Starbucks Chairman and CEO Howard Schultz is disgusted by the political gridlock in Washington, D.C., and he's fighting back by calling for corporations and individuals to boycott all campaign donations.

In an email to employees (PDF), Schultz expressed his frustrations with Congress. The response was so great that 50 business leaders urged him to call for an all-out boycott of all campaign donations until politicians get their act together.

"The fundamental problem is that the lens through which Congress approaches issues is re-election," he told New York Times columnist Joe Nocera. "The lifeblood of their re-election campaigns is political contributions."

"The debt crisis is really the symbol of a larger problem, which is that our leaders are not leading," Schultz added. "America's leaders need to put their feet in the shoes of working Americans. Instead, all they think about is their own political self-interest."

Schultz knows that boycotts work.

The Starbucks CEO pulled out of being the featured speaker at an anti-gay megachurch last week after gay activists threatened to boycott the coffee chain.

Watch this video from CBS' The Early Show, broadcast Aug. 15, 2011.