Society's ChildS

Eye 2

UK woman crammed house with 140 snakes

Cruel: Most of the sankes were kept in plastic tubs stacked to the ceiling
A woman crammed her house with 140 snakes including pythons and boas and kept them squashed in old sweet tubs and plastic bins, a court has heard.

Pauline Wallace, 64, had the vast number of reptiles housed in an upstairs bedroom, living room and garage.

RSPCA inspectors found 20 lying dead in a fridge freezer next to a dead cat because she couldn't bear to bury them.

It is not believed all were part of the criminal case against her.

The rest of her collection was kept in old sweet tubs, plastic bins and vivariums that were stacked from floor to ceiling.

Wallace had denied a raft of animal cruelty charges but today changed her plea before she was due to stand trial.


Cop Safety . . .

Officer Safety_1
© EricPetersAuto
If it is reasonable - justifiable - for a cop to base every interaction with a citizen on the presumption that the citizen might be a threat to his "safety," isn't the reverse all the more reasonable? That a citizen should assume the worst when confronted by a cop?

After all, a cop is known to be armed - and not merely with a gun. He possesses the authority of the state and with it, a far more relaxed standard for using gross and disproportionate violence against a citizen. He can do things to you legally - without fear of repercussions that no ordinary citizen would dare to do - and to which, moreover, the ordinary citizen is legally obliged to submit.

Is it not enough to make a citizen fear for his safety?


You are driving along, on your way home. You glance up in the rearview and notice there is a big white sedan just inches off your bumper. Cops do this for a reason - to intimidate a prospect.

Then all of a sudden, flashing strobe lights and loud sirens - the purpose of which is also to intimidate. To instill fear.

Officer Safety_2
© EricPetersAuto
Now you are aware that an armed stranger is demanding you stop your vehicle - god only knows why.

But you do know - having read about it last week - that another armed stranger subjected another motorist who'd apparently done nothing more than commit a minor moving violation to repeated forced anal probing, forced enemas and a forced colonoscopy.

You know, moreover, that this was not an isolated, one-time incident (see here) but rather, has become a fairly common practice (affirmed by the Supreme Court, which has ruled that citizens are subject to strip searches - at the discretion of the cop - after having been detained for almost any "violation," including minor traffic offenses).

Your mind rolls over the YouTube videos you saw the other day. The Tazerings, the head-kickings, the slamming of slightly built, middle aged women into concrete benches.

You wonder: am I going to be next?


What will the coming civil unrest look like?

looted shelves
© April O'Brien
According to a survey conducted by the Adelphi University Center for Health Innovation, 55 percent of Americans believe that the government will come to their rescue when the proverbial poop hits the fan because your big brother really cares. Literally, every alternative media outlet could show conclusive proof that an EMP was going to wipe out the power grid. We could conclusively prove that nuclear bombs were going off in 39 American cities in the most horrific false flag attack in world history and it would not make any difference to 55% of all Americans because of their cognitive dissonance.

In Part One of this series, I detailed how the present administration, through Executive Order 13603, is positioning itself to impose martial law and subsequently control all food and food production. Part One further pointed out that despots use the control of food, and subsequent starvation of millions, as a means to subjugate an unruly population.

The United States is staring at an economic collapse in the face with its $17 trillion dollar deficit, $238 trillion dollars of unfunded mandates (e.g. social security, Medicare, etc.) and a one quadrillion dollar derivatives debt in which the governments of the world are being forced to assume in the form of the "bailouts". Even if Obama and his bankster puppet masters never had any intention of executing a false flag event in order to put this country into martial law in order to fully complete the coup d'รฉtat that is already underway, a crash is coming. The banks are going to collapse, the people will riot, there will be food shortages, whether they be planned or unplanned. I do, however, believe that food will undoubtedly be used to control the unruly masses, despite the DHS and their new found friends in the Chinese and Russian armies which are on our soil.

Are you prepared? At the bottom of this article, I will visually demonstrate to the reader with real time examples of human behavior in groups, how each of us is going to be in very grave danger when the collapse comes. But first, let's analyze America's present level of individual and collective preparedness.

How Prepared Is America?

Last year, the Adelphi University research center tells us that 53% of all Americans do not have a three day supply of nonperishable food and water in their homes. FEMA and DHS are not about serving the needs of the American people; these agencies are about preserving the status quo of the powers that be. But don't try and tell that to 55% of the citizens of this country.

Most Likely Causes of a Societal Breakdown

As the TV show by the same name, there are literally a 1,000 ways to die. The following six events represent some of the most likely events which would mortally wound our society.

1. World War III

2. False flag attack as a result of a series of nuclear explosions

3. False flag attack as a result of a chemical and biological attack

4. EMP attack

5. Military coup resulting in civil war

6. Economic collapse

Alarm Clock

The last Thanksgiving?

Obama thanksgiving
If the American people only knew that this was their last Thanksgiving

I sincerely hope you were blessed with a great Thanksgiving, complete with all the turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie that you could eat.

As you prepared your feast, did you think about the fact that we in America throw away more food than many countries have an opportunity to eat? As you pulled your chair up to your Thanksgiving table, did you think about the fact that half the world goes to bed hungry?

Since the end of WWII, most Americans have been blessed with plenty to eat, so much so, that we simply take our overflowing of Thanksgiving blessings for granted.

If you think an 800 number begging you to feed a hungry child is going to appear, you would be mistaken. However, there are people, who have power over us, who would like to make this the last Thanksgiving by making food into a weapon.

A Global Awakening

Brzezinski, one of the most hated and well-known globalists, recently lamented that there is a global awakening to the source of the tyranny on this planet and that "they" must accelerate their timetable for the completion of a global takeover. And the full-court press has subsequently been placed on humanity as we are under assault in ways never witnessed before.

One of the most popular methods of subjugation has to do with controlling who eats and who dies. Historically, food has been one of the most effective tools of subjugation.

The Historical Precedent of Subjugating Through Starvation

The lessons of history clearly demonstrate that dictatorial regimes, whether they be Socialists, Communists, and Marxists will not hesitate to use food as a weapon against their own people in order to solidify power and impose absolute autocratic control. Food can be withheld from the masses by preventing it from being grown and harvested, by contaminating it and rendering it unfit for human consumption or by simply preventing food from being distributed to a targeted population.

The two most notable examples of dictators using food a weapon in order to destroy the free will of their people comes from the regimes of Stalin and Hitler.

Josef Stalin engaged in his own Soviet style Holocaust when, in 1932 and 1933, and estimated six to 20 million people in the Ukraine died from starvation when Stalin implemented his prescription of "hope and change" policies in order to eliminate the Ukrainian's desire for becoming their own nation-state.

Upon assuming power, the Stalinist Communist regime rapidly nationalized the food industry and forced all of the region's farms into collectives. Thus, Stalin's version of the Holocaust came to fruition in what history has dubbed, the "Holdomor," in which millions perished in only a two year period when the Soviet government began to exterminate the Ukrainian population by taking control of food and food production.


Texas boy tasered by officer after breaking up school fight, remains in a coma

Cedar Creek High School in Cedar Creek
© Larry D. MooreCedar Creek High School in Cedar Creek.
A high school student suffered a brain injury and remains in a medically-induced coma after a Texas sheriff's deputy tasered him without cause following a skirmish in a school hallway, the boy's mother claims in court.

Maria Acosta has sued Bastrop County, its school district and Randy McMillan, a Bastrop County sheriff's officer and school resource officer, according to Courthouse News.

Noe Nino de Rivera, Acosta's son, suffered a "severe brain hemorrhage" when McMillan Tasered him after the boy, known as N.N., had intervened to halt a fight between two females at Cedar Creek High School on Wednesday, November 20, Acosta claims in a federal lawsuit.

"I'm called to the school and they say you have to get to the hospital," Acosta told KXAN last week. "(They said) your son is alive. I say, 'what do you mean he's alive?'"

Her son "stepped in to break up the fight" before police could arrive, Acosta says in the suit.

McMillan and another security officer arrived to break up the fight upon being called by school officials. Acosta says her son "diffused the situation" by the time they arrived on the scene.

McMillan told N.N. to step away, and he did so with his hands raised, but McMillan tasered him nevertheless, Acosta alleges.

Immobilized by the Taser, N.N. fell and struck his head on the floor, at which point McMillan handcuffed the unconscious boy, 17.


The truly bizarre border between Canada and the United States

Interesting summary of some of the oddities of the world's longest border.


At least three feared dead after police helicopter crashes into Glasgow pub

Glasgow helicopter crash
© Jan Hollands/PAScene of the police helicopter crash at the Clutha Vaults bar in Glasgow.
At least three people were feared dead and dozens were in hospital after a police helicopter crashed through the roof of a busy pub in the city centre of Glasgow as it was hosting a live music event.

A band was playing inside the Clutha Vaults bar when the Eurocopter EC135 T2 operated by Police Scotland came down just before 10.30pm. The aircraft had on board two police officers and a civilian pilot at the time. Eyewitnesses described badly injured people at the scene.

As Saturday morning broke in Glasgow, Scottish police said 32 people had been taken to hospitals across the city including the Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the Western Infirmary. Rescue crews and medical teams were continuing to recover others from the scene.

Arrow Down

Flashback Canadians with mental illnesses denied U.S. entry

© Sarah Bridge/CBCLois Kamenitz contacted the Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office in Toronto after she was blocked entry to the United States because U.S. officials knew she had attempted suicide.
More than a dozen Canadians have told the Psychiatric Patient Advocate Office in Toronto within the past year that they were blocked from entering the United States after their records of mental illness were shared with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Lois Kamenitz, 65, of Toronto contacted the office last fall, after U.S. customs officials at Pearson International Airport prevented her from boarding a flight to Los Angeles on the basis of her suicide attempt four years earlier.

Kamenitz says she was stopped at customs after showing her passport and asked to go to a secondary screening. There, a Customs and Border Protection officer told Kamenitz that he had information that police had attended her home in 2006.

People 2

Mormon Bishop poses as homeless man to teach church about compassion

homeless morman bishop
A bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints disguised himself as a homeless man to gauge his church's compassion, so convincingly that some church members asked him to leave before he revealed himself.

"The main thing I was trying to get across was we don't need to be so quick to judge," Bishop David Musselman told KUTV-TV regarding his lesson preceding his Nov. 24 sermon at the Taylorsville Fourth Ward church in Salt Lake City.

Musselman enlisted the aid of a friend and professional makeup artist, Tara Starling, to help with the ruse, applying makeup and fake facial hair, to go along with the wig and fake glasses he used for the disguise. Only his second counselor knew about the plan. The disguise was effective enough, the Associated Press reported, that at least five people asked him to leave.

"Many actually went out of their way to purposefully ignore me, and they wouldn't even make eye contact," Musselman told the Deseret News. "I'd approach them and say, 'Happy Thanksgiving,' [to] many of them. I wouldn't ask for any food or any kind of money, and their inability to even acknowledge me being there was very surprising."

Eye 1

Canadian denied entry to the US after agent cites private medical records

© Reuters / Shannon Stapleton
A wheelchair-bound Canadian woman was denied entry to the United States this week because she was previously diagnosed with clinical depression. Now she wants to know why the US Department of Homeland Security had her medical history on file.

The Toronto Star's Valerie Haunch reported on Thursday that 50-year-old author Ellen Richardson was turned away from the city's Pearson Airport three days earlier after DHS officials said she lacked the necessary medical clearance to cross into the US.

"I was turned away, I was told, because I had a hospitalization in the summer of 2012 for clinical depression,'' Richardson told the Star.

The woman, who has been paraplegic since an unsuccessful suicide attempt in 2001, was planning to fly to New York City to start a 10-day Caribbean cruisein collaboration with a March of Dimes group, and had already invested around $6,000 into the trip, she told the paper.

"I was so aghast. I was saying, 'I don't understand this. What is the problem?' I was so looking forward to getting away . . . I'd even brought a little string of Christmas lights I was going to string up in the cabin. . . . It's not like I can just book again right away," she said.

But according to what American officials told her, it would take the permission of US government-approved doctor and around $500 in fees in order to enter the country. Richardson soon left the airport defeated, but only afterward did she begin to raise questions about what the DHS knew about her.

"It really hit me later - that it's quite stunning they have that information," she told CBC.