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The swastika is a symbol used by of one of the most hated men on Earth, a symbol that represents the slaughter of millions of people and one of the most destructive wars on Earth. But
Adolf Hitler was not the first to use this symbol. In fact, it was used as a powerful symbol thousands of years before him, across many cultures and continents.For the Hindus and Buddhists in India and other Asian countries, the swastika was an important symbol for many thousands of years and, to this day,
the symbol can still be seen in abundance - on temples, buses, taxis, and on the cover of books. It was also used in Ancient Greece and can be found in the remains of the ancient city of Troy, which existed 4,000 years ago. The ancient Druids and the Celts also used the symbol, reflected in many artifacts that have been discovered. It was used by Nordic tribes and even early Christians used the Swastika as one of their symbols, including the Teutonic Knights, a German medieval military order, which became a purely religious Catholic Order. But why is this symbol so important and why did Adolf Hitler decide to use it?
The word 'swastika' is a Sanskrit word ('svasktika') meaning 'It is', 'Well Being', 'Good Existence, and 'Good Luck'. However, it is also known by
different names in different countries - like 'Wan' in China, 'Manji' in Japan, 'Fylfot' in England, 'Hakenkreuz' in Germany and 'Tetraskelion' or 'Tetragammadion' in Greece.
© unknown
A Sanskrit scholar
P. R. Sarkar in 1979 said that
the deeper meaning of the word is 'Permanent Victory'. He also said that as any symbol it can have positive and negative meaning depending on how it is drawn. So in Hinduism, the right-hand swastika is a symbol of the God Vishnu and the Sun, while the left-hand swastika is a symbol of Kali and Magic. The double meaning of symbols is common in ancient traditions, like for example the symbol of the pentagram (five pointed star), which is viewed as negative when pointing downwards, and positive when pointing upwards.
The earliest swastika ever found was uncovered in Mezine, Ukraine, carved on an ivory figurine, which dates an incredible 12,000 years, and one of the earliest cultures that are known to have used the Swastika was a Neolithic culture in Southern Europe, in the area that is now Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, known as the Vinca Culture, which dates back around 8,000 years.
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Reader Comments
The Ancient History of the Swastika in Europe...[Link]
Byzantine Swastikas....[Link]
Buddhist Swastikas....[Link]
Hindu Swastikas....[Link]
I guess the Union Jack 'diagonals' show a clockwise spiral-vortice?
Maybe it has some significance with reference to swastikas, maybe it doesn't.
BC i came here looking forward to some juicy meat and genius insights springing forth from you in this article.
Weak joke...
Did you here about the two gay Irish fellas?
Michael Fitzpatrick and Patrick Fitzmichael.
But where are yours? Where are your contributions? All you ever do is groupie on one guy and stick your tongue out at another. It's pathetic.
The Union Jack was adopted 1st January (18)01 = 111
The O2 Millenium Dome put up a purple walkway 2012 Olympics at a 19.5 degree angle NNW = Merkabah
Using the Cancer 'Mc' line as compass north of The Millenium Chart 1st January 2000 [Link] House of Leo starts at approx 19.5 degrees west (or anti-clockwise) of due north 'Mc' Cancer line.
Follow the Millenium O2 (= Oz = Osiris = green god = Greenwich/wicca) purple roof walk-way 333 miles = Arthurs Seat of the Scottish capital. 333 = 3 x 111 (also worthy of note: Wikipedia puts both Cardiff and Edinburgh - the Celtic capitals of Britain, at 3 degrees 11 minutes West)
Midway it passes Leeds = 'Loidis' (its name origin still uncertain) which could be interpreted Latin 'lion apart' or 'Leo asunder'... maybe. Interestingly Leeds is the larges finance and legal centre outside London (within UK).