discovered that gene mutations that once helped humans survive may increase the possibility for diseases, including cancer.

The findings were recently the cover story in the journal Genome Research.

The team of researchers from BGU's National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev (NIBN) set out to look for mutations in the genome of the mitochondria, a part of every cell responsible for energy production that is passed exclusively from mothers to their children. The mitochondria are essential to every cell's survival and our ability to perform the functions of living.

"Our ancestors responded to environmental changes, such as climate shift, with mutations that increased their chances of survival. But today, these same mutations predispose us toward complex diseases such as cancer," according to researcher Dr. Dan Mishmar, a molecular biologist from the Department of Life Sciences at BGU. "Although mitochondria's role in the emergence of new species has been investigated recently, the idea that they are responsible for our susceptibility to illness startles many."


Research Reveals What Drives Lung Cancer's Spread

A new study by researchers at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) reveals the genetic underpinnings of what causes lung cancer to quickly metastasize, or spread, to the brain and the bone - the two most prominent sites of lung cancer relapse. The study will be published online in the journal Cell on July 2.

Researchers discovered that the same cellular pathway that has been shown to be involved with the spread of colorectal cancer is also responsible for providing lung cancer with an enhanced ability to infiltrate and colonize other organs without delay and with little need to adapt to its new environment. This is a dramatic departure from other cancers, like breast cancer, in which recurrences tend to emerge following years of remission, suggesting that such cancer cells initially lack - and need time to acquire - the characteristics and ability to spread to other organs.

The investigators hypothesized that because not all lung tumors have spread before diagnosis and removal, metastasis may depend on some added feature beyond the mutations that initiate these tumors.


Bisphenol A (BPA) Found In Many Plastics May Cause Heart Disease In Women, Research Shows

© iStockphoto/Fred GoldsteinBisphenol A (BPA), found in many plastics, may be harmful for the heart, particularly in women.
New research by a team of scientists at the University of Cincinnati (UC) shows that bisphenol A (BPA) may be harmful for the heart, particularly in women.

Results of several studies are being presented in Washington, D.C., at ENDO 09, the Endocrine Society's annual meeting, June 10-13.

A research team lead by Scott Belcher, PhD, Hong Sheng Wang, PhD, and Jo El Schultz, PhD, in the department of pharmacology and cell biophysics, found that exposure to BPA and/or estrogen causes abnormal activity in hearts of female rats and mice.


Are You Poisoning Yourself with Mercury in Fish?

In an attempt to gauge just how dangerous the mercury in fish is, writer David Ewing Duncan decided to measure his blood levels of the toxic metal both before and after gorging on various types of fish.

Mercury is a naturally occurring metal, but one that is highly toxic to the nervous systems of vertebrates, including humans. Studies have shown that it can cause damage to brain functioning, including memory, learning and behavior, and that it can also harm the heart and immune system. The developing nervous systems of children and fetuses are particularly susceptible to its effects.


Folic Acid Will Improve Your Well being Dramatically

Folic acid is also known as Vitamin B9 or Folacin. It is water soluble and essential to many bodily functions such as producing healthy red blood cells and preventing anemia. There are many benefits of folic acid; it inhibits colon cancer, prevents heart disease and is beneficial for pregnant women. Folic acid is abundant in fruit, green leafy vegetables, beans and nuts, but it can also be bought in supplement form.


FDA Aims to Reduce Acetominophen Overdoses

© By Paul Sakuma, APAcetaminophen is the acting ingredient in Tylenol and a number of other over-the-counter pain relievers.
The makers of Tylenol, Excedrin and other medications on Monday tried to dissuade regulators from placing new restrictions on their popular painkillers, including possibly removing some of them from store shelves.

The Food and Drug Administration assembled more than 35 experts for a two-day meeting to discuss ways to prevent overdose with acetaminophen - the pain-relieving, fever-reducing ingredient in Tylenol and dozens of other prescription and over-the-counter medications.


Common Chemo Drug kills Women

Chemotherapy drugs used in standard cancer treatments are associated with a huge list of side effects, from hair loss and nausea to nerve pain, sexual problems and mouth sores. Now a new study from the Research on Adverse Drug Events and Reports (RADAR) pharmacovigilance program at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine has identified another side effect caused by a commonly used chemotherapy drug -- death.

A startling number of women have died from a severe allergic reaction after being injected with Cremophor-based paclitaxel, a solvent-administered taxane chemotherapy. What makes this extra tragic is that the researchers found some of the dead women had already been treated for early stage breast cancer and could well have been cured -- if the chemo prescribed to prevent a theoretical recurrence of cancer in the future had not killed them.


Solutions for Forced Vaccinations

In response to several readers concern over the issues presented by the article Watch Out for Flying Syringes, GMO Food Vaccines, and Forced Vaccinations, here are some solutions. Most of the solutions suggested are for vaccination induced disease syndrome (VIDS) or post vaccination syndrome (PVS). Some are for the flu itself.

Especially among the very young whose immune systems are not fully developed, there have been many almost immediate, terrible consequences of VIDS or PVS. Understand that though you may have had vaccinations and walked away on your own two feet, there are residual, latent dangers that can cause auto immune problems later in life. There are several thousand Gulf War I veterans who can attest to that!

Vaccination by inoculation is not immunization. Immunization occurs when you are stricken with a disease and survive, or if you're exposed to pathogens and your immune system beats them. Even without the hazardous materials usually present in vaccines, bypassing the normal path of the immune system by injection into the bloodstream with pathogens from unusual sources causes more long term chronic stress on the immune system. This chronic immune system stress manifests in illness or disease later in life.


Flashback [Video] Flu Vaccine Exposed, Think Twice!

Comment: This video documentation also cites the CDC, which claim that about "36,000 people die each year from regular flu". The reason why this figure is probably pulled out of thin air can be found here.


Living in a Brainwashed Society

There is an active power that goes unnoticed by most people in our society. For the few that actually pay heed, most of them have heard so many stories that they have become desensitized to them and no longer retort as they should. The power I'm referring to here doesn't have a name, doesn't have a specific face, nor is it in a precise location. It is a power of an elite group of people, generally money-hungry and always self-interested. The strategies they use are cunningly sly, to the point that we barely take notice of the "toxins" they feed us or, even worse, protect the "poisoned wells!"

The educational system and mainstream media have become the most deliberate means with which to skilfully employ the tools of propaganda. Children who are naturally active and innately curious are told to sit still for eight hours a day, listening to the purposefully selected information society would like them to learn. Rather than delving into their own inquisitiveness, exploring their inherent interests, are physically exploring their world, they begin their upbringing in a limited environment and are forced to adhere to certain rules of behaviour. As these children grow, they are taught to pursue the things their society values most: money, social status, intellect and independence.