"Anyone in a position of power should be criticised and laughed at and that includes people with large social media followings that rile up big, angry online mobs," They/Them writes.

The Spectator launched an anonymous tip line where people can expose social justice indoctrination in the workplace. Wokeyleaks, as it's called, "will also function as a confidential news leak organization for any other sources who wish to divulge classified information (and hilarious anecdotes) about woke culture without fear of getting canceled."

The person behind this is themselves anonymous, and will go simply by the pronouns "They/Them." They write that their "disillusionment with the Social Justice 'left' was less a road to Damascus moment and more death by a thousand cucks."

For those of you who were educated in a social justice curriculum who don't know what it means to have a "road to Damascus moment," it means to have a transformation, to come to the light and be struck with a new life's purpose.

They/Them's final moment came when they were told by a friend that "people are concerned about your use of POC hand emojis on Instagram," saying that it was "the equivalent of blackface" to use an emoji that diverted from your own personal skin tone. They write that they had "been complicit in this hypocritical wokeness," but that they had "never called it out."

While They/Them is on board with those who are "from marginalized communities who understandably wish to fight the social inequality that has disadvantaged them," it is the "CEO's and board members of the social justice movement who are the problem," and these are those who They wishes to expose.

The Post Millennial reached out to They/Them to find out more.

TPM: What is the danger of social justice ideology in an industry and a workplace?

They/Them: The problem is that social justice has become an industry itself. It is the industry of the "fameoisie" who are the large and growing subsection of society that are famous because of social media. Many of these people actually believe that their retweets and likes are some kind of score they have achieved in their fight against the forces of injustice and evil. In reality they are just trying to win at a computer game designed by Silicon Valley mega-corps to make a handful of geeky billionaires as much money as humanly possible.

These tech monsters do not care about social justice, they care about their bottom line. It doesn't matter to the algorithm whether Bob's comment around the workplace water-cooler was actually racist/sexist/ableist/etc or whether it was just a clumsy joke. The algorithm feeds on hate and Bob (and his job) are just more grist for the mill (or data for the algorithm to update the proverb slightly).

Everyone on the left Tweets that Bob is the cause of all the society's problems. Bob gets fired from his workplace and loses his health care and pension. The right-wing make a martyr out of Bob and scream blue murder. The left scream right back and nobody is any happier. It's no coincidence that Silicon Valley is booming while most Western democracies are torn apart by political divisions.

TPM: We've been party to call-out culture since at least the advent of MeToo, why is it important to call out the callers out?

They/Them: Because anyone in a position of power should be criticised and laughed at and that includes people with large social media followings that rile up big, angry online mobs. I don't think many people would argue that calling out Harvey Weinstein was a bad thing. So, call-out culture has done some good. But we have to ask ourselves if we are in a better or worse place as a society since the explosion of mass call-out culture five or so years ago. The answer obviously is that we are in a worse place-society is more divided, less equal and closer to collapse than at any time in living memory. Madness is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results, or whatever that guy said.

TPM: What do you hope will be the result of what will undoubtedly be a rather large archive?

They/Them: I hope that the social just "left" will stop taking itself so seriously. I believe in the idea of social justice but I don't recognise my peers any more. I don't like how they are behaving. They have become pathologically unable to laugh at themselves. If there is one thing that every nasty ideology through history has in common, it's that they weren't able to laugh at themselves. That should worry the left. Losing your sense of humour is a canary in the political coal mine and I wish my peers would take it more seriously.

TPM: Would you describe yourself as either liberal or conservative?

They/Them: I'm lefty in all other aspects of my politics. I believe in socialist economics and I'm socially liberal. But I feel like it's my duty to call out the absolutely crazy behaviour of my peers. This pathology is not unique left-wing SJWs though. There is a kind of mustard-gas-paradigm in this culture war in which both sides adopt and escalate each other's nastiest tactics.

There are many crazy social-media-famous people on the right who pretend to be fighting some kind of crusade against wokeness who are in fact just addicted to playing the computer game too. It's important that we're all critical of our own "side." If you're on the right and you're not condemning the behaviour of the craziest that invaded the Capitol Building, then you're as bad as the people on the left pretending that all the BLM marches were all peaceful. One of the main reasons things have got this bad is because nobody is questioning the behaviour of own faction.

In the announcement for Wokeyleaks, They writes that people are concerned about speaking up because they are "scared of the online abuse," "scared of work mysteriously drying up if you have the wrong opinions," but that most of all, people don't want to speak up because they are "scared of being unpopular." Enter Wokeyleaks. If you want to spill your story, you can "leak your woke-culture war crimes to wokeyleaks@protonmail.com."