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Gold Seal

Best of the Web: British State Terrorism from Northern Ireland to Syria

From Northern Ireland to Syria, it's all the same to the British elite...
This story connects far-flung places. Kenya, Malaya, Northern Ireland and now Syria. The one over-arching theme is British counter-insurgency strategy, or more plainly, the use of state terrorism by British forces to achieve political objectives.

The story came alive again this week with two seemingly unrelated news developments. First, we learn of deeper involvement of Britain's military in the violence raging across Syria. British military officers and Special Forces are reportedly training - in Jordanian territory - foreign-backed militants to step up their campaign of terrorism across Syria.

These terror gangs, whom the Western mainstream media call "freedom fighters", have been plunging Syria into bloody chaos for the past 22 months, with car bombs ripping through civilian neighbourhoods and death squads massacring whole villages, the latest being Aqrab in Hama Province where over 125 people where murdered this week. Ample evidence shows that the mercenaries, recruited from various countries including Libya, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, are covertly supplied with weapons and training from the US, Britain and France via the conduits of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

Comment: The British regime is conservatively estimated to have directly or indirectly killed between 7.5 and 11.5 million people around the world from WWII to 2004 [Source: Unpeople: Britain's Secret Human Rights Abuses, by Mark Curtis].


Second man 'in camo pants and dark jacket' arrested at scene of Connecticut school shooting

Before being subject to the usual 'lone(r) gunman' propaganda technique, there were many initial reports of a least two shooters being present at the Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut on that fateful December morning.

It is clear that 20-year-old Adam Lanza could not have done this all by himself (assuming he was actually involved - we have no way of knowing and no way of ever finding out for sure). The shooting dead of 28 people, with at least 100 rounds let off, took place within three minutes... and we're being asked to believe that "autistic, troubled" Lanza pulled it off with two handguns?

Watch and listen as an eyewitness describes a "fully-grown man wearing camo pants and dark jacket" being led out of the nearby woods in handcuffs.

Comment: See also: Connecticut massacre, two shooters? Look to Aurora, Colorado


Flashback Wisconsin Sikh Temple mass shooting: FOUR shooters, not one as officially reported

Just as we have seen in the Fort Hood base mass shooting in 2009, the Aurora theater mass shooting in July 2012 and most recently the Connecticut school massacre in December 2012, the gunning down of six people during worship at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, on August 5, 2012 was blamed on a 'lone gunman', later named as Wade Michael Page, a "white supremacist".

Now, let's listen to the testimony of someone who was actually there...

Arrow Down

Venezuela furious at Obama's comments on ailing Chavez

© Reuters/Carlos Garcia RawlinsMilitary personnel attend a mass to pray for Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez in Caracas, December 13, 2012.
Caracas - Venezuela's government reacted with fury on Friday to U.S. President Barack Obama's criticism of ailing Hugo Chavez's "authoritarian" government at a time of national anxiety over his battle to recover from cancer surgery.

In an interview with U.S. network Univision, Obama declined to speculate on the 58-year-old socialist president's health in Cuba, where he is in a delicate state after his fourth operation since mid-2011 for cancer in his pelvic region.

But he did say U.S. policy was aimed at ensuring "freedom" in Venezuela. "The most important thing is to remember that the future of Venezuela should be in the hands of the Venezuelan people. We've seen from Chavez in the past authoritarian policies, suppression of dissent," Obama said.

Those remarks went down badly with officials in Caracas where emotions are running high over the future of Chavez and his self-styled revolution in the South American OPEC nation.

In power since 1999, Chavez is due to start a new six-year term on January 10 after winning re-election just weeks before Obama did. His health crisis has thrown that into doubt, and Chavez has named a successor in case he is incapacitated.

"With these despicable comments at such a delicate moment for Venezuela, the U.S. president is responsible for a major deterioration in bilateral relations, proving the continuity of his policy of aggression and disrespect towards our country," the Venezuelan government said in a statement.

Heart - Black

The Torture of Bradley Manning

Bradley Manning
© Drawing by Clark Stoekley via Flickr
After more than 900 days of detainment in United States military jails for allegedly disclosing state secrets, the haunting imprisonment of accused WikiLeaks source Pfc. Bradley Manning was discussed in court for the first time at the latest round of pretrial motion hearings that began on Nov. 27 in Fort Meade, MD. Below is an account of those court proceedings. The case will continue intermittently into 2013.


If there's a bad time to discuss holiday shopping, it's while waiting for someone to describe being tortured.

I was soaking wet and still half asleep when our driver turned to the back seat of the press shuttle and said something so totally irrelevant and ill-timed that I knew right then and there that she was either innocently naรฏve or politely retarded.

"Can you believe it," she said, "Christmas is already less than a month away."

Festive fucking cheer is not particularly on the mind, at least not on this Tuesday morning at Fort Meade, Maryland. The sprawling 6.6-square mile United States Army base just outside of Washington, DC is the venue for the pretrial motion hearings in the case against Private First Class Bradley Manning. By the time the trial is over, a soldier considered a hero by some could be sentenced to life in prison. I was likely not the only one uninterested in having a holly jolly ol' time, but that didn't do anything to change the fact that our driver had just adjusted the FM dial to pick up "Santa Baby."


When only 22 years old, Pfc. Manning was arrested at his barrack in Baghdad and dragged off to Kuwait, then to perhaps the worst locale yet - Quantico, Virginia - for the longest stretch of the two-and-a-half years of imprisonment that's been condemned by the United Nations and Nobel laureates as tantamount to torture. Pfc. Manning won't be court-martialed by a military judge until next March, and at that point he'll likely have spent over 1,000 days - ten percent of his life - in solitary confinement.

This, of course, is because the US says Manning took 250,000 diplomatic embassy cables and a trove of sensitive military documents and sent them to the website WikiLeaks. Among the documents Pfc. Manning allegedly leaked are the Afghan War Diaries, the Iraq War Logs, secret diplomatic communications, and a video of US soldiers firing at Iraqi civilians and journalists from the air in a clip that was dubbed "Collateral Murder."


Best of the Web: Which Obama should we believe?

Crocodile tears: Obama kills thousands of children in the Middle East with drones without batting an eye.
As the news of the Connecticut school massacre sinks in, it would take a hard-hearted person not to feel for the parents, families and friends of the victims. It is the sort of event which most of us will not experience first-hand, but some of us may know someone who has gone through a similar tragedy.

In fact, a good friend of mine lost one nephew in a bomb attack in 2008 and last month another nephew was seriously wounded in almost identical circumstances. On the second occasion, President Barack Obama gave the people who wounded the young man - one leg was blown off, as was half of an arm - the green light to continue with their maiming and slaughter of innocents "in self-defence". My friend, as you might have guessed, is a Palestinian from Gaza; his nephews' attackers were Israelis. There was no sign of any grief from Obama, the newly-elected US president on either occasion. No wiping of a tear, nor heartfelt words to try to comfort those left behind to cope with their grief and efforts to re-establish a normal life of the kind we all take for granted.

Like all of his predecessors since World War Two, Obama gives Israel carte blanche to do whatever it wants to the Palestinians. Indeed, he even makes sure that it has the most up-to-date arsenal with which to do its dirty work. Just last week, it was announced that America will replace the munitions used by Israel in its massive bombardment of civilians in the Gaza Strip for eight days and nights in November. Has he suggested that arms and ammunition should be made easier for US citizens to obtain in the wake of Connecticut? No way; he's already, less than 24 hours later, talking of re-opening the debate about gun control. The President of the United States is, however, more than willing to pump the most lethal munitions the military-industrial complex can produce to a state which breaks international laws and conventions at will, and with impunity thanks to his country's unflinching support.


SOTT Focus: Connecticut massacre, two shooters? Look to Aurora, Colorado

Vigils for a 'shining city on a hill' that never was
Yesterday December 14, 2012, another 'withdrawn', 'troubled', 'genius nerd' allegedly went on a rampage in the USA, killing dozens of people - this time, mostly small children at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

The U.S. government wasted no time in making subtle allusions to 'gun control': "We're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics", said Obama in the wake of the massacre. Statements such as these threaten to give America's millions of 2nd amendment nut-jobs a collective aneurism.

Throughout the wide and emotionally charged media coverage, no one seems to care that there are many serious unanswered questions about the last major US domestic massacre, allegedly by another 'withdrawn', 'troubled', 'genius nerd' - James Holmes - in July 2012 in an Aurora, Colorado movie theater.

Starring the Aurora Police Chief and a smirking FBI special agent, the following 3-minute video poses some uncomfortable questions that take us beyond the 'lone nut and a nation in grief' storyline that gets dragged out to placate the population every time someone goes postal in the USA.

Comment: See also: FBI and DHS Warned in May of Terrorists Planning to Attack Movie Theaters

Suspect 'Eyewitnesses' - From 9/11 to the Colorado Massacre


Flashback 'Black Hawk Down' - Hollywood drags bloody corpse of truth across movie screens...

True to its post-9/11 government-sanctioned role as US war propaganda headquarters, Hollywood has released Black Hawk Down, a fictionalized account of the tragic 1993 US raid in Somalia. The Pentagon assisted with the production, pleased for an opportunity to "set the record straight." The film is a lie that compounds the original lie that was the operation itself.

Somalia: the facts

According to the myth, the Somalia operation of 1993 was a humanitarian mission, and a shining example of New World Order morality and altruism. In fact, US and UN troops waged an undeclared war against an Islamic African populace that was hostile to foreign interests.

Also contrary to the legend, the 1993 Somalia raid was not a "Clinton foreign policy bungle." In fact, the incoming Clinton administration inherited an operation that was already in full swing -- planned and begun by outgoing President George Herbert Walker Bush, spearheaded by deputy national security adviser Jonathan Howe (who remained in charge of the UN operation after Clinton took office), and approved by Colin Powell, then head of the Joint Chiefs.

The operation had nothing to do with humanitarianism or Africa-love on the part of Bush or Clinton. Several US oil companies, including Conoco, Amoco, Chevron and Phillips were positioned to exploit Somalia's rich oil reserves. The companies had secured billion-dollar concessions to explore and drill large portions of the Somali countryside during the reign of pro-US President Mohamed Siad Barre. (In fact, Conoco's Mogadishu office housed the US embassy and military headquarters.) A "secure" Somalia also provided the West with strategic location on the coast of Arabian Sea.

UN military became necessary when Barre was overthrown by warlord Mohammed Farrah Aidid, suddenly rendering Somalia inhospitable to US corporate interests.

Bad Guys

Outrageous HSBC settlement proves the drug war is a joke

Lanny Breuer
© Ramin Talaie/Getty ImagesAssistant US Attorney General Lanny Breuer
If you've ever been arrested on a drug charge, if you've ever spent even a day in jail for having a stem of marijuana in your pocket or "drug paraphernalia" in your gym bag, Assistant Attorney General and longtime Bill Clinton pal Lanny Breuer has a message for you: Bite me.

Breuer this week signed off on a settlement deal with the British banking giant HSBC that is the ultimate insult to every ordinary person who's ever had his life altered by a narcotics charge. Despite the fact that HSBC admitted to laundering billions of dollars for Colombian and Mexican drug cartels (among others) and violating a host of important banking laws (from the Bank Secrecy Act to the Trading With the Enemy Act), Breuer and his Justice Department elected not to pursue criminal prosecutions of the bank, opting instead for a "record" financial settlement of $1.9 billion, which as one analyst noted is about five weeks of income for the bank.

The banks' laundering transactions were so brazen that the NSA probably could have spotted them from space. Breuer admitted that drug dealers would sometimes come to HSBC's Mexican branches and "deposit hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash, in a single day, into a single account, using boxes designed to fit the precise dimensions of the teller windows."

This bears repeating: in order to more efficiently move as much illegal money as possible into the "legitimate" banking institution HSBC, drug dealers specifically designed boxes to fit through the bank's teller windows. Tony Montana's henchmen marching dufflebags of cash into the fictional "American City Bank" in Miami was actually more subtle than what the cartels were doing when they washed their cash through one of Britain's most storied financial institutions.


U.S. to send missiles, troops to Turkey in bid to deter Syria

© Abir Sultan/EPA fileA Patriot anti-missile battery is shown during joint U.S.-Israeli military exercises near Jerusalem in October. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced Friday that the United States had agreed to send two Patriot batteries to NATO ally Turkey to protect from shells crossing over from fighting in neighboring Syria.
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta signed an order Friday to send two Patriot missile batteries to Turkey to protect it from rounds crossing the border from Syria.The order includes 400 American personnel to operate the batteries.

"We are deploying two patriot batteries here to Turkey along with the troops that are necessary to man those batteries, so that we can help Turkey have the kind of missile defense it may very well need in dealing with threats that come out of Syria," Panetta told the troops at Incirlik Air Base in southern Turkey.

Turkey, a NATO member, has repeatedly scrambled jets along the countries' 560-mile joint frontier and responded in kind when shells from the 20-month-old Syrian conflict came down inside its borders, fanning fears that the civil war could spread to destabilize the region.

Comment: Turkey, an alleged innocent nation on the edge of Syria's (false flag) internal war (brought in from outside of her borders) needs to be protected by US patriot missiles systems? That makes absolutely no sense at all! If Turkey is in need of defending, it is because Turkey itself, along with several Western nations, is arming the fake rebellion going on inside of Syria!

CIA, MI6 agents direct massacres in Syria: American analyst
Syria's Bloody CIA Revolution - A Distraction?