From the beginning of the SARS-COV-2/COVID19 pandemic rollout there have been disturbing hints, rumours and even overt whistleblower claims of seemingly gross medical malpractice connected with the treatment and handling of allegedly infected people.
We have heard about mandatory Do Not Resuscitate orders issued for the elderly, cognitively challenged people, autistic people and even children with fairly minor congenital conditions.
We have heard of terrifyingly inappropriate usage of invasive ventilation that can only increase the numbers of covid19 deaths', and of general levels of incompetence and poor practice that must have the same result.
And now we have evidence of three clinical trials which require patients to be given up to 4 times the normal dosage of hydroxychloroquine, with or without their consent. In one of these studies over 25% of patients died.
This has been unearthed by Dr. Meryl Nass MD, and is covered in detail over at her site and at the Alliance for Human Research Protection, a site dedicated to exposing unethical practice in the medical community.
The three studies are:
Solidarity, conducted by the World Health Organization, on 3500 Covid-19 patients at 400 hospitals, across 35 countries. As well as Hydroxychloroqine the trial included Remdesivir, Lopinavir with Ritonavir, Lopinavir with Ritonavir plus Interferon beta-1a.
Recovery, conducted in the UK, sponsored by the Wellcome Trust (GlaxoSmithKline) and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the UK government. 1,542 patients took part, of whom 396 (25.7%) died
Remap, an ongoing multi-national project that is now trialing hydroxychloroquine as a SARSCOV2 therapy.
Doses employed in all studies were way above normal therapeutic doses and could well have proved fatal, especially to the very frail and compromised people enrolled in the trial, many of whom were already on ventilators or other forms of assisted breathing. In fact to even be considered for the Remap trial a patient had to be "close to death, either on a ventilator or in shock, on pressor medications."
Neither was any allowance made in dosage for patients with poor kidney or liver function, who might have increased difficulty in processing the drug. Only actual liver failure was grounds for reducing the dose:
No dose adjustment is necessary for renal dysfunction or concomitant use of renal replacement therapy. Clinicians should consider a dose adjustment in the presence of liver failure, however no dose adjustment is necessary for abnormal liver function tests in the absence of liver failure.Patient consent was not considered necessary:
For patients who are not competent to consent, either prospective agreement or entry via waiver of consent or some form of deferred consent can be applied, as required by an appropriate ethical review body."Ironically, the Solidarity hydroxychloroquine trial was suspended on May 25th following the Surgisphere report in The Lancet that claimed 35% higher death rates in patients receiving Hydroxychloroquine, but which later turned out to be fraudulent, and indeed Nass suggests these medical trials are cynically sacrificing human subjects as part of the ongoing war against hydroxychloroquine, in a bid to prove it does not work or is unsafe:
Why is public health being turned on its head? REMAP-Covid is the third major multicenter clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine to give toxic doses to Covid patients. Who or what is behind this concerted effort to maim or kill patients in order to kill any appearance of benefit from hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of Covid-19?This is more than possible of course, but I also think we need to set these frankly murderous "trials" within the wider context mentioned above - the distribution of DNRs to healthy or mildly compromised people, the brutal system of almost deliberately induced and needless deaths described by the whistleblower nurses in the US, the deaths by 'accidental' neglect in care homes.
These are all beginning to add up to something very dark and very strange going on in the shadows, just beyond public scrutiny. Whether this is deliberate policy or some dreadful perfect storm of institutionalised fear and chronic under-funding is hard to say. But something truly grotesque and potentially evil is going on here, and we can't afford to ignore it.
Reader Comments
Doesn't matter - the bullet would probably go through a hole.
Be mindful of what you wish for another, for it represents your evaluation of what you would do you yourself if exposed in such a blind hate.
There are many ways to interpret 'turning the other cheek'. One of them is to live an equality of being regardless masking presentations of being set over or under another. Jesus was not a doormat, nor did he encourage sin, sickness and death or torment as worthy choices.
What you may be equating with Jesus' saying REGARDING THE TEMPTATION TO TAKE OFFENCE AND PLAY OUT THE VICTIM AND RIGHTEOUS AVENGER - is passive compliance.
You live in the era of the psyop - as deceits cunningly targeted to your fears, and to your hope of escaping them, and so If I were to seek to deceive you, you have already given me a profile by which to induce you to sell your integrity for a 'sword' by which you can want to kill and therefore give consent to being killed.
The 'helpless' in your casting may indeed be so in the frame of the social and cultural constructs of our adaptation to a human world. Indeed the belief and fear of helplessness drives the whole CONTROL AGENDA in all its blinding deceit.
Your concept of Eternity is for everlasting torment and yet you put "sinners" in quotes as if to suggest there is no sin.
I appreciate the feeling of disgust - which cannot be altogether without some element of self-disgust - for human minds are clearly capable of unimaginable callousness, cruelty and cynical disregard for life. In face they are so able to compartmentalise a self-exception of judgement of others as unworthy of love and life, as to be willing to give them hell, so as to be more comfortable in their own bubble.
There is no real escape from our thought and intention - regardless how ingeniously the mind can limit and conflict itself into complex instruments for the masking of toxic debt. But the accounting to which we are each and together responsible is where our own sin has denied love's reality in favour of its own judgements - and resulting experience of self-illusion given value over and at expense of truth.
The toxic debts of a long period of human expansion and development are increasing rendering and revealing insanity - over which controls are increasing seeking to mask, so as to demand increasing sacrifices to the god of control - that is the flipside to a god of terror-seeking-protection in limitation, separation, distancing and masking over. The victim and the victimiser. You can cast your life in these terms and see everything in the frame of murder and deceit - but it will come home because YOU gave these meanings and so they return to you as faithful witnesses to the devotion you accept in your heart.
There IS a human dilemma in being split between the movement of our love, and the demands of social duty, law or demanded compliances to rules, rulers and structured society. Jesus also spoke to this in terms of giving to Caesar what is due or needful to do in order to function in the world, and giving to the Living (God), the love that is due to the giver of the awareness and experience of being love - which is most clearly revealed in loving our 'enemy' because there is no personal manipulative 'getting' in the extending of embrace and awareness of one who does not support or reinforce your 'identity'' or 'worldview'.
That such a practice is merely 'thought about' rather than resonant as a tuning truth - NOW! - is the result of "sinners" persisting in targetting and reinforcing their helplessness, without ANY recognition that this is the principle device BY which to render ourselves 'locked down' in fear-defined defences that DO the very thing we invoke or accept them to defend against - but behind a masking filter of judgement. We are now being shown the nature of the MASK, such as we are willing to step FROM its bubble and look at it - and at the fear symbol that it represents.
Try to tell anyone a truth they are not yet ready to hear and you find they are NOT helpless, for they can always find a way NOT to hear or something ELSE to attend, or a way to misrepresent and subvert what you say to serve their own defences - and attack you with.
Truth is not a possession to be acquired and controlled. That is judgemental self-illusion. Truth is in your heart, wordless and still, and yet holding the centre as embrace for all that spirals and radiates and expands as the movement of reflection. FEAR of truth is the result of invested illusion - and the 'tenant farmers' taking their tenure as possession in their own right, kill the messengers of truth as their survival set in threat. And so to fear of truth, anything true is a 'contagion'. This operates a reversal of consciousness - running upon the body of life. Uncovering and releasing such an error without triggering psychotic fragmentation and dissociation is the function of the 'Holy Spirit' or the purpose and spirit of reintegrating to wholeness of being - that remains available as your Help - beneath the mask of terror - and therefore misperceived, distrusted and denied by a 'self-control' seeking reinforcement - as well as scapegoats on which to dump the consequence of its actions, and narratives by which to redefine sin as our 'normal'. And remember, I am using sin for the willingness to persist in self-illusion at COST of truth, and as an error that can be corrected by releasing the investment in the beliefs and fears that drives such an identity in lack.
Medical (physical) transference of psychic emotional conflicts operates on the wish for panacea. When some promise of leverage over negative consequence appears or is publicised to 'sell itself', the many flock to take it as a way of fixing their life, or bolstering their ability to control and leverage life without penalty, and so they bring ALL the psychic elements that properly belong to their own relational being - into a drug culture - and industry that in willingness to play the role of 'saviour' takes on and becomes trapped in these densities of demonic entanglement - of hates, shames, and terrors set under rage.
You could say we ARE locked into hell or self-torment - as if at the hand of Others who we gave power to, and lost self-awareness to a reactive defence the perpetuates the very conditions of conflict as the idols and ideals of 'order'. But as order imposed upon life, others and self. Fear begets tyranny, but identity made in fear is the last one to re-cognize the error by which they 'live'.
It is sometimes suggested that our politicians cannot find a way out of 'lockdown' without losing face. But they are no longer operating Sumption's gumption in terms of evaluating all views and using common sense, but are handled, guided and told what to think, what to say and ways to say it that bypass or trick the unwary into giving allegiance to, or inhibiting the ability to openly challenge.
The 'tenant pharmas' are not just operating to avoid losing any face of credibility, but are desperate to make a new face of biotech as 'security' in a life normalised as latent infection. For your 'sins' are now viruses that can be defined and tested for by rules and regulations that you have NO VOICE in overseeing or participating in as decisions. Nor in UK as of new laws only yesterday, by any process of democratic oversight other than a minister's decision (instructions).
It is the HELP that is being targeted, which in medical terms is your immune systems - for they are the dynamic and living relational being over which a masking persona operates - with less and less alignment in true function. The 'ego' of self (and world) imaged thinks to order and control all things - including our genetic encodings. But then that was its job description as substitute for the active extension of love.
Perhaps, 'waking' to hell, is opening the conditions in which the true prayer of the heart is recognised and aligned in. False desires cannot extend joy in life. Hollow lives cannot 'add' truth or make a silk purse of a sow's ear. How do you know the true from the false? Well do you truly WANT to know?
Turning the other cheek doesn’t mean to ignore evil. Then you are complicit. Isn’t it more like not picking up the sword and avenging it yourself? If you become a killer too then you are no better.
Doesn’t mean you can’t punish them in other ways.
It is odd the spere of small hats swooning around Trump, he’s all in on Israel as well as the small hats in the legacy media and yet Trump is vilified 24/7. It reminds me of the mindfook of any truth coming out of Alex “Stratfor” Jones’ mouth can be soundly dismissed as poppycock. In fact Jones seems to be used as a regular delegitimization tool.
Apparently what Ronald Bernard whistleblew about is true: