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Killary's speech on "American Exceptionalism" : A pledge to further US global domination

Hillary Clinton
© Aaron P. Bernstein / Reuters Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton's speech to the American Legion convention Wednesday was a full-throated declaration of the right and responsibility of the United States to control the world by military force. Clinton pledged to keep the US the dominant global military power, to uphold the military alliances through which US imperialism controls Europe and the Far East, and to wage war unilaterally if deemed necessary, regardless of world opinion.

Clinton repeatedly singled out Russia and China as potential targets for US military action, although such a conflict would pose the danger of nuclear war. After listing out the various unsubstantiated allegations of Russian hacking and cyberattacks, including against the Democratic National Committee, Clinton declared, "As president, I will make clear that the United States will treat cyberattacks just like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses."

Comment: Unfortunately, the current establishment in the US has become so thoroughly ponerized by psychopaths who seem hell-bent on spreading death and destruction across the globe, that implementing any genuine and long-lasting change would likely require a complete collapse of the system in place.


Turkish forces open new front in Syrian province of Aleppo

Turkish tanks
© AP Photo/ Ismail Coskun, IHA via AP
The Turkish military opened a new front in its Euphrates Shield operation in neighboring Syria.

Turkish tanks and other armored vehicles entered the Syrian province of Aleppo and shelled positions of Daesh militants, Hurriyet Daily news reported. Turkish forces crossed the border from the Turkish province of Kilis, near the town of Cobanbey, some 25 kilometers from the place where the operation began.

According to the newspaper, Turkey sent Leopard tanks in addition to M60T tanks involved the operation. Moreover, several combat armored vehicles equipped with the Kirpi mine defense system were deployed to Syria.

Snakes in Suits

Mexico president Nieto blasts Trump's policies as 'huge threat' after meeting

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Mexico's President Enrique Pena Nieto
© REUTERS/Henry Romero
Mexico's president rebuked Donald Trump as a threat to his country just hours after painting a positive picture of talks the two held on Wednesday to try to defuse tensions over the U.S. presidential hopeful's anti-Mexican campaign rhetoric.

President Enrique Pena Nieto had on Wednesday afternoon hailed as "open and constructive" the impromptu meeting he held with Trump, who later referred to the Mexican leader as his friend and a "wonderful" president.

But in a late evening television interview, an angry-looking Pena Nieto sought to defend himself against a broad swathe of criticism for his decision to invite the Republican candidate despite his repeated verbal attacks on Mexico.

"His policy stances could represent a huge threat to Mexico, and I am not prepared to keep my arms crossed and do nothing," Pena Nieto said. "That risk, that threat, must be confronted. I told him that is not the way to build a mutually beneficial relationship for both nations."

Comment: Donald Trump lays out his immigration policy at Phoenix rally


Clinton told FBI in interview she couldn't recall key details 26 times

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton told FBI agents that she could not recall issues related to her email server at least 26 times, according to an 11-page document released by the FBI on Friday.

Clinton's memory lapses are frequent during the interview, marked often by agents as "could not recall" and "did not remember." But the "could not recall" remarks are often related not to long-distant emails, but things she should perhaps definitely recall.
At least 26 times, Clinton couldn't recall issues raised by the FBI. Clinton told FBI agents she couldn't even remember any briefing or training by State "related to the retention of federal records or handling of classified information."
And Clinton told the FBI she could not recall any briefing after her December 2012 fall that left her with a concussion, an admission that will surely stoke concerns about Clinton's health and physical fitness to serve in the job of president.

Comment: More FBI reports on Clinton's email server:


Evidence Clinton's email was speared in email phishing attack

The FBI's Hillary Clinton investigation turned up evidence that her e-mail accounts were targeted in multiple "spear phishing" attacks, one of which may have tricked the then-Secretary of State into clicking a malicious link included in the correspondence.

An FBI investigative report released today includes a section on the "cyber targeting" of Clinton's "personal E-mail and Associated Accounts" during her tenure at the State Department.

Though riddled with redactions, the FBI report reveals that Clinton became concerned about the legitimacy of an e-mail purportedly sent to her "from the personal e-mail of a State official." The e-mail sent to Clinton, the FBI noted, "contained a potentially malicious link."

Comment: Someone using Tor breached email account on Clinton family server


Someone using Tor breached email account on Clinton family server

Hillary Clinton
© Getty Images
An unknown individual using the encrypted privacy tool Tor to hide their tracks accessed an email account on a Clinton family server, the FBI revealed Friday.

The incident appears to be the first confirmed intrusion into a piece of hardware associated with Hillary Clinton's private email system, which originated with a server established for her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

The FBI disclosed the event in its newly released report on the former secretary of state's handling of classified information.

According to the bureau's review of server logs, someone accessed an email account on Jan. 5, 2013, using three IP addresses known to serve as Tor "exit nodes" — jumping-off points from the anonymity network to the public internet.

Comment: Evidence Clinton's email was speared in eemail phishing attack


Pakistani military spokesman admits Daesh presence in country, claims their expansion has been stopped

pakistani commandos
© AP Photo/ Anjum Naveed
Senior Pakistani military spokesman Asim Bajwa said at a Thursday news conference in the city of Rawalpindi that Daesh terrorists had made inroads into Pakistan, however, their expansion has been stopped by the Pakistani army. "The reverse process has begun now as Pakistani society has refused to accept the militant phenomena," Bajwa said.

Bajwa's statement is a rare acknowledgement of the presence of Daesh in the country, as earlier it was claimed that there was no extremist footprint in Pakistan. "At the start of Zarb-e-Azb Operation, Pakistan was plagued with terrorism and militancy, but Army successfully eliminated terrorism from their epicenters," Bajwa said.

It was reported that 309 militants, including members from Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq, were seized by Pakistani security forces. Attacks on embassies, on Pakistani officials and on an airport in Islamabad by Daesh operatives have been foiled, according to the military spokesman.

Comment: The situation in Kyber isn't tranquil yet: Bomb Attack On Pakistani Court Kills 13 (Sept. 3)
At least 13 people were killed and 50 wounded in a bomb attack on a district court in northwestern Pakistan. Haris Habib, the chief rescue officer in the city of Mardan in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, said on September 2 that the bodies of police, lawyers, and others were recovered.

Reports say the attacker first threw a grenade at the court entrance and then blew himself up at the main gate. Some of the wounded are reportedly in critical condition. A spokesman for the extremist Muslim group Jamat ul-Ahrar, an offshoot of the Pakistani Taliban, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said the bombing would "not shatter our unflinching resolve in our war against terrorism. These receding elements are showing frustration by attacking our soft targets. They shall not get space to hide in Pakistan," he said in a statement.

Mardan city police official Faisal Shahzad described the attack to Radio Mashaal. "[The suicide attacker] was intercepted by police at the walk-through gate of the session courts...[and] threw a hand-grenade at the policemen, who [were] injured in the blast. The injured policemen opened fire and chased him." He said one policeman shot him dead and that the attacker's suicide belt exploded at that time.
Further reading:

Star of David

Israel prepares for first-ever ICC visit, but insists ICC has no authority in Israel, because Palestine doesn't exist

© Mohammed Salem / ReutersPalestinians place a red carpet between the ruins of houses, that witnesses said were destroyed by Israeli shelling during a 50-day war last summer, before they display a film on the war in the east of Gaza City May 12, 2015.
Israel has reportedly agreed to allow the first-ever visit of an ICC delegation which, at the request of Palestinians, is seeking to launch a probe into alleged war crimes based on the 2014 Gaza war. Israel, however, made it clear the court has no real "jurisdiction."

Israel claimed it would allow a working group from the International Criminal Court (ICC) into the country stressing the court is not eligible for conducting a probe into the 2014 Gaza war, an Israeli official said on Friday. The upcoming visit would be unprecedented, he told AFP on condition of anonymity.

The Hague-based ICC has been considering opening a probe into possible crimes committed by Israelis in the 2014 Gaza conflict for over a year since it was put forward by Palestinian authorities. Israel, however, says the court does not have the right to intervene.


Russian Federation latest developments: Olympics, threats, Ukraine and more

Sports Minister Mutko

Sports Minister Mutko says the WADA report was "falsified" and that Moscow would file lawsuits against the "accusers." High time Russia struck back; it has had some success in the Western court system. The ridiculousYUKOS shareholder judgement was reversed for example. While accusations of "probably" can be thrown around ad libitum, actual courts don't want to set precedents that may bite them later.


Putin's campaign to become US President is attracting a lot of attention. Here's another American opinion sector he controls. I think he's a shoo-in, don't you? My August collection of PDS will be out tomorrow.

Comment: See more updates on Patrick Armstrong's blog here


American "journalist" was a spy embedded with al-Qaeda - media not interested

U.S. "journalist" Lindsey Snell
On August 9 we reported here on a U.S. spy, Lindsey Snell, who worked with Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria and was arrested when crossing the border from Syria into Turkey:
The Turkish military recently "rescued" a CIA spy who was wounded in the north Latakia region of Syria. The U.S. send helicopters to help its asset. The spy turned out to be journalist Lindsey Snell working on a report with Nusra for the intelligence outfit Vocativ. She was put into Turkish jail for illegally crossing the border.
There is no doubt from the available information that Snell was a spy. The Turkish media call her such. She was with Nusra, not for the first time, had some trouble and needed to get out. The U.S. military launched a huge operation to help her. That is not the treatment a real journalist would get.

Comment: Check out this tweet from Snell, August 5:

Just what exactly was Snell up to, embedded with the CIA's moderate jihadis? And what led to her apparent change in fortune?