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Magic Wand

How to be independent of the medical industrial complex

If there was ever a time to learn about the Natural Allopathic Medicine protocol and how to use iodine, bicarbonate, selenium and magnesium chloride, as well as its other components of the protocol, that time is now. The walls of Modern Medicine are falling, and if people were smart they would run out from under the falling stones and learn how to be independent of the medical industrial complex.

A "nightmare" bacteria that is resistant to powerful antibiotics and kills half of those it infects has surfaced in nearly 200 U.S. hospitals and nursing homes, federal health officials reported Tuesday.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 4 percent of U.S. hospitals and 18 percent of nursing homes had treated at least one patient with the bacteria, called Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), within the first six months of 2012.

What is happening already in Greece is like the canary in the coal mine. Greeks are in a panic as drug firms slash medicine supplies by 90% on bad debts.

This tragedy is coming to the rest of the world as the world economy contracts and as austerity bites harder, like it will start now in the USA.


Expert warns antibiotic-resistant 'superbugs' pose 'catastrophic threat' to population

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Warning over rising death toll as antibiotics fail to tackle rising incidence of 'gram negative' bacterial disease

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria with the potential to cause untreatable infections pose "a catastrophic threat" to the population, the chief medical officer warns in a report calling for urgent action worldwide.

If tough measures are not taken to restrict the use of antibiotics and no new ones are discovered, said Dame Sally Davies, "we will find ourselves in a health system not dissimilar to the early 19th century at some point".

While antibiotics are failing, new bacterial diseases are on the rise. Although the "superbugs" MRSA and C difficile have been reduced to low numbers in hospitals, there has been an alarming increase in other types of bacteria including new strains of E coli and Klebsiella, which causes pneumonia.

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Scary faces terrify woman with unusual condition

© Shutterstock
When the 67-year-old woman came to the hospital, she was deeply afraid of two things - the visions of odd-looking faces that appeared hovering before her, and that the hallucinations might mean she was losing her mind.

But this retired teacher wasn't going crazy, and laboratory tests also ruled out two common culprits of hallucinations - infection and drug interactions.

"She was absolutely terrified by what she was seeing," said Dr. Bharat Kumar, an internal medicine resident at the University of Kentucky who treated the woman. In fact, the patient and her family were so concerned in the days before she came to the hospital, they asked a priest about performing an exorcism, Kumar said.

The woman drew a picture of what she saw. The faces had large teeth, eyes and ears, and a horizontally elongated shape, like a football.

That peculiar shape and the fact that the patient recognized that she was hallucinating (rather than believing the visions to be real) provided two important clues in making a diagnosis, Kumar said. He determined that the woman had condition called Charles Bonnet syndrome.


12 year old vegan has the degenerating bones of 80 year old

A 12 year old girl raised on a strict vegan diet was admitted to the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, Scotland, suffering from a severe form of rickets. The girl had already experienced multiple fractures and been diagnosed with a degenerated spine comparable to that of an unhealthy 80-year-old woman.

Fox News reports the hospital doctors are under pressure to report the couple to police and social workers. Dr. Faisal Ahmed, a pediatrician treating the child, declined to discuss specifics, but allowed the dangers of forcing children to follow a strict vegan diet need to be publicized.

If raised strictly vegan, the child would almost certainly have severe deficiencies of Vitamins A and D, both of which are essential bone nutrients that can only be obtained from animal products. In all likelihood, she would also be lacking needed calcium, zinc, B-12 as well as other B vitamins, Vitamin K, the EPA and DHA fatty acids and the sulfur containing amino acids methionine and cysteine.

Although the human body is theoretically capable of converting beta carotene into true Vitamin A, children are not able to do so efficiently if at all. Sunlight could have provided Vitamin D but only if the family lived outdoors in the tropics and not in a northern clime like Scotland.


Serious side effects seen with failed Merck niacin drug

© Reuters/Jeff ZelevanskyA view of the Merck & Co. campus in Linden, New Jersey March 9, 2009.
Unexpected serious side effects arose in a huge study of a Merck & Co long-acting niacin drug aimed at raising good HDL cholesterol, according to data released on Saturday, possibly adding another nail to the coffin of niacin therapy for heart patients.

Merck has already given up on the drug that combines extended-release niacin with an experimental agent called laropiprant, designed to prevent the uncomfortable facial flushing associated with niacin.

When it was announced that the drug called Tredaptive had failed to prevent heart attacks, strokes, death and other complications in heart patients also taking drugs to lower bad LDL cholesterol, Merck said it would not seek U.S. approval and would stop selling it in the dozens of other countries where it was already available.

A European medical journal last week said the drug caused concerning muscle weakness, especially in Asian patients.


One-third of Americans cutting back on gluten consumption

More US residents are trying to avoid consuming gluten, the protein responsible for the condition known as celiac disease, than are dieting, according to recently released research conducted by market information firm NPD Group.

Furthermore, in January 2013, approximately one-third of all American adults said they are attempting to reduce or eliminate the substance in their diets. According to The NPD Group's latest report, that's the highest percentage since the group began asking American consumers about gluten consumption four years ago.

Those numbers might actually be on the low side, even though less than one percent of US adults have celiac disease, industry analyst Harry Balzer told Nancy Shute of NPR.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that can be caused by the gluten protein, which is commonly found in wheat, rye and barley. It can cause fatigue, digestive issues, and other symptoms.

However, celiac disease is not the only reason people choose to go gluten-free in their diets, explains CNBC's Katie Little. "The trend to go gluten free has caught on with consumers who don't have either condition but instead see it as part of a healthy diet or a way to lose weight," she said.


Antibiotics breed apocalyptic diseases

Petri Dish
© Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryPicassoโ€™s Guernica with Petri Dish Culture
It's past time for conventional medicine to step down from its hubristic stance to realize that they don't know better than nature, that they cannot beat nature, and that they must work with nature, not against her. Until they do, they'll be no different than any of the other soul-sucking industries that exist by raping the earth of her bounty.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is again screaming about yet another antibiotic-resistant disease. The latest, a mouthful called carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) is resistant to nearly all - possibly all - antibiotics and kills one in two people who get it. That makes it one of the most dangerous infectious diseases known.

The increasing number of antibiotic-resistant diseases is terrifying, but the fact that we need to face up to is that these diseases are all caused by the treatment that modern medicine has relied on as the primary excuse for its existence for decades: antibiotics. These drugs were supposedly the greatest invention ever made. They were going to rescue us from all infectious diseases. We were entering a new era.

And it's certainly proven true that we've entered a new era - but it's one of far worse diseases than those originally treated with antibiotics!
  • Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) originally burst into headlines as the horrific flesh-eating bacteria. It's still that, though it's been given the gentler name of MRSA.
  • Clostridium difficile (C diff) has a mortality rate that may run from 10% to 30%. It's a severe, and often relapsing, disease that causes diarrhea, inability to eat, and lack of energy, not to mention pain.
  • Escherichia coli (E coli) is a natural pro-bacterium that normally lives in the human gut. But it's been turned into a killer disease with antibiotics.
Then we have drug-resistant tuberculosis, along with a range of other diseases that are out of control and more virulent as a direct result of modern medicine's standard treatment, antibiotics. The age of antibiotics is turning into something entirely different than was envisioned. Instead of an infectious disease utopia, we're seeing the beginnings of an infectious disease apocalypse - that is, we are as long as the modern medical paradigm stays in effect.

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Fertility destroying chemical added to tap, milk, salt

© GreenMedInfo
There is no question remaining that fluoride lowers IQ, at least as far as high-quality epidemiological research published in peer-reviewed journals has shown.

Take the conclusion of this systematic review of the literature published in the journal Biological and Trace Elements Research in 2008, which looked at whether fluoride exposure has increased the risk of low intelligence quotient (IQ) in China over the past 20 years:
[C]hildren who live in a fluorosis area [high fluoride exposure] have five times higher odds of developing low IQ than those who live in a nonfluorosis area or a slight fluorosis area.
[See our IQ and Fluoride research page for seven first-hand study abstracts on this connection]

Arguably, those who do question this causal connection despite the research are already under fluoride's powerful spell, since they don't take sufficient care to reduce their exposure to this intellectually-disabling toxin. They've drank the fluoride-contaminated Kool-aid, and are unable to comprehend what is still obvious to those who have not.

But fluoride's toxicity is not specific to only one type of tissue, i.e. neurological, but extends throughout the human body, having been linked to at least 30 distinct health problems stretching from calcification of soft tissue and endocrine glands (such as the pineal) to hypothyroidism, from hair loss to cancer.

While lawmakers and regulators consider the public gullible enough to believe that the IQ-lowering effects of fluoride a worthwhile price to pay for 'healthy' and 'attractive' teeth (even though fluoride exposure leads to fluorosis, an irreversible spotting, often yellowing of the enamel of the teeth), a more serious health problem lurks beneath the propaganda that has converted an industrial byproduct and pollutant into a "therapeutic" water, salt and milk additive. That problem is fluoride's infertility and abortifacient properties.


Calcium supplements: Why you should think twice

I've made the argument before that some supplements may be necessary even within the context of a nutrient-dense, whole-foods diet. Some nutrients are challenging to get through food alone, especially if you're not digesting food optimally or you're struggling with a disease that increases your need for particular nutrients. I routinely recommend supplements to many of my patients, and have seen the benefits of proper supplementation in my own life as well.

That said, there are several supplements that are commonly recommended by conventional doctors and healthcare practitioners that are unnecessary at best, and potentially harmful at worst. Perhaps the best example of this is calcium.

Calcium has become extremely popular to supplement with, especially amongst older women, in the hope that it will prevent osteoporosis. We've all seen the products on the market aimed at the "worried-well", such as Viactiv and Caltrate, suggesting that supplementing with calcium can help maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis, a serious condition affecting at least 10% of American women. (1) Yet the evidence that calcium supplementation strengthens the bones and teeth was never strong to begin with, and has grown weaker with new research published in the past few years. A 2012 analysis of NHANES data found that consuming a high intake of calcium beyond the recommended dietary allowance, typically from supplementation, provided no benefit for hip or lumbar vertebral bone mineral density in older adults. (2) And a 2007 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that calcium supplements don't reduce fracture rates in older women, and may even increase the rate of hip fractures. (3)


Scientists officially link processed foods to Autoimmune Disease

The modern diet of processed foods, takeaways and microwave meals could be to blame for a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, including alopecia, asthma and eczema.

A team of scientists from Yale University in the U.S and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, in Germany, say junk food diets could be partly to blame.

'This study is the first to indicate that excess refined and processed salt may be one of the environmental factors driving the increased incidence of autoimmune diseases,' they said.

Junk foods at fast food restaurants as well as processed foods at grocery retailers represent the largest sources of sodium intake from refined salts.

The Canadian Medical Association Journal sent out an international team of researchers to compare the salt content of 2,124 items from fast food establishments such as Burger King, Domino's Pizza, Kentucky Fried Chicken, McDonald's, Pizza Hut and Subway. They found that the average salt content varied between companies and between the same products sold in different countries.