While cleaning out his parental home, the German writer Joachim Krause (1946) found nearly two thousand letters and diaries in the attic that were written between 1933 and 1945. It was an incredible and painful discovery. Like a puzzle, the texts, once placed in chronological order, took on more and more meaning.
The diaries revealed how the average German at the time was blinded by the state propaganda and cheered the demonization of the Jews. The parallels to what is happening today are both striking and shocking.
The three young letter writers were his parents and his uncle, who had already died a 'hero's death' in 1942.
In their diaries, the three described their political positions and discussed, among other things, the Jewish Dilemma. Krause came to the shocking discovery that his parents supported National Socialism; the children had never known that. The mother turned out to be a passionate admirer of Hitler, the uncle a fanatical officer. Only the father maintained a certain critical distance from the National Socialist ideology. The contents of the letters and diaries required the writer to thoroughly revise his image of his parents, and he did so by valiantly documenting the entire family history in the intense book Unknown Legacy, published in 2018.
What makes this glimpse into that time so fascinating is that it shows exactly what state propaganda does to people. The newspaper Der Sonntag wrote that Unknown Legacy: "not only shows how millions of people, infected with propaganda, thought and behaved at the time, but also how millions of times this was kept silent, and is still being kept silent."
According to the official historical narrative, the German people were largely oblivious as to what was being done to the Jews, but this book tells a different story: that many did know, and even applauded these 'measures'. We quote below a letter from Joachim Krause's mother during the war years which shows not only that the ordinary German wished ill on the Jews, but also that, in her opinion, the 'measures' against these people could not be harsh enough:
"Demolition and destruction are internally foreign to us Germans. We want to create, build, that is why it is so difficult for us to accept the methods and means of this war. One thing is clear: When we act unrelentingly harsh in some things and often even show relentlessly extreme cruelty towards Jews and partisans, this is only an unfortunately necessary defense against the far more inhuman atrocity that the hatred of those others had inflicted upon us. We would never conceive of senselessly tormenting another or even killing thousands in a gruesome manner, but what has already been done to us now and over many years by the Jews and their helpers must be avenged. A people that does not resist defilement, rape and ever new blows, has no honor and loses its right to exist. Jews have wrought great mischief in every sphere of moral and spiritual life. Now they have to pay for it.Parallels With Our Present Time
In my view, there is a fundamental difference between the difficulties that the Volksdeutschen all over the world have to endure, the massacres in Vinnytsia (a city in Ukraine where the Germans exterminated all Jews in 1941, ed.) and our harsh measures against the Jews. The Jew has absolutely always lived for his own sake and not for the benefit of humanity. But why does he especially hate us Germans so much? Perhaps because he sees the opposite principle of life in German. Jews suck out the power sources of humanity due to an ancient hunger for power, purely for their own self-interest, while Germans, from a calling they feel deep down, bring new powers into the world, they want to do something for humanity and lead the way to that which is good. That the world will one day be made better by the German being, was a dream for our ancestors for centuries, but for us today a duty."
The diaries show how much the ordinary German was poisoned by state propaganda. We are taught today that the Germans hated the Jews purely because of their race, it is clear from this letter that it was not so simple. German state propaganda convinced the German people that it was the other way around: that the Jews hated the Germans, and that it was they who sent the Germans to their deaths, caused great mischief and lived only for their own benefit and not for the benefit of humanity.
Today, similar sentiments are expressed towards unvaccinated people. According to [the Dutch Deputy Prime Minister] Hugo de Jonge, only vaccinated people have 'taken their responsibility' by being vaccinated, and unvaccinated people are antisocial and deserve to be expelled. Those who are vaccinated do so selflessly 'for others' and for the world, those who do not accept being vaccinated live only for themselves. According to state propaganda, unvaccinated people kill the vaccinated by taking up hospital beds, which prevents well-behaved vaccinated people from undergoing surgery.
The parelles can also be seen in the 'measures' that were taken against the Jews. As early as April 1 1933, the German state organized a boycott of Jewish entrepreneurs and independent professionals. In September 1935, the state promulgated extensive legislation on nationality and citizenship. With these laws, Jews were placed outside the 'German community'.
In the Netherlands, it started when Jews were forbidden to work in the air defense service on July 1, 1940. Then followed the prohibition to hire Jews into government service. Then they were no longer welcome in Amsterdam markets. In November, it was announced that Jewish officials were to be suspended; on February 21, 1941, they were fired. On January 7, Jews were banned from visiting cinemas. A few days later, all Jews had to register. Signs started to appear in various public places that read 'Jews not wanted'.
Lockdown for Jews
While lockdowns for unvaccinated people are now in effect, like in Austria and in the Netherlands with '2G rules', during WW2, lockdowns were only for Jews. These were the 'measures' then: Jewish students were no longer allowed to study at university. On March 12 1942, they were no longer allowed to have their own company. April 1: Jews in the Dutch city of Haarlem were no longer allowed to enter cafes, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, libraries and swimming pools.
May 31 1942: From this date, Jews were forbidden to visit swimming pools and beaches. They were also no longer allowed to rent rooms at some seaside resorts or visit public spaces there. On September 1, Jewish students were prohibited from attending regular schools and educational institutions.
From September 15, Jews were forbidden to visit parks, zoos, cafes, restaurants, libraries, hotels, theatres, cinemas and museums. And Jews were no longer allowed to travel or relocate without a permit. From this moment on, signs with the text 'Forbidden for Jews' appeared in the streets. On October 20, the Jewish Council was obliged to register all Jews in the Netherlands. There was also a new regulation that restricted Jews from exercising certain professions and made them dependent on a permit. And it became much easier to fire Jews.
On October 22, Jews had to leave non-Jewish associations and foundations. On December 5, all non-Dutch Jews had to report for 'voluntary emigration'. Public education for Jews was banned on January 9. On January 23, 1942, identity cards of Jews were marked with the letter 'J'. On June 5, there was a complete travel ban for Jews. On June 12, Jews were banned from shopping outside at certain times and they were only allowed to enter a limited number of shops. Jews were no longer allowed to practice sports. June 30: Curfew imposed. Jews had to be home between 8 PM and 6 AM. July 6: Jews are no longer allowed to visit non-Jews.
The similarities to what is being done to unvaccinated people today should be clear for all to see. But very few do, it seems. Laws are being changed for 2G policies, which will no longer allow testing for access to certain establishments, putting unvaccinated people in the exact same situation as Jews during WW2. The unvaccinated are already being fired in many countries, a policy that [Dutch Prime Minister] Rutte is also attempting to implement, and they are no longer allowed to travel by public transport. In Canada they are not even allowed to leave their country anymore. Virologist and veterinarian Ab Osterhaus said at Op1 that he would prefer to 'isolate' unvaccinated as he does with sick animals, to 'recognize them by the nose' and 'to be able to systematically persecute them'.
No Moral Compass
Recently, Dr. Wendy Mittemeijer-Ooteman sounded the alarm on LinkedIn. The medical affairs pharma ethics consultant wrote: 'I actually didn't want to post anything about it, but this literally keeps me awake. Not because this pathetic grandfather without a moral compass [referring to Osterhaus] says this, but because no one confronts him about it in the moment. In pharma ethics, we call someone like Ab O. an 'opinion leader', an expert with formal and informal influence. One whose opinion is capable of leading and seducing a large group of people. I have been trained to assess these opinion leaders for ethical behavior and decide whether or not to work with them. In this case my free advice would be: don't work with this man.'
The [Dutch public broadcasting organisation] NPO thought it was funny to come up with a Squid Game parody in the TV program De Sociëteit in which unvaccinated people are shot. And the NPO program Plakshot made a drillrap video in which young people are threatened that if they do not get vaccinated they will get 'pricked', which is slang in Dutch for stabbed with a knife. And someone said on NPO Radio 1[to the unvaccinated]: 'You all can just die.' Consider also the whole discussion about denying unvaccinated the right to receive care, and now also the right to work and provide for one's livelihood.
FVD Member of Parliament Pepijn van Houwelingen compared the clips with the genocide in Rwanda in the 1990s: 'Do you perhaps see parallels between Radio Milles Collines and the way in which the genocide in Rwanda came about?' he asked the Minister of Justice, 'and the genocidal satirical fantasy of violence as broadcast by the NPO in which a certain population group, in this case the unvaccinated, is massively shot?'
On Radio Milles Collines, the Tutsis were called cockroaches that had to be killed. We all know how that ended, just as we know what the fate of the Jews was in World War II. It is shocking that today's 'good citizens' are sometimes as resentful towards unvaccinated people as ordinary Germans were towards Jews at the time. That, combined with the government's policy of excluding unvaccinated people from society and further destroying them, causes one to fear the worst for the future.
Translated by SOTT.net
Reader Comments
Perhaps its time to point your mind in the direction of truth.
Put the shoe on the other foot
He speaks out what Codis does not dare to ...
Besides, only one of them has a proper mail account.
For a real dose of truth please watch this video. You will discover what it was like in Europe. The atrocities of the Holodomor the horrors of Lenin and the Russian encroachment on territory lost by Germany after WWl. How the Russians in Poland murdered tens of thousands of these Germans in this territory. 50000 or so. And so much more. It will open your eyes. Codis, this is for you. [Link]
I am only surprised how quickly common folks forget, and are ready for another round of such atrocities. Because, they already believe absurdities, or go along with it.
Daily Express Friday March 24th 1933
They are the destroyers, usurpers, the fallen ones. The Synagogue of Satan. The snakes. They retreat when we beat them back, only to creep out again and pick up where they’ve left off.
Whether you are tired of this is not the point. Whether “we” are repeating history is not the point either. This “we” is a fallacy. NONE of this is created by the “common folk”. It is all orchestrated by those in power which are the “international Jew” “Bolsheviks” “Bankers” and corporations that have more money and power than the “countries” we supposedly live in.
The common folk are abused, exploited, manipulated and killed, then goaded into war by those listed above.
Until there is a true “WE” that is free in their minds and resolved in their hearts to completely eradicate them, this pattern will repeat. Even God had to flood the earth to try to get rid of them. The roaches are damn tough to completely eliminate though.
Collectivizing the atrocities and blaming it on common folk is too easy. It belongs where it belongs, on the roaches that scurry out of the way once war and decimation have set in, only to return and gobble up the spoils. This repeated scenario is always set up by the blood suckers themselves and the common folk are exploited and decimated.
The “otherizing” and “dehumanizing” of peoples and nations is where it starts. The common folk are galvanized by fear of being “othered” and “dehumanized” as well, so they fall to the criminal leaders and participate in the atrocities. Mass scale Stockholm syndrome. That’s a military tactic as well.
A sad but true survival instinct that doesn’t really work as it never eliminates the real problem. We see this playing out in our hospitals now can with murderous doctors and nurses. In Australia with the vax enforcers and concentration camps. And Europe.
Here is a great place to learn it right from the Jewish horse’s mouth. From “You Gentiles” by Maurice Samuels, published in 1924. You will gain much insight into the pathological mind, character and actions of the adversary. [Link]
Wishing this were not so, not wanting to face it and turning away from the ugly brutal truth - refusing to believe it does not help us. Remember, you are thought of by them as one with no more value than cattle, to be exterminated and/or consumed at will. Never forget that.
The true problem with the “common folk” is ignorance of this knowledge, not knowing who the true enemy is. As Jesus said, “My people suffer from lack of knowledge”
Everyone is happy and substantually better off financially and have more freedoms now Hitler lost the war because NAZI concentrations camps.
People actually see less disaease and less nutritional worries not to mention mental health has afforded western countries next to complete erradication of suicide.
When Jews are allowed to help people with their food source, knowledge base and autonomy, things just come on leaps and bounds..... I believe Jews would make excellent healthcare consultants, especially now during this current Covid plague which is only effecting us because of NAZIS, Palastinians and White Supremacist tax paying warehouse operatives all around the EU...
Do not deny Israel their right to multiculturalism which has been proven by "science" to lower crime and produce more scientists minds!!
Yay :-)
Where is this "super race" hiding....?? Please do tell us all.
Those blue eyed blond haired fair skinned tall warriors are EVERYWHERE....
Sounds like Jewish paranoia to me!!
A Jew crying out as he strikes!
I wonder how the forensic archeologists are getting on at those historic sites? Or how the etymologists are doing wrestling with the word Semite ....
Oy Vey!
Also, NatSoc all the way. What’s wrong with protecting and strengthening your own country and people?
"By their FRUITS ye shall know them"
Fruits do not fall far from the tree!
As it turns out now, every other nationality is perfectly capable of the very same.
Even animals are better. Survival of the individuum and the species depends on it.
Suckers, there is no Raccoon Federation (Union Rep). [Link]
Funny clip [Link]
When you're in the water, you're in their world baby. (That book deals with that also.)
Edit: I see your reply. Thank you. Next...
Thanks. Hope you're OK.
Though I was the lone redneck surfer who listened to Ziggy, and a lot more, somehow I've never, until just now, heard the album 'The Man Who Sold The World' and I've gotta say I'm seriously impressed. [Link] At about 5:00 I swear it's the same mix from Mott The Hoople.
(I've actually seen somewhere where some BFM article was LITERALLY claiming that the tail walking mating dances I've seen were actually taught to wild dolphins by escaped ones!!! Human chauvinism and hubris is really beyond measure.
Synagogue of Satan. Satan means adversary, and they are that in every way. Corrupters. Because they themselves are corrupt and maniacal. Read the Talmud and you will learn.
So sad that many are still proud of their political correctness and lofty social justice beliefs - spread about by the corrupters themselves - without a thought to the decimation of their own ancestral customs and beliefs. As they are consumed by the users, usurpers, destroyers. The deluded ones defend their destroyers. Stockholm syndrome existed globally long before that famous incident. Survival mechanism, support your oppressors. Look at the idiots lining up to be jabbed by the Bourlas and Gates. Everyone of those involved in these companies at the top is a Jew. They obey the culture of death. The Canaanites.
My people suffer for lack of knowledge. Jesus.
have you ever done some research into the white rabbit? makes one shiver. and it is good tool to make people dependent on 'their' services.
Proverbs 5:23
Hosea 4:6
You already quoted a book called "ordinary men" (I doubt that is Scripture nor Holy either!)
You mentioned Paul/Saul.
The book I mentioned uses the scriptures to edify people regarding Paul's credentials (specifically Jesus words spoken in the NT) Also James/Peter & the Eboinites who were all witnesses to Yeshua/Jesus coming in the flesh as the Messiah and were his earliest Church met Paul, not "screwed" in any way.
Not sure where you arrived at your conclusion.
The title kind of gives it away...
"Jesus' Word's Only"
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but do lie — behold, I will make them to come and worship at thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Ordinary Men is about Nazis not Bible Scriptures. Deep derp
It does not mean "Christians" it clearly means people who claim to be JEWS (descended from the Israelite tribe of Judah) who returned from the Babylonian captivity and had absorbed Edomite and Canaanite genetics.
These "Jews" claimed to Jesus/Yeshua they were descendants of Abraham, however they were not of Israel (Jacob) which they were rebuked by Yeshua/Jesus for having denied they were slaves (Israelites were slaves in Assyria, Babylonia and Egypt!!).
Modern day people who subscribe to a religion called Judaism (continuation of the biblical Pharasees) and who call themselves "JEWS" are NOT the lost Sheep of Israel(Jacob) they are imposters, trying to claim the blessing that is to be given to the genuine ISRAELITES.
…in the days of John Hyrcanus (end of the second century B.C.E.) … the [non-Israelite] Edomites became a section of the Jewish people. "EDOM," Encyclopaedia Judaica (Jerusalem, Israel: Encyclopaedia Judaica Company, 1971) Vol. 6, p. 378
They [the non-Israelite Edomites] were then incorporated with the Jewish nation…. "EDOM, IDUMEA," The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York & London: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) Vol. V, p. 41
…from then on they [the non-Israelite Edomites] constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants. "EDOM (Idumea)," The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 589
…they [the Edomites] were hereafter no other than [non-Israelite] Jews. Flavius Josephus, The Antiquities of the Jews (Grand Rapids, MI: Dregel Publications, 1960) Book XIII, Chapter IX, Verse 1, p. 279
I gave you evidence to show you clearly do not know who the "synagogue of satan" are so effectively you misquoted scripture more than once and I pulled you up on it and now Im a "troll".
Nice try.
Always using the same template you lot, move the premise away from major to minor while accusing the poster in ad-hominem. (Yawn....)
I offered you evidence who the synagogue of satan are from the horses mouth and your reply was to call me a troll! How much are they paying you to misqoute scripture? Your not very good at your job either.
Jesus Words Only is a fantastic book to read if you haven't noticed who Paul is.
Paul "is" the conduit that is used by most denominational government churches to corner the market of "salvation theory" but....you know that ...
Always best to attack the person and hope that tarnishes how people percieve the content and substance of their posts eh? How silly of me to think people judge by content or have a brain to function and reason things out for themselves...good job your here to help them know who is and who isnt a troll. LOL
JP Morgan and Rothchild being the main funding arms for "both" sides of WW2 are Jesuit LOL...you sound like Ian "it's the Jesuits" Crane.
It is NEVER the Jews though....ever! LOL
(give yourself a round of applause)
Jews = Synagogue
Just incase you missed it.
You contradicted yourself and never once acknowledged it, Im sure most people missed that.
Im not concerned with your namecalling, it encourages me to show your info to be lacking and once enough people notice it you will probably come back under a new username but still keeping your unique vocabulary/grammatical signature as a reminder to some of us at least what your purpose here is.
So your here to promote Seventh day Adventism...
Or discredit anyone who is critical of Jews using historic evidence to help anyone reading in the comments section verify the evidence.
Your other technique (old and tired...) is the spotlight, whereby you mention something (the call for help) and the next person takes the discourse trajectory in that direction (away from the topic being discussed). Your not even able to concede your contradiction (you have to press on reusing your tired ineffective hasbara style strategies which became impotent to seasoned online debaters circa 2010).
Your call to Saturday Sabbath (while correct) is your gambit of credibility, after that your a bit one dimensional.....anyway ...
Tell us all about these Jesuits on Jewish payroll....
Why dont you read the comments and look closer to see correctly who makes the personal attacks in the first place? (are you collegues?) interestingly you seem to work in 3s.
You might like "2023: A Trilogy" by The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu ... Bit of a mad book very much after RAW's Illuminatus Trilogy
the beast will always pursue the lamb....they can't help it, and if they can't find one, they'll dress up one of their own to play the part....because they're desolate things who's only devotion is to themselves...and being there's plenty of them, they're an easy breed to collect and control...why would a ruling elite want them any other way.
or do you really know.
i could offcource attend to your imaginary mind game, but i have no interest in doing so.
if you do not want to answer to a plain/direct question, just say so.
(playing costly 😉)
Though I am perhaps a little interested in why you thought to turn the target.
i am suspecting we are all part of the problem. (except you/me/mindfriends maybe?)
Edit: Oh, I just noticed this: Yep. I honestly believe R is better than that (I actually fear that he hates me, but I'm not sure nor why I should care) but there it is. Hang tough all.
Much Love for all eternity. They recognize not their own face in those they fight.
Lost in a dualistic world they further separate one from the other not knowing why the darkness gets worse.
The new blue-eyed, blond haired ideal has been replaced with a fully stamped, up to date "vaccine" passport
Us Purebloods are the new Jews, those refusing the second shot are the new Gypsies, those refusing the boosters and the new blacks and gays etc.
(But fear not, the pigs won't stop cracking on blacks any time soon. I probably first heard the term DWB when I was 11, Growing up here - ALWAYS getting pulled over (over 50 times by the time I was 18 with no tickets!) - we always knew, it was worse for the black guys. (Also, I was one of the 3 or 4 white guys on our 40? person track team - taught me Motown - and we'd exchange stories about it.)
The whole time - every one of those three (I'd guess that in my first decade in this job there were about 4-5) - they had these eyes wide open stare that I now think must be what sheep must look like just before the death pressure punch (or whatever from No Country). . . and I was thinking, 'Why doesn't this guy hit me'? Both his hands are free!" *
I was surprised to learn that most folks have never been in a rough place. I grew up in a fucking deadly one - and I'm no fighter.
Sadly, most are sheepproles.
*I'm frankly glad they pulled me off of the one poor SOB who I almost threw out a 2.5 story window upside down.
But I shan't for that's a coward's way.
Have there ever been any recorded double "suicides" related to ex-CIA employees defenestrating themselves?
I flash back to earlier today (pardon the crudity but I figure you can handle it) I was taking a dump earlier . . . and there was a book about Irishmen (really a worthy bathroom tome) which said how around 1800 or so, some poor SOB got wrongfully executed and how, as it turned out, every single one of the twelve SOBs on the jury died a violent death.
As I walked out and described that to my sibling, I said, "Thank God for brothers!" He fully agreed.
*As I think about it. I could have legally killed - as I think about it - 3 - - 5 - fuck it - people and never did. Not a single one though more than half surely deserved it.
First they are asked to take the babies to a special room
Then they are asked to assist in the room, holding the babies whilst the doctor administers the death jab
Then after a while they are asked to stand in for the doctor and jab the babies themselves
Then the nurses started selecting which babies get killed
At what point do most AF's refuse to act - Does their deference to intimidation mean they cannot refuse at the outset and it just gets easier for them as they advance to more and more evil deeds
If I was slower or less efficient, I would have already played God. Not a job for me.
Meanwhile I do LOVE good beer and Preiselbeere sounds pretty damn good to me.
Hope all's well with you and yours. Love the derby.
You vipers The One has no days, nor weeks, nor does the One blink whether you rest on Moon day, Saturn day. Sun day, or any other day. You know not from whence you came nor do you know where you go. Carried on the currents of thousands of years of translations, change of callendars, deceit, wars and hatred. This is why the earth trembles this is why time is short and the god of this world’s time is short.
He who has ears to hear let them hear what the immutable spirit of Love and Truth is saying.
The One sent many to tell you to do One thing! Just One bloody thing!
Love one another!
Keep your religion I chose Life. Arguing over Yeshuah or Jesus? Really?
Time to grow up because time is short. Prosletizing for one thing and one thing only. That you ALL Love one another.
Namaste! Go in peace!
Love be with ALL of you that are the light of the One in temporal human form.
While is all sounds lovely and makes people feel all warm and fuzzy inside, universalism only serves to deliver YHWH's children into the hands of Cain's descendants (Satan's children).
From the very begining these murderers have NEVER considered unity except in the context of full annihilation of YHWH's children.
When these people speak of peace they really mean "peace without YHWH" (unity of all religions, all races and all nations under Cain's control, first attempted by NIMROD in the OT).
There will be no peace while "emnity" exists on earth.
Genesis 3:15 sets the scene for the coming events described historically for readers who are still confused as to why "the oneness" is not achievable due to both seedlines wanting "peace".
Peace comes when one is without the other.
Jesus/Yeshua: in Matthew 10:34 states the same.
Its a nice thought, everyone getting along and holding hands singing and laughing....
The truth is, while you have a WAR LIKE people who state world domination is reserved for their own you can only fantasize about the reality of peace, because peace for the WAR-LIKE peoples comes only via complete annihilation of those they share emnity towards: Numbers 33:55
"Love thy neighbor"
Who exactly "is" your neighbor and what makes someone your neighbor barely gets mentioned.
Some people will assert "everyone" is your neighbor, however:
1 John 4:4-5
But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. Those people belong to this world, so they speak from the world’s viewpoint, and the world listens to them.
1 Peter 2:9 But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.
Who are the captives and what did Yeshuah come to set them free from?
Who is the one called the Lord in the OT?
Who is your neighbor? What is a neighbor?
Those words as you put it “sound lovely” because they are from my mother/father.
God if we must use that term is Love. She is my mother and he is my strength.
I rebuke any god that would command my Fathers children to destroy one another.
What are you? From whence did you come. What does your god look like? Does he have a beard? Is he a jealous god? What prey tell would a god be jealous of?
It is clear why Yeshuah said we would be divided because of he.
My Brother Yeshuah and I stand in the Logos and watch as the ensnared and trapped children use God’s commands to destroy one another.
I came to set the captives free.
Eat from the Tree of Life and see!
All the information you ask is found in the bible.
Seek and you shall find.
Who spoke those words I put in quotes? Do you not know. It is Ok if you do not know the vast majority of humankind do not know the answer. I am not here to judge as that is the job of god with a little g.
In my time on this earth I have found that many do not “know”. It makes no one greater nor lesser in not knowing who or what said the below quote.
Who said: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil.”
Quoted by Isaiah 45:7
A tough pill to swallow and no apologist can sway the reality of what is before us inasmuch as that is written in all of them to the best of my knowledge except the Tyndale version as he was never able to complete it for he Tyndale was executed. He translated from other translations Like so many. Never mind that they discarded and destroyed the original works of “ The Way”. “The Way“ is what they called the teachings and practices before the attempts made to destroy it and rebrand it as Christianity or Catholicism.
Our history is deep and many revelations to be made by “coming as a child“ in order to discover the truth. It is damn painful! Yeshuah came to show the error and lies of the religious set up of the day.
I am not here to be right but to hopefully if I am whole and allow the spirit to do the next right thing.
We are all the Children but many have been misled and thus we point to the deceived and call them our enemy. Not all Jews are witting Zionists. Not all Nazis were believers but coward in corners and compelled to serve lest they find the same fate as those some called Jews. Rinse repeat to this very day even on this site evidently.
There is no chosen there is Red is only the choice.
I bow before no god. I walk hand in hand with my Father and Mother who are one and the same. Love is the Logos they are that. I born the child in my heart Christ the concious emanation of Love. All metaphor pointing to the one thing.
Love thy stranger as thyself.
Go in peace let them All know they are loved beyond measure no matter what they have done. Be it participating in war and all the atrocities that occur therein or prostituting there flesh to feed their child.
Who in any serious study of a subject limits themselves to “One Text Only”?? Madness. Believing in a “canon text” as the only sourcebook of truth is willful koolaid drinking. It’s the Jewish source, prepared for the Goyim. A glorious past of the genocidal Hebrew people Most of you are still in the dark...and are lacking desire for truth.
Banging my head on the wall...
Look into the Asura peoples of India, where they come from and how they came to the Middle East. The story of Sarah and Abraham has its roots in the Hindu story of Brahmin and Saraswati.
Ya’ll are arguing over a created biblical history and not looking at the oldest documents on earth? What??
Next is to discover who the Habirus were. Outcasts, soldiers of fortune, runaway slaves, those expelled from civilized society as they could not live within one. A mangel group of murderers and thieves. They were a nomadic group, that encamped on the outskirts of established cities. They planned night raids and would attack and decimate city after city. Steal all the wealth, maybe enslave the virgin girls.
They were marauders with an invented god that protected them and justified their massacres. This people group were rejects to put it bluntly. Hence the need for the endless laws. No goodness in them to bind them together. They brought with them various histories and cultures. This is why the Bible features many stories found in other cultures as well. They were a people with no real history other than marauders. So, much of what is in the Bible is a conglomeration of beliefs and histories with the Hebrews replacing the original characters. Fabricated. And sold to us as proof they are chosen by God.
They know their own true history and they are anything but chosen. Never forget they are deceivers. Even menachem begin made a speech about the state of is Israel mitigating the mark of Cain.
The truth is probably in the Vatican basement. All the ancient texts we will never see. Remember, most rulers are high on the psychopathic and narcissistic scale. It appeals to them. As a people, I can think of no more a psychopathic and narcissistic race than than the Jews.,Recent history tells us this is so. It’s in them as a people group, Who and what they really are can only be speculated upon. There is no other group that desires to eliminate all others except themselves. No other religion than the vile Talmud that declares this. Judge them by their poisonous fruit.
Yahweh a Canaanite or Edomite Metallurgy God?
Depends if you trust a single scholar!
Namely Nissim Amzallag, Yahweh originated during the Bronze Age, in Canaanite religion, as the patron god of metallurgy, considering metals were an important hallmark of that time period.
This theory did not come about until recently when secular scholars have said that because the Israelites spent 40 years in the desert (Numbers 13:1-33), they would have been influenced by nations in the surrounding areas such as the Edomites, descendants of Esau, and the Canaanites.
Therefore, the theory suggests they adopted aspects from Edomite and Canaanite deities and attributed them to the God they claimed to follow.
One such deity includes the Edomite god, Qos. Qos, the chief god of the Edomites, stood out amongst the pantheon of fertility gods. Because of Qos’ connection with Mount Seir and Scripture’s seemingly connection with that Mount in Deuteronomy 33:2, scholars assumed the connection between the two.
Furthermore, scholars will argue that Moses married a foreign wife whose father worshipped other gods and might have let the pantheon into his own religious beliefs like Solomon did (1 Kings 11).
Why the Yahweh as a Canaanite God Theory Doesn’t Hold Up
The theory doesn’t hold up for a number of reasons. First of all, scholars are essentially grasping at straws. Most of the theory operates on conjecture. The Israelites lived near foreign peoples and some married foreign peoples, so, therefore, they changed their entire religion based on the influence of those peoples, according to the theory.
Also, similarly spelled names do not indicate it’s the same God. Although the Canaanites had El, and the Jews had Elohim, and the Edomites had JWH and the Jews had YHWH, it does not conclude that the gods are one and the same.
After all, Belteshazzar and Belshazzar are not the same people, not even close (Daniel 5). One was an Israelite captive in Babylon, the other, a king who loved a good party before the end of his kingdom.
Third, in Exodus, God makes it abundantly clear that he does not want his people to worship other gods (Exodus 23:13, Exodus 34:14). In no way shape or form would God have let them simply adopt other gods into their pantheon, let alone combine Him with them. We see consequences during their time in the desert when they do turn to other gods (Exodus 20-21).
Even though Israel strays away from God, God places godly leaders such as Moses, Joshua, etc. to prevent them from going astray. During their time in the desert, Moses would not have allowed them to adopt Canaanite or Edomite gods.
Origins of Yahweh: Polytheism to Monotheism Or the Other Way Around?
“OK,” scholars may say, “but Israel clearly created monotheism from the polytheistic cultures surrounding them. They brought many gods and turned them into one, like Akhenaten with Aten.”
Some may even point to the evolution of religious cultures from earlier cultures to modernized ones. They’ll say, “Look, as religions evolve, we see many gods of these more primitive cultures becoming one god.”
Truth is, it works the opposite way. Instead of many gods becoming one, we see one becoming many. Many start with a chief god (like El or JWH) and then later add a pantheon. In some ways, one could argue that they had an influence from the Israelites and not the other way around.
Of course, we could dive into philosophical arguments about why having one God makes sense over having several, after all, take one look at Greek mythology. Gods fight all the time and cause havoc and chaos on earth.
But overall, the polytheism to monotheism theory operates on conjecture at best. Both this argument and the argument from El to Elohim has very little basis, archeological evidence, and substantial proof.
Why Does The Origin of Yahweh Matter?
Many who will try to attack the believers faith will rely on arguments like this. After all, if they can attack the Creator himself, they can weaken the faith and religious beliefs of those who believe in the Creator. If they convince a believer that their faith is all based on polytheistic cultures that eventually molded into monotheistic ones, they'll wonder about the credibility of the Bible. They muse if they'd believe in a lie their whole lives. Post-modern society believes that one day we'll shed the need for religion and that religion is simply a part of the evolutionary process for survival.
But if we establish reasons for why monotheism devolved into polytheism, and not the other way around, we can show that the Israelites didn't borrow a Canaanite god and transform him into something else. Instead, Yahweh had been with them since the beginning and continued to pursue a relationship with them, even after they chase after foreign gods.
Jews benefit and prosper by Zionist political machinations...do you honestly buy the Chabad/Hasidic jew holding up a placard saying we hate Zionism are not mocking you already?
Even children can see the "good cop bad cop" are BOTH cops (Shomrim? LOL)
Stop excusing Jews for what they did BEFORE Zionism was only a Jewish protocol pamphlet...
Stop excusing child killers and murderers because they adopt the secretarial role for their footsoldier brethren....
Henry Makow...."its the Illuminati"
Brother Nathaniel..."its the Zionists"
Ian Crane...."its the Jesuits"
Sott reader...."its the bad jews"
Sott columnist ....."its the Nazis"
I will defend my God given rights...
David Icke: "nah.....its the Lizard peoples"
Uk Column: " its common purpose obviously..."
"......insert new guru....": its the vatican....
".....insert newer guru..": its the Muslims....
".....insert narrative control authority worker..." quick...there...there...look over that way...there...its them....
Complete aside. Peat fires in Siberia leave interesting natural ice sculpture. [Link] They had -72C! Woebal glorming obviously the cause.
Its the ZOG...
Its the trilateral commission...
Its the Rockafellas....
Its the Royals....
Its the Built a burger buffet
Its the Mob
Its the government...
Its the refugees...
Its the Mafia
Its the Tavistock cult..
Its the Red Yellow or Blue
Its the Ukrainian Maniac Murder Cult..
Its the ANC
Its .....the weather...
Its Loch Ness Monster...
Its the late Dossier...
Its the WMD's
Contracts on your life don't require "consent"
Wake up bro!
there are simply contracts between human animals
been awake since 4.30...
As re the time, I thought you were in France and it's presently 12.15a here in EST. Shouldn't it be around 6a.m. there? I dunno. Kinda lost me there I guess.
So your still saying you don't have the right to live.
Because there are no rights so anyone can murder who ever they like because no one has the right to life.
Sounds a bit confused to me (no offence!) or your dreaming still.
A contract is when someone or something makes you an offer, after some consideration of the terms and conditions you reach an agreement.
So what your saying is your parents made you an offer to be born, you considered the terms by showing your consideration or was it their right to have a family?
who/what gives you the right to live? try it that way round...?
i really don't ever get offended, people who 'get offended' are pretty dumb
Social contracts still require consent (check out "implied consent" which works on peoples inaction to give consent...very slippery slope).
Social contract....giving your consent.
The state requires you to be va33inated.
You cave in. (you give implied consent because you never tried to avoid the va33ination even while being rounded up by armed personel you did not go kicking and screaming thus showing you do as you are told, made or forced to)
Right to life....
The state requires you to be va33inated.
You do not comply, you don't comply because your not obliged to harm yourself or allow yourself to be harmed through coersion, threat of violence, physical or mental. You avoid the state by going on the run or hiding (showing you do not consent and your wishes show you want to protect YOUR life and excercise the right by movement).
Rights you dont protect you lose.
You were given the right to LIFE in the universe.
From AA of course. [Link]
He's also got another post (I've gotta guess it's him) "The billiionaires who fuck kids told me it was safe. How was i supposed to know it was the mark of the beast?