Professor Erik Loomis
University of Rhode Island and Director of Graduate Studies Erik Loomis recently claimed "science, statistics and technology" are racist.

"Science, statistics, and technology are all inherently racist because they are developed by racists who live in a racist society, whether they identify as racists or not," Loomis tweeted in reference to a New York Times article.

"This is why I have so much contempt for those, including many liberals, who 'just want the data.' The data is racist!" he continued.

Loomis has come under scrutiny several times in the past for tweets and blog posts. He most recently made news for his blog post "Why was Michael Reinoehl Killed?" a reference to ANTIFA supporter Michael Reinoehl who was killed by police after killing Trump supporter Aaron "Jay" Danielson during an earlier clash.

After a commenter called Loomis out for his position on his post, Loomis replied "He killed a fascist. I see nothing wrong with it, at least from a moral perspective."

Loomis' latest comments come at a time during which "systemic racism" is a prevalent topic in academic circles.

University of Rhode Island Assistant Director of Communications Dave Lavallee told Campus Reform that "Mr. Loomis' recent social media posts on science, statistics and technology are entirely his own opinions, and in no way represent the positions or values of the University of Rhode Island."

"His recent tweet runs completely counter to URI's first Cornerstone Value, which says, 'We pursue knowledge with honesty, integrity and courage," said Lavalee.

"In making such remarks, Mr.Loomis calls into question the work of thousands of researchers and scientists across the country and particularly the outstanding work done by our talented and diverse researchers at URI. While Mr. Loomis has a First Amendment right to make such comments as a private citizen, he does not have the right to make such unsubstantiated claims in the context of his university position or role."

Loomis did not respond to a request for comment at the time this article was published.

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