Road in Russia
© Sputnik / Alexander Wilf
Two unmanned aircraft heading toward the Russian capital have been shot down by air defenses.

Two drones were shot down overnight while heading toward the city of Moscow, Mayor Sergey Sobyanin and the Russian Defense Ministry announced on Wednesday morning. According to the officials, the attempted terrorist attack did not result in any casualties or destruction.
"At night, an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack by drones was thwarted over Moscow region," the ministry said in a statement.
Both UAVs were destroyed by air defenses. According to Sobyanin, one of them was shot down to the south of the capital, while another was destroyed over the M1 highway, which runs from Moscow to the border with Belarus.

The officials did not provide any further details on the incident, and the type of drone used remains unclear.

A video shared on social media is believed to show the moment one of the drones was hit by the air defenses. In a short clip apparently filmed by a CCTV camera, a flash is seen, accompanied by the sound of an explosion.

On Sunday, another UAV was shot down while trying to strike Moscow. The attempted attack did not cause any casualties or damage on the ground.

Ukrainian UAVs reached the Russian capital on July 30 and again on August 1, both times hitting the city's financial district. The military said both incidents took place after electronic countermeasures were deployed against the aircraft.