Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain't going away.
People are the dummies. Depopulation is a grace. NATURE is in charge. Order is established in SELF only. All else is mindless toxic talk. AT THE...
“Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has found himself in a precarious position, balancing the demands of the international community, pressure from...
What ever happened we will never know the truth.
This seems to be a more spiritual practice than a nutrition habit. I heard of similiar customs from several quasi-paleolithic cultures. He also...
Can Israel survive its new war in the West Bank? They know they can't win on their own. But they are sure to drag the US into it, and have them...
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Reader Comments
Go to 1:14 and carefully watch the sister laughing.
'Mom and dad are dead. (Laughs....) says sorry 0.30sec in
That's the solution.
Will never happen in my lifetime but someday it will.
The great sages of India said the evil (ignorant) will destroy themselves, it's a transitionary period.
Thomas travelled to, lived and ministered in India (Thomas was a doubter in the begining, but saw the truth with his own eyes).
Live as though it is about to
I don't have an audience, a website, ai, government clearance or any agenda either. No use for oil, gas as a vendor, no emotional manipulation to perform on Muslims, no allegiences that would prevent impartiality to ask questions that should be otherwise easy to answer.
Im simply making a valid point that alot of other people else where online share in opinion.
How do only media journalists get clearance to visit Gaza, but nobody else? Nothing would put to bed the notion of fakeness than letting people see things for themselves, at their own risk, like why governments use words like "transparency" ...what has the truth to hide??
Why does the Island Cyprus have a whole area identical in location weather and buildings to the Gaza strip that the UN has access to but not the public?? Perfect location for some middle-eastern theatre, even the beach looks identical. Have you researched this yourself?
Why do you trust the media narrative as far as opinion takes you on changing the msm story, but never ask whether the possibility exists that it could all be staged/faked?? Do you think it is impossible and/or there no motive to do so?? (Rothschild wants the 3 trillion metric under Gaza....War removes national claim remember?)
Are you denying that family are indeed crisis actors, liars, faking the narrative and on payroll???
Do you think discussing your dead relatives arms and legs getting blow off infront of you wouldnt put you in shock (ptsd) or do you think it would provoke a fit of the giggles....and why would the girl say sorry? To who and why?
Some people like to say things like; its always darkest before dawn, an' all that, but I don't see the sun rising anytime soon...
Scott Ritter
Alexander Macouris
George Galloway
Larry Johnson and Ray Mcgovern, ex cia (if there is such a thing)
To name a few.
The Gaza strip is said to of been emptied years ago, since most people cannot see for themselves or prevented they cam never say for sure... other sources are trying to tell people that all news is filmed in (not so) secret locations, using actors, props and depending on what is to be disseminated by news is all given to us simply to provoke emotional responses, anger, fear, happyness.....comedians, artists, films all allude to our life being just theatre so we provide for unknown people, all carefully constructed but with plenty of cracks to make us stop and think (ie trueman show etc...) but to keep us compliant and for voluntary enslavement and to also make us complacent and de-activated mentally, spiritually and physically.
People who supposedly run the show found out they are trapped in a physical realm and project this onto us because they can, while we know we have a spiritual aspect that is craving use..
It was briefly touched on in this podcast as to why they rule it out. That being emotionally tied into a belief. If you were in the military and fought in afganistan or iraq, i could see this would most likely blind you to even consider you were duped. Psyoped.
Anyone who thinks 911 was not an inside job is a shill or 100% ignorant (there are still quite a few out there unfortunately)
911 is still a very important part of my memory.
For the sake of levity ( we need some of that don't we....?? ), I'm somewhat saddened that the rainbow unicorn seems to have gone missing....Ah wait --- checking back now I see it ( I think ) - it is closer to Joe on the couch.....whew - thank goodness for that.
Thanks for the report and yes indeed somber times are Signs of the Times. Here is a prayer for de-escalation. I pray for peace, but contingencies need to be made considering what is in front of our faces and the fact that "human life" seems to have no meaning to those with the weapons.
Remember when every major country across the world came together to orchestrate the greatest psyop in all of human history with the manufactured COVID pandemic and subsequent vaccine?
Remember when they censored and banned anyone who went against their narratives, even if they were demonstrably and scientifically true?
Remember when they banned you off social media for talking about your vaccine injuries or friends or family that died after the shot?
Remember when people were bankrupted by the medical costs that resulted from injuries caused by the shot?
Remember when they fired you from your job for not getting the shot?
Remember when they kicked you out of restaurants for not wearing a mask or being vaccinated?
Remember when they destroyed your businesses with lockdowns and draconian measures, and then transferred trillions of dollars of YOUR wealth to the richest people and mega corporations like Blackrock and Vanguard?
Lastly and most importantly...
Remember when they lied about weapons of mass destruction and the real perpetrators of 9/11 to justify invading Iraq, resulting in the death of over 1 million people? Many of those deaths were women and children.
Those same people are now banging the drums of war.
Are you going to beat the drums with them? Or will you resist and ask questions this time, not blindly believing what you are being told?
There is no way back for them, the projection of hopelessness we are being given was given to them first.
Have you seen this Shangri, keeping the entertainment going so we keep a black mirror in our pocket is the only thing they have left to decieve people. Check it out if you haven't already.
I remember seeing a video of Kiev ( during the"war") it was being reported that the shelves were empty of food, and people were having to queue for bread etc, believe it the fellow in the vid you posted who went there and filmed inside supermarkets, he found supplies to be plentiful, stayed in a good hotel, relaxed in cafe and bar, and by all accounts, seemed to be having an enjoyable break.
I think that cerebral weakness is tweaked to spoil from a young age, attaching to previous generations moronic approach to life and becoming neutralized as familiarized to the systemic experience of organized fabrications - to live a life as it, while truly believing it of their own design - hair-raising - so making halloween an everyday event for the likes of those who see beyond it.
One bloke online has already matched controlled demolition photos of buildings that were used in the media around 2010-2014 and they match current media narratives for Gaza, another researcher has made the connection between photos from Iraq being re-used and I read a whole blog about theatrical props used in photos, the latest ones were pristine plastic bag used twice at different locations to offer the viewer the oportunity to self delude and make a connection between the bag in this case from a rocket demolished bakery but showing rubble (nothing else to link it to being a bakery ie no signs of bread oil equipment ....nothing at all you would expect to see from a genuine rocket destroyed building, no fire, no smoke no smouldering, nothing, just a pristine plastic bag with a bakery logo on it for the oportunity to self delude/assume/...)
The fact that virtually everyone agreed a few months ago the media was lying about covid, but now trust every photo and video about Gaza is very revealing to alot of people. I think people can observe more and more lies and now and ask simple questions to confirm their doubts (everyday people cannot even verify a single news item, so even simple facts make it easier to show it is based on trusting a liar). It makes for a fun, cheap and soul satisfaction lifestyle to learn, after the initial shock and dissapointment of it all there is new life outside the matrix (so to speak).
Edith Nesbit . 1858 - 1924
The Despot.
The garden mould was damp and chill,
Winter had had his brutal will
Since over all the year's content
His devastating legions went.
Then Spring's bright banners came: there woke
Millions of little growing folk
Who thrilled to know the winter done,
Gave thanks, and strove towards the sun.
Not so the elect; reserved, and slow
To trust a stranger-sun and grow,
They hesitated, cowered and hid
Waiting to see what others did.
Yet even they, a little, grew,
Put out prim leaves to day and dew,
And lifted level formal heads
In their appointed garden beds.
The gardener came: he coldly loved
The flowers that lived as he approved,
That duly, decorously grew
As he, the despot, meant them to.
He saw the wildlings flower more brave
And bright than any cultured slave;
Yet, since he had not set them there,
He hated them for being fair.
So he uprooted, one by one
The free things that had loved the sun,
The happy, eager, fruitful seeds
That had not known that they were weeds.
So, really after the Soleimani assassination ( which I suspect some of the readers here and the newsreal team for sure have greater knowledge than perhaps 99.999% of the human population with - respect to the event ), in Jan 2020 (kick-off point in many ways I consider it), the capability of precise missiles was demonstrated ...I mean the missiles hit the target did they not?
Since then, given all the events, I suspect the arsenal has been upgraded.
I think that corresponds to 1 on 10 million. That sounds about accurate - correlates to what?
Well, there are 8 billion humans on the planet presently - or maybe tis 7? Lets go with 7, and if I've done my math correct, that means 700 individuals or so....for the hosts that is probably correct and for some of the readers I suspect so as well....maybe 1 in a million to be conservative about it - so - take off one of the 9's giving....
99.9999% - now tis true, we don't really KNOW what for sure went down and it could of been "staged" in a way, but other factors suggest that is not so.
So, I ask this - do the zigaboos want to truly risk extermination (for themselves only hopefully) given the high probability facts?
The answer must be YES.
I wish it was no, but a zigaboo is gonna do what zigaboos do I reckon....
I pray for the folks in Gaza (and Israel) innocent in this whole affair and caught twixt the pathetic pshyco elitist and their killing ambitions.
This would go some ways to explain why so many right-wing Christian conservative-types identify so strongly with Israel, supporting its heinous actions against those consigned to the 'Reservations' of Gaza and the West Bank.
Of course, the caveat being that of the 'Holy Land' is the Islamic world has historically been extremely expansionist in nature to the detriment of Christendom, thus there will always be a contentious thorn in the side of Christian compassion toward any a Muslim underdog of today.
1. On December 6, 2017, the US president Donald Trump officially recognised Jerusalem as the capital city of the State of Israel. Totally illegal, and al Aqsa mosque belongs to the Muslim religion, which would never be handed over to degenerates such as those Zionist extremists.
2. again Trump slaughtered general Soleimani on his way to make peace in the Middle East, something the Zionists don’t want. 3. Uss liberty 85 Americans murdered by Israel, but such is the control of the senators Zionists had previously offered for election, everything was hidden from the American population.
Trust Americans as one would a pedophile with your children.