Putin Nazarbayev
The President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in his book "The Age of Independence" has spoken of his high appreciation of the effectiveness of his many years of cooperation with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The book is written in the genre of historical journalism and reflects the author's view of the modern history of Kazakhstan and its future, published on Thursday.

"The importance of relations between Kazakhstan and Russia was evidenced by the intensity of contacts at the highest level. My long-term fruitful interaction with Vladimir Putin is an international and political phenomenon that is exceptional in its saturation and effectiveness, "the Kazakh leader said.

In addition, the author shared his vision of the managerial qualities of his Russian counterpart.

"He has a very strong ability to learn. Putin 2001 and Putin 2017 are different in class and vision of politics. Of course, great responsibility and big events teach people. But the question is what conclusions people come to" the president of Kazakhstan noted.

According to him, Putin "as a negotiator uses absolutely rational and logical arguments."This is how all our bilateral economic ties were built," he added.

Nazarbayev emphasizes that "good-neighborly, allied relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation do not depend on external conjuncture and global weather."

"Moreover, these relations positively affect the political climate in Eurasia, and thus in the world. I am sure that together we will come out of any situation our people are going through." - the head of Kazakhstan concludes.