Jordan Valley West Bank Israel
Occupied Jordan Valley
The Israeli occupation forces converted more than 400,000 dunams of land in the Jordan Valley into closed military zones and established 97 military sites there. It also planted hundreds of agricultural dunums in the Jordan Valley with landmines.

The Israeli occupation forces stormed yesterday evening, Sunday, Khirbet Homsa in the northern Jordan Valley, and launched a campaign of confiscations of citizens' properties.

Local sources reported that the Israeli occupation forces confiscated the vehicle of the representative of the assembly, the citizen Harb Abu Al-Kabbash, after confiscating his family's personal identities card and mobile phones.

israel landmine
© AlamyAn Israeli landmine lies between Bethlehem and the Dead Sea in the West Bank.
The sources pointed out that the Israeli occupation forces went to the pastures adjacent to the settlement of "Rawai", where the occupation soldiers attacked the citizens, drew weapons on them, and threatened them to leave their lands.

Khirbet Homsa al-Fawqa in the northern Jordan Valley is one of the important areas that the Israeli occupation seeks to impose its control on, which has caused long-suffering to its residents, especially after they faced eleven evictions during the last four years under the pretext of occupation military exercises.

The people of Khirbet Homsa al-Fawqa are subjected to daily harassment, including the confiscation of their agricultural tractors, the confiscation of their livestock, and the placing of obstacles in the way of transporting water by tankers to their homes.

The Israeli occupation seeks, through repeated demolitions, to forcibly displace the population from the entire area, in the interest of building settlements and military camps, in addition to military exercises there.

In the last four years, the Khirbet Homsa al-Fawqa has turned into a scene of "Israeli" military exercises, which were forcing the people to leave their homes for days due to the use of live ammunition.