nuclear test
In the last week, three people have contacted me with eerily similar stories. Or, rather, with eerily similar nightmares. On August 8, I received a Facebook message from a guy named Kenny, who had a horrific dream of nuclear war two nights earlier. Kenny lives in San Bernardino, California and woke up suddenly in the dead of night in a state of terror. As Kenny explained, in his dream he was sitting in the living-room of a house in a small town outside of Lubbock, Texas. Kenny had no idea of the name of the town, only that he knew it was near Lubbock - a place he has never visited. In the dream, Kenny heard a sudden and deep rumbling sound that seemed to be coming from somewhere faraway. He went to the screen door, puzzled, and peered outside. To his horror, Kenny could see way off in the distance, the one thing which none of us ever want to see: a huge, nuclear mushroom cloud looming large and ominous on the horizon.

Kenny continued that, in his dream, he was rooted to the spot, his legs shaking and his heart pounding. He could only stand and stare as the huge radioactive cloud extended to a height of what was clearly miles. The entire sky turned black and suddenly a huge wave of flame and smoke - hundreds of feet high - raced across the entire landscape, completely obliterating everything in its path. In seconds, there was another explosion, again way off in the distance, but from the opposite direction. Nuclear war had begun. That was when Kenny woke up - thankful that it was all a dream, but disturbed by the fact that, as Kenny told me, the dream seemed like something far more than just a regular dream. Kenny felt he had seen something that was still yet to come: a glimpse of the near future.

Kimberly J emailed me on August 10 and shared with me a story of disturbing proportions. She lives in Chicago, Illinois and had a somewhat similar dream to that of Kenny, but on August 9. The scenario was almost identical: a gigantic explosion destroyed her home city, killing millions and vaporizing everything for miles. A huge mushroom cloud was hanging where, only seconds earlier, there had been a bustling city of close to three million people. In this case, however, there was more: amid the carnage and the chaos, a large "birdman," as Kimberly described it, hovered over the massive cloud, "watching the end of us."

On June 7 of this year, M.J. Banias wrote an article here at Mysterious Universe titled "Chicago's Current Mothman Flap 'A Warning,' Says Expert." In his article Banias described a recent (and still-ongoing) wave of Mothman-type sightings in and around the city. The article quotes researcher Lon Strickler, who has looked into these particular cases: "There are many opinions as to why these sightings are occurring, including a general feeling that unfortunate events may be in the city's future...At this point, I feel that this being may be attempting to distinguish a connection between locales within the city and future events. The witnesses have been very steadfast with what they have seen, and refuse to embellish on their initial descriptions. Each witness has had a feeling of dread and foreboding, which I believe translates into a warning of some type."