Society's ChildS

Bad Guys

Police Talk to More Girls Over Suspected Child Sex Ring

Police investigating a suspected child sex ring in Oxford said last night they are speaking to more girls as the investigation continues.

Det Insp Simon Morton, right, who is leading Operation Bullfinch, said: "More girls are talking to us - but that doesn't mean more victims have come forward."

Detectives and social workers seconded from Oxfordshire County Council are continuing to talk to suspected victims and their families after the arrest of 13 men on Thursday.

Mr Morton, who was due to retire this month, is staying on to continue leading the investigation.

Alarm Clock

Tibetan Lights Self on Fire at Anti-China Protest

Associated Press on WhoSay

New Delhi - A Tibetan exile lit himself on fire and ran shouting through a demonstration in the Indian capital Monday, just before a visit by China's president and following dozens of self-immolations done in China in protest of its rule over Tibet.

ndian police swept through the New Delhi protest a few hours later, detaining scores of Tibetans.

The man apparently had doused himself with something highly flammable and was engulfed in flames when he ran past the podium where speakers were criticizing China and President Hu Jintao's visit.

Fellow activists beat out the flames with Tibetan flags and poured water onto him. He was on fire perhaps less than two minutes, but some of his clothing had disintegrated and his skin was mottled with black, burned patches by the time he was driven to a hospital.


Lawmakers Call TSA Airport Screeners Ineffective, Rude

© Associated PressIs that a box cutter in your pocket or are you just happy to be at the airport?
US, Washington - House members of both parties say the agency in charge of airport and port anti-terrorist screening uses ineffective tactics and treats travelers rudely.

Officials of the Transportation Security Administration told a hearing Monday they had made significant improvements and are moving away from a one-size-fits-all screening system.

Lawmakers at the joint hearing of two committees said Americans are treated like prisoners and cattle, protected by faulty equipment, patted down because of their disabilities and made to follow different rules at different times.

They said the TSA paid rent to keep faulty equipment in warehouses, even rushing to haul it away as congressional investigators were arriving.

A TSA official said the agency is expanding a program for travelers to go through a fast line if they provide personal information in advance.


TSA Workers Evacuated Over Odor from Passenger's Bag

Four were brought to hospital complaining of eye and throat problems

US, Boston - Authorities say rodent repellant in a passenger's bag caused a noxious odor that sent four Transportation Security Administration workers at Boston's Logan International Airport to the hospital.

Authorities say 15 TSA workers were evacuated from a bag room at Terminal A shortly after the odor was noticed at about 8:20 a.m. on Monday. Four were brought to a hospital as a precaution complaining of eye and throat problems or headaches.

The all clear was given shortly after 10 a.m. after the chemical in the bag was determined to be camphor.

The bag's owners were questioned but not charged. Their names were not made public.

Police say the couple was en route to Beijing.

No passengers were affected.

Terminal A handles flights for Alaska Airlines, Delta Airlines and United Airlines.

Source: The Associated Press


Rabbit 'Shot' in Strange New Herman Cain Video

Herman Cain
US - Former presidential candidate Herman Cain released a video Monday involving the depiction of a rabbit that is shot by a firearm after being launched into the air.

The graphic scene is supposed to represent "small business under the current tax code," a young girl narrates.

The child places the rabbit into a basket, and special effects simulates the basket flinging the rabbit through the air.

Another character in the video then shoots the rabbit as it hurtles through space, while shrieking can be heard.

"Any questions?" asks the child. "Any questions?"

A scene in which Cain looks down across a valley wraps up the video.

"The rabbit is fine but our current tax code is killing small business!" according to text below the YouTube video.


Military Academies Hold First Gay Pride Events

© The Associated Press/Toby TalbotIn this March 21, 2012 photo, Norwich University cadet Joshua Fontanez stands on the parade ground in Northfield, Vt. Fontanez, president of the Norwich University Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Question, and Allies Club, says the club will be hosting its first ever Pride Week at Norwich University.
US: Northfield, Vermont - At the beginning of the school year, gay pride events at a military academy with titles like "condom Olympics" and "queer prom" would have been unthinkable. This week, they're a reality.

Cadets in uniform at Norwich University, the nation's oldest private military academy, participated Monday in sessions about handling bullying and harassment as part of the school's first gay pride week. The events are believed to be the first of their kind on a military campus.

Just over six months after the end of the "don't ask, don't tell" rule that prohibited gays and lesbians from serving openly in the armed forces, it's a different - and less secretive - world.

Until last year, only a select few at Norwich knew of the sexual orientation of Joshua Fontanez, 22, of Browns Mills, N.J., a past president of the student government who quietly laid the groundwork for the school's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning and Allies Club, which held its first meeting the day the law ended.

He had always wanted to be a soldier but figured he'd have to keep his sexuality a secret.

"The aspects of my sexual orientation, how that played in the military, that was something I was willing to sacrifice, being open versus serving my nation," Fontanez said. "It's something I feel I was truly called toward and truly loved, so it's great that I don't have necessarily to make that sacrifice."


Men With Army Ties Held in Drugs, Murder Plot

© HCFrom left, Kevin Corley, Shavar Davis and Samuel Walker were arrested in a Laredo confrontation with federal agents who shot a fourth man to death
US - Two men with Army ties _ including an active-duty sergeant _ sought to work with a Mexican drug cartel in a murder-for-hire scheme in which they would kill rival gang members and recover stolen cocaine for $50,000 and drugs, according to a federal criminal complaint.

Sgt. Samuel Walker, 28, and former Lt. Kevin Corley, 29, believed they were meeting with members of the Zetas drug cartel last weekend in Texas, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Instead, they were dealing with undercover federal agents who arrested the men along with another man, Shavar Davis, on Saturday in Laredo. A third suspect, Corley's cousin Jerome Corley, was fatally shot during the arrests.

Kevin Corley also is accused of selling military-grade weapons to the agents and offering to train cartel members.

Walker is stationed at Fort Carson in Colorado, and Kevin Corley was stationed at the post before he was discharged from the Army two weeks ago.

Investigators said the three men, along with Shavar Davis, were meeting Saturday with undercover agents posing as members of the Zetas to discuss details of the murder-for-hire scheme. After agreeing on payment, federal agents moved in. Kevin Corley, Walker and Davis were arrested, while Jerome Corley was shot several times. He died at a local hospital.


Two dead after shooting at medical clinic in southwestern Newfoundland

Canada, De Garu, Newfoundland - A receptionist at a medical clinic in southwestern Newfoundland was shot dead Monday as was her estranged husband in a murder-suicide, says the community's mayor and a relative.

"We're a community of about 950 people and virtually everybody knows most of the people involved," said Cape St. George Mayor Peter Fenwick.

"It's a terrible shock to a small community like this."

The RCMP say they responded to a shooting at the De Grau Medical Clinic just before 1 p.m. in De Grau on the province's Port au Port Peninsula.

The Mounties say a 49-year-old woman was killed and a 54-year-old man who was injured later died at the Sir Thomas Roddick Hospital in Stephenville, N.L.

RCMP Sgt. Marc Coulombe said investigators are not looking for a suspect, but he wasn't able to release any details of the circumstances surrounding the shooting.


Herman Cain Releases Disgusting Ad Campaigns

© Getty Images
No household pet, it seems, is safe from Herman Cain.

Having already used a flopping, out-of-water goldfish to portray "the economy on stimulus," Cain sent an email to supporters on Monday to let them know that "A brand new, take-no-prisoners video is available for your viewing and forwarding pleasure. And this one picks right up where we left off on our theme of "Sick of Stimulus" - and may even go a bit farther."

It turns out that "a bit farther" means using a rabbit as a skeet-shooting target. In the 30-second video, which advertises Cain's website, the small girl from the goldfish ad places a rabbit in a catapult, where it's launched and shot out of the sky by a man with a rifle. "This is small business under the current tax code. Any questions?" asks the girl, as the man cocks the rifle again in the background.


Gold Bar Discovered Filled With Tungsten

In the biggest news we've broke since the JP Morgan whistle-blower stepped forward, Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion has contacted SD to advise that one of its suppliers has provided them photographic evidence of a tungsten filled 1 kilo gold bar discovered this week.

The bar passed a hand-held xrf scan which showed 99.98% pure AU. The tungsten was only discovered when the bar was physically cut in half.

After numerous reports of 400oz tungsten filled bars being discovered in Hong Kong, this is the first documented and verified report with photographic evidence that has been made public.

Fake Gold Bars_1
© Silver Doctor1000g Gold bar cut showing inserted tungsten rods.

Submitted by Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion:
Attached are photographs of a legitimate Metalor 1000gm Au bar that has been drilled out and filled with Tungsten (W).This bar was purchased by staff of a scrap dealer in xxxxx, UK yesterday. The bar appeared to be perfect other than the fact that it was 2gms underweight. It was checked by hand-held xrf and showed 99.98% Au. Being Tungsten, it would not be ferro-magnetic. The bar was supplied with the original certificate.

The owner of the business that purchased the bar only became suspicious when he realized the weight discrepancy and had the bar cropped. He estimates between 30-40% of the weight of the bar to be Tungsten.