First, the government responds to the
September 11th attack by passing the
Patriot Act, which is purportedly designed to protect us from foreign terrorists. Most of America cheers it on, never realizing that within the act is a broad definition for something
categorized as domestic terrorism, or "activities that
appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, or to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion."
Second, they pass the National Defense Authorization Ac
t, which allows them, under the definitions for domestic terrorism set forth by the
Patriot Act, to detain someone without trial and forever if they
appear to be subverting the newly established status quo.
Third, they declare all federal property, or property being used for political events where Secret Service protection is present, as "events of national significance" through the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement
Act. Undesirable demonstrators operating counter to the official narrative in these areas are herded into court approved
free speech zones.
Comment: The banks may actually have a point. They are not solely to blame for food price increases; extreme weather has devastated crops in recent years. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the few continue to enrich themselves at the expense of the many.