Society's ChildS


US: Campaign team walks out on Bachmann

© Rex FeaturesRepublican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann has seen support for her slump since August
Staff in key state of New Hampshire quit in a huff over 'cruelty' of candidate's inner circle

The star of Michele Bachmann, who wants to ride the energy of the Tea Party all the way to the White House, is dimming quickly - at least in the key state of New Hampshire, where her entire team has resigned in a huff over the "cruel" and "dismissive" way they were being treated by the congresswoman's national campaign team.

While personnel struggles and high-dudgeon walk-outs are hardly uncommon within presidential campaigns, few can remember a candidate being ditched by every one of their hires in a state, particularly one as important as New Hampshire, which holds the first Republican primary on 10 January.

The drama in the Bachmann enclosure is the latest in a series of squalls to ruffle the Republican field. Causing fresh consternation yesterday, at least in the camp of long-time front-runner Mitt Romney, was a New York Times/CBS News poll showing him slipping to second place nationally behind Herman Cain, the former Godfather's Pizza chief executive and radio talk show host.


Best of the Web: US: Veteran Scott Olsen Could Be The First Person To Die At A Wall Street Protest

 olsen down at occupy oakland wall street

Scott Olsen survived two tours of Iraq, but his life could be over after being critically injured by a police projectile at Occupy Oakland, The Guardian reports. He's 24 years old.

As we know, Occupy Oakland got incredibly ugly this week as police tried to remove protesters from their camp in front of City Hall by using tear gas, fire crackers, and rubber bullets.

Olsen suffered a head injury on Tuesday night, and is now in critical condition in Oakland's Highland Hospital. Jay Finneburgh, a photographer on the scene, managed to witness and take pictures of the incident. Police policy specifically prohibits the firing of these weapons at a person's head.

"This poor guy was right behind me when he was hit in the head with a police projectile. He went down hard and did not get up," Finneburgh wrote.


US: Marine Veteran's Skull Fractured by Police Projectile at 'Occupy Oakland' Protest

scott olsen @ oakland
© n/a
A Marine veteran protesting with "Occupy Oakland" sustained a skull fracture Tuesday night after being shot in the head with appears to be a tear gas canister.

Scott Olsen, a two-time Iraq war veteran and member of Iraq Veterans Against the War, was at 14th Street and Broadway when he was struck in the head.

"We need medic!" one protester was heard screaming. "Medic! Medic!"

"What happened?" another asked.

"He got shot!"

As Olsen was carried away, he appeared unconscious and bloody, unable to even respond when asked his name.


US: Drum Circles Could Doom Wall Street Occupation, Organizers Fear

A child plays along with an Occupy Wall Street drum circle in Zuccotti Park on Sunday
© Timothy A. Clary/AFP/Getty ImagesA child plays along with an Occupy Wall Street drum circle in Zuccotti Park on Sunday

Incessant noise divides demonstrators, upsets neighbors.

Someday the Occupy Wall Street protests will end, and the only question is whether they will go out with a bang or a whimper - or a lot of loud banging followed by whimpers.

At least one organizer fears it's the latter. An anonymous activist wrote a letter to the literary magazine N+1 on Monday warning that drum circles are causing such an outcry that it could derail the whole movement. Really.

It seems a core group of beat-niks in New York's Zuccotti Park has been holding marathon jam sessions from mid-morning until late at night every day, punishing the eardrums of their fellow protesters and the surrounding neighborhood. Teachers at a school across the street have complained they can't teach. And the local neighborhood community board is holding a meeting Tuesday night in which it could revoke its support of the protests if it's not satisfied that the noise will subside.

Che Guevara

Best of the Web: Occupy the World - Comparing the Words and Actions of Our Dear Leaders

This video really puts things in perspective.

Originally uploaded by Starvexer

Creative commons: Non-Commercial, Attribution, No Derivative Works license. Please message filmmaker for translations, which are very welcome : )

If mirroring, please do not change video in any way for its whole duration. Please credit the original filmmaker, musicians and music labels as some people have posted it claiming they made the video, which breaches the ethics of a creative commons.

This said, please share with everyone, including your leaders. Mirroring is encouraged, but please don't change video in any way. This video is meant to be a warning to our leaders.

Stunning music by: Hauschka, song "Stumm (Kein Wort)"

Music Label: Karaoke Kalk label based in Berlin

Including amazing shots from Alex Mallis and Kristopher Rae -


Where Do We Go From Here? Occupy Wall St.

"Where Do We Go From Here?"

On the one month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, I went to Liberty Plaza to find out where the movement will go next.

Director ED DAVID
Assistant Producer JILLIAN MASON

"I Drive" by Cliff Martinez

ED -


US, South Carolina: Woman charged with killing sons, ex-husband and stepmother for insurance

© Pickens County Detention Center'Cover up': Susan Hendricks shot and killed her two sons, her ex-husband and her stepmother then tried to make it look like her son was the killer, police said
A South Carolina mother who told police her son killed three family members and himself has been charged with murdering all of them to get their life insurance money, police said Tuesday.

Susan Hendricks, 48, was charged with the murder of her two sons, her ex-husband and her stepmother after being arrested at a motel Monday night, police said.

She was also charged with possession of a weapon during a violent crime -- a handgun she kept in her night stand.

Police were called to a house in Liberty, South Carolina, on October 14, Pickens County Assistant Sheriff Tim Morgan said. Based on observations at the scene, forensic evidence and interviews with family members, police determined Hendricks' version of what happened was false, he said.

Family members told police her motive was life insurance money. Hendricks was the beneficiary of multiple life insurance policies taken out by the victims, a police report said.

Heart - Black

US: 2 Nebraska boys kept in wire dog kennel

© The Associated Press / Lincoln County SheriffAshly Clark (left) Samantha Eyten (right)
Four children were removed from what authorities described as a filthy Nebraska trailer home where a 3-year-old boy and his 5-year-old brother were kept in a wire dog kennel, police said Tuesday.

North Platte officers went to the home late Monday after receiving a call from someone asking that police check on the welfare of the children living there, police Lt. Rich Hoaglund said. When officers went inside, they were met with the stench of urine and found trash and animal feces throughout the home, Hoaglund said.

An officer soon found two boys, ages 3 and 5, in a 30-by-42-inch wire dog kennel.

"They had a small child's mattress in there, and that's where both kids were sleeping," Hoaglund said. "The gate on that door was wired shut."

The children's mother, 22-year-old Ashly Clark, told officers she put her boys in the kennel at night to keep them from climbing out of the trailer through a window, Hoaglund said.

A couple - 25-year-old Bryson Eyten and 24-year-old Samantha Eyten - also lived in the trailer with their 8-year-old and 8-month-old children. Hoaglund said those children were not kept in the kennel.

Evil Rays

16 Things Libya Will Never See Again

1. There is no electricity bill in Libya; electricity is free for all its citizens.

2. There is no interest on loans, banks in Libya are state-owned and loans given to all its citizens at zero percent interest by law.

3. Having a home [is] considered a human right in Libya.

4. All newlyweds in Libya receive $60,000 dinar (U.S.$50,000) by the government to buy their first apartment so to help start up the family.

5. Education and medical treatments are free in Libya. Before Gaddafi only 25 percent of Libyans were literate. Today, the figure is 83 percent.

6. Should Libyans want to take up [a] farming career, they would receive farming land, a farm house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kickstart their farms are all for free.

Evil Rays

Flashback US: Maine Law Firm Wins Landmark Smart Meter Case

smart meter system
© Unknown
On behalf of several Maine residents, Skelton, Taintor & Abbott secured a landmark decision that will benefit utility customers throughout the country. Alan Stone, chair of the firm's energy law group, successfully convinced the Maine Public Utilities Commission (MPUC) to find that it was an unjust and unreasonable practice for Central Maine Power Company (CMP) to refuse to permit residential and small commercial customers to opt-out of CMP's smart meter program.

Skelton, Taintor & Abbott represented a group of customers in a complaint against CMP, and convinced the MPUC to order CMP to offer customers the option of opting out of the smart meter program and retaining their existing electromagnetic meters. Stone proved that because of unresolved concerns relating to health, privacy and cyber security resulting from the installation of wireless meters on their homes, customers should have a choice concerning the installation of those meters. CMP argued vigorously that customers should not be allowed to opt out, and the MPUC found that position to be unjust and unreasonable.

Comment: For more on the dangers of smart meters see:

"Smart" meters' flaws aid hacking

UK: Smart meters in homes could be hacked

Some Cancers Linked To Very Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, Study Suggests