After an unusually strong X-class solar flare and unusual solar activity back in September - possibly related to a series of powerful earthquakes above 7.0M in New Caledonia and Mexico - last month was marked by three powerful earthquakes that caused widespread damage - in Iraq/Iran, Chile and South Korea. Meanwhile, volcanic activity seems to have reached a seasonal peak (yes, soon we'll have to start talking about 'volcano season').
These increased geological phenomena, and the official predictions of an increase in earthquake activity in 2018 due to the slow-down of Earth's rotation, have left affected people with a feeling of dread.
Droughts also worsened in Portugal and Spain last month, while sheets of rain fell in South America, Australia, and in most parts of Asia. All this at a time when meteorologists are finding themselves having to use the term 'atmospheric phenomena' because 'rainfall' just doesn't cut it anymore.
Trumpet sounds and portents in the sky were seen as harbingers of changing times in the past, from the social and political arena, to significant cosmic events. So fasten your seat belts folks, because it seems that things are going to get rough.
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Music used: 'Escape from the Temple' by Per Kiilstofte. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalTo understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it's taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection.
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