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Cyprus probes weapons on Sudan-bound ship

Cyprus bound ship
© unknown
Cyprus has intercepted a vessel carrying military equipment thought to be bound for Sudan, under an arms embargo by the United Nations and the European Union. Authorities said yesterday the Antigua and Barbuda flagged cargo vessel had been prevented from leaving Cypriot waters since June 11, when it anchored off Limassol requesting refuelling.

"There is material (on board) which is considered prohibited from leaving Cyprus right now," Commerce Minister Antonis Paschalides told state radio. "When we speak of prohibited material it means explosives or military material." Police said the vessel was sailing to Sudan and then Singapore.


SOTT Focus: Protocol 12 in Action Or The Dissemination of Truth

© SOTT.netA recent picture taken at a Barnes & Noble store (one of the largest bookstore chains in the U.S.). Notice that the top shelf of the bookcase is filled with books about "2012," face out. Inquiring minds want to know!
The 'Dissemination of Truth' - where would we be without it? It's one thing to discover and then find ways to clearly articulate the Truths about humanity's current condition in some written form. It's another thing altogether to find the means to share or disseminate these Truths in a quantitatively significant way; in a way that reaches ever greater numbers of people who may be asking for knowledge of those Truths. For once again, and much to our chagrin - but not to our surprise - the editors of this site have come smack dab against the invisible lines of force blocking us from sharing what we have learned with an ever-widening public who wants to see what is.

As regular readers of the SOTT page know, the Rabbit Hole goes down very far indeed. In addition to the many Focus articles and Special Features we present here, our editors also publish books and make them available for purchase in the QFG wing of our sites. Not only do book sales help us to finance our activities, but there are some ideas that can only be adequately communicated in their full depth and breadth in the format of a book.


Best of the Web: Video: US Cop Punches 17-Year-old Girl In Face For Jay-Walking

This is the moment a white American police officer punches a teenage black girl in the face after a dispute about how she and her friend crossed the road.

Video footage of Officer Ian Walsh lashing out at the 17-year-old in Seattle has shocked the U.S.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Changing Perspectives In The US, But Is There A Breaking Point?

I was catching up with some of my friends this past weekend, and the subject of the oil leak came up, and I was surprised by the direness of their prognostications. They are what I would call "Mainstream California Conservative" in the sense they do not buy Fox news, but are counter-culturally aware, a group of cross-cultural sports fans who like to bash conspiracy theory but hate Rush Limbaugh. They are plugged directly into mainstream media 'only,' and they were saying stuff along the lines of: "The end of the world;" "The cause of a world-wide depression and collapse and war and totalitarianism, etc."

On the one side I am happy to see that they begin to understand the danger of the potential tyranny before us all, but I am also concerned for them because their hearts really are heavy and they really are afraid. As if a lightning bolt hit them, I could not believe I heard them say how the corporate model they formerly swore by is out of control, and how our entire system is FUBAR and we are totally screwed by the selfish rich, they've been working on their plan for 50 years etc., creating a faceless corporate clan to hide behind. (Oh, in this case the choice of what word to fill in for the R in FUBAR for them was 'repair,' not 'recognition.')

Heart - Black

Psychopath Madoff has Contempt for Victims, is Hero to Inmates: Report

Ponzi schemer Bernard Madoff, serving a 150-year sentence for masterminding Wall Street's biggest fraud, has total contempt for his victims and is considered a hero by his fellow inmates, New York Magazine said Monday.

In a profile of the 72-year-old fraudster, a year into his sentence at Butner federal prison, in North Carolina, the weekly said Madoff's feelings for the people he scammed were overheard one day when he said: "Fuck my victims. I carried them for 20 years, and now I'm doing 150 years."

The magazine said Madoff enjoyed celebrity status from the moment he arrived at the penitentiary under security escort complete with circling helicopters and a bevy of reporters.

Comment: Spoken like a true psychopath: remorseless, pathologically arrogant, and blaming his victims.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: No Comment

Child smuggling food into the Warsaw Ghetto

Child smuggling food into Gaza

Star of David

SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Israel's Vengeance, Loose Nukes, Gulf Ecocide

© Reuters/Luke MacGregor Pro-Palestinian demonstrators protest outside the Israel's embassy in Kensington, west London June 1, 2010.
Israel's self-fulfilling prophecy moved one step closer to its tragic conclusion last month as its façade of normalcy slipped and the world glimpsed the true nature of the Zionist project in the Middle East. The massacre of innocents aboard the Mavi Marmara has galvanised global citizens to end the Siege of Gaza once and for all. But Israel's lunacy is altogether more dangerous following the UN's official acknowledgment that Israel is armed to the teeth with nuclear weapons. Its willingness to use them "by way of deception" strengthens the likelihood of a false-flag nuclear attack being carried out to avenge humanity's non-existent "victimisation" of the "Light unto the Nations."

We will examine the latest ridiculous case of "homegrown terrorism" in the US which took place on the eve of momentous discussions on nuclear disarmament in New York City, as well as the framing of North Korea for the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan. Was Israel involved in both events? The hysteria these two attacks generated as well as their timing certainly indicates that somebody is blowing smoke to distract people from moves on the grand chessboard. The clownish Times Square car bomb was not the real terrorist act in New York last month. Financial terrorists held the US government hostage until it reversed its decision to break up organised crime on Wall Street. Is the eurozone debt crisis similarly contrived?

The devastation in the Gulf of Mexico is more than Obama's "Hurricane Katrina." It is a crime against Nature that could easily have been averted. The Earth will continue to bleed oil until enough people wake up from their slumber. The methane gas explosion at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig is another wake-up call to the dangers of our pervasive and persistent wishful thinking about the world around us, our role in it and the consequences of giving away our power to those least capable of using it responsibly. At the same time, Nature plays its part as the planet continues to open up and methane bubbles up to the surface. There were at least three volcanic eruptions in May which dwarfed last month's hyped performance from Eyjafjallajokull. Many more have been placed on 'alert' status.

Major events of global significance are taking place on an almost daily basis now. While some could be considered "natural events", reflecting back to us the chaotic state of our world, others are willfully perpetrated to intensify chaos and distract attention from the desperate maneuvers of our intra-species predator to retain control of an environment that is rapidly changing. No deed is too abhorrent for them to purposely commit, no lie too big for them to utter. The people of Thailand may have lost the battle against its pathocratic government, but their struggle for justice against the forces of fascism is mirrored in the wave of righteous anger demonstrated by Greeks who will not submit quietly to the diktats of the faceless financial terrorists, as well as the shock-waves of revulsion at Israel's barbarity that reverberated around the world.

Let's Connect the Dots of May's mayhem...


SOTT Focus: Aid to Gaza, Lies & Videotape: Zionist Propaganda Falls Apart with the Slightest Inquiry

Angle-grinder - 'al-qaeda's' favorite weapon.
As many of you know, the state of Israel boarded the recent humanitarian mission to Gaza, killed several people on board, injured others, hijacked the boats and subsequently took all 700 people to a prison facility in southern Israel. These are the facts of the matter.

Ever since the event a plethora of lies, justifications and paramoralistic nonsense has been spouted from the mouths of the Israeli authorities and American mainstream media pundits. The biggest of all, and most easily disprovable, is that the flotilla contained weapons bound for Gaza to be used against Israeli's.

Israel has published pictures of "weapons" and "war material" that they confiscated from the freedom flotilla, this cash of "deadly weapons" comprises kitchen knives, pocket knives, assorted poles, angle grinders, gas masks and some flak jackets. What? No guns??

But wait, kitchen knives on board a ship that was feeding hundreds of people on a week-long voyage? Shocking! Assorted long poles...on a ship?? Outrageous! Gas masks and bullet proof vests in the possession of people who had planned to disembark in Gaza, the world's biggest open-air prison where innocent people are regularly assaulted with tear gas and shot at by IDF troops? Unthinkable! And the angle grinders! Good lord, now there's a deadly anti-personnel weapon to beat them all!

Star of David

SOTT Focus: What if Iran had carried out the Gaza carnage?

© AP Photo/Dita AlangkaraA Muslim student holds up a poster during a rally against Israel's deadly commando raid on ships taking humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip, in Jakarta, Indonesia, Tuesday, June 1, 2010.
It's not unjustifiable to consider Israel as the absolute incarnation of fraudulence, relentlessness and brutality. Since its establishment, the Zionist regime has carried out actions that contravene the international regulations and cancel out human rights in one way or another. Only a brief look into the account of Israel's bloody interaction with the Palestinian people over the past 60 years shows us that this fabricated regime does not deserve "the right to exist", as U.S. and European officials periodically remind us.

Monday's assault of the Israel Defense Forces on the flotilla of humanitarian aid which was heading to the besieged Gaza Strip from Turkey left at least 16 dead and many others wounded. Never mind that Israel's criminal action violated the 4th Geneva 1949 Convention. Just imagine for a single moment that Iran had carried out the carnage instead of Israel. Simply replace the two names and then read the news as reported by CNN: "The Free Gaza Movement, one of the organizers of the aid, said that Iranian commandos dropped from a helicopter onto the deck of one of the ships early Monday and immediately opened fire on unarmed civilians."

Arrow Down

32 States Now Officially Bankrupt: $37.8 Billion Borrowed From Treasury To Fund Unemployment

Courtesy of Economic Policy Journal we now know that the majority of American states are currently insolvent, and that the US Treasury has been conducting a shadow bailout of at least 32 US states. Over 60% of Americans receiving state unemployment benefits are getting these directly from the US government, as 32 states have now borrowed $37.8 billion from Uncle Sam to fund unemployment insurance. The states in most dire condition, are, not unexpectedly, the unholy trifecta of California ($6.9 billion borrowed), Michigan ($3.9 billion), and New York ($3.2 billion). With this form of shadow bailout occurring, one can only wonder how many other shadow programs are currently in operation to fund states under the table with federal money.The full list of America's 32 insolvent states is below, sorted in order of bankruptedness.