white america
If a white employee speaks too much, thatโ€™s "imposition" or "paternalism." If a white employee speaks too little, "silence" is also "violence."
Seattle conducted a training session for the city's white employees, titled "Interrupting Internalized Racial Superiority and Whiteness."

Christopher Rufo, a City Journal editor, investigated the city's internal agenda through a public records request.

Rufo found out that Seattle's "diversity trainers" inform white participants that "objectivity," "individualism," "and intellectualization" are all subconscious indications of "internalized racial oppression."

He pointed out the self-defeating contradictions white employees face if they concede to this segregated list of affirmations. If a white employee speaks too much, that's "imposition" or "paternalism." If a white employee speaks too little, "silence" is also "violence."

internalized racial oppression
White employees are also given a step-by-step tutorial on how to be good "white accomplices" to minorities. Practice "self-talk" that "affirms [their] complicity in racism," the city instructs. This is the only way white people can work on "undoing [their] whiteness."

internalized racial oppression 2
After these destructive thought exercises, "diversity trainers" ask white employees to "let go" of prescribed "niceties" only white people can enjoy, such as "comfort," "guaranteed physical safety," "control over other people and the land," "social status," jobs and promotions rewarded clearly based on race and not merit, relationships with disagreeing white people, and other "white normative behaviors."

White employees were even provided a thoughtful flowchart that outlines the "racist" cycle white people perpetuate through "superior" justification, "self-righteousness," "fear, shame and guilt" over "harmful actions" toward "people of color," and "smallness and inauthenticity." White people are unable to "imagine a way forward" that stems from a "place of humanity and empowerment." Thus, the "status quo is reinforced."

For employees questioning if they're "white," they must pass a "white" litmus test that extends to their ancestors, described in a historical datasheet, titled "Assimilation into Whiteness."

This divisive training was segregated to white city employees, teaching them how they have "complicity in the system of white supremacy" and must be held "accountable to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color."

Upon completion of this virtual concentration camp, the city shares hypothetical examples of success stories so that white employees can recognize when they've finally "interrupted [their] whiteness" and have become "white allies."

"Other white people may be angry," but white accomplices must let go of "operating as individuals" to adapt to this collective mindset.

Seattle refuses to release the names of these "diversity trainers," the program's budget, and the session's recording, Rufo stated.

"I'm going to keep pushing โ€” because this is exactly the kind of thought-policing they want to implement everywhere," he urged, describing the "new cultural revolution" being fought by corporate human relations and public school curriculums.

"When you find something like this in your community, expose it, criticize it, mock it, and reject it," Rufo concluded.