Mass Formation Psychosis has been allover social media of late, after it was explained by Dr. Robert Malone on his widely censored interview with Joe Rogan. It's made such a splash that the control system has gone into high gear trying to "debunk" the idea (see articles on Reuters and AP, for example); never mind that the "debunking" consists of "we talked to 3 'experts' and they say it doesn't exist".
But regular viewers of Objective:Health know that we've been talking about this phenomenon, although not under this current name, for the past 7 years. It's not new and not unique to the 'pandemic'. The mass control of the thought patterns of the population has a long history, although the science of mass hypnosis has become more exacting and refined.
Join us on this episode of Objective:Health as we look into the trance state the world is currently under, the means by which its achieved and maintained, and whether or not it's possible to break out of it.
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♥ Time: 00:36:01
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If we continue to exercise our current madness, which is to say, our totalitarian technological presence and -uhhh- 'awareness', it should continue to grow stronger and remain ever, in firm control. No matter what!
There is an old story about an obsessive strong man (a weight-lifter) who reasoned, 'If I buy a calf at a young age, and I lift him every day, even as he grows; my strength too will grow, and I will always have the advantage.'
This is exactly how things work. As we pair intellectuality/smartness and all the 'good things' in life with makes pure, perfect sense.
This is why greed lasts forever and it is eminently logical for us to pursue to its very end.
Follow the leader! Believe in chronic, 'developing', 'growing' technology-AS THE TRUTH.
And have a nice day....
A real good one!