One thing is for certain: a US-Israeli invasion of Iran will be far from a cakewalk. For Israel it would prove utterly disastrous; there is no ABM system on earth that's proven to be consistently anywhere near even 50% reliable. All major Israeli population centers will take direct hits. Where the US is concerned, over 70% of American bases in the region will take hits from a concerted Iranian missile strike, taking out thousands of our soldiers. Our aircraft carriers and other vessels will also be very vulnerable to Iran's ultra-high-speed torpedoes that travel at speeds of up to 100 meters a second -- four times as fast as conventional torpedoes, and is thus nearly "unavoidable" by its intended target.
This new Iranian weapon is based on Russia's VA-111 Shkval (Squall) torpedo. The Shkval is a high-speed supercavitating rocket-propelled torpedo originally designed to be a rapid-reaction defense against US submarines. Basically an underwater missile, the solid-rocket propelled torpedo achieves its speed by producing an envelope of supercavitating bubbles from its nose and skin, which coat the entire weapon surface in a thin layer of gas. This drastically reduces metal-to-water friction. The torpedo leaves the tube at nearly a hundred kilometers an hour, then lights its rocket motor. In tests in the 1990s the Shkval reportedly had an 80 percent kill probability at a range about seven kilometers. US aircraft carriers would be toast. This is the weapon the West fears most.
And now Iran has successfully tested a new supersonic anti-ship missile (much faster than conventional Cruise-types). While we're at it, let's not totally dismiss rumors about North Korean-supplied nuke warheads already mounted in Iran's ICBMs safely ensconced in deep silos spread out across the country. Finally --- and very importantly -- let's not forget their recently deployed Russian S-300-cloned long-range phased-array radar systems, each of which can simultaneously target up to 30 inbound enemy aircraft at a range of 200 miles... Yup, whichever way one slices it, this is one confrontation that's bound to get very ugly very quickly --- nothing at all like traipsing into Iraq and Afghanistan. This is one scenario where Moshe Dayan's "mad dogs" will certainly meet their doom should they initiate hostilities --- which would hardly bring a tear to my eye but for the fact they'd also be (willfully) sucking America into their maniacal lunacy...
Comment: While the climate is changing, carbon pollution is not the culprit. For a better understanding of the real causes of climate change and the agenda to extort more money from already financially stressed populations, see:
Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda
What You Never Hear About Global Warming