U of T Protestor
© Tyler Anderson/National PostStudent protests against Jordan Peterson at the University of Toronto.
A month ago, I posted three videos to my YouTube channel, as a means of speaking out against our culture's politically correct insanity. I specifically objected to Bill C-16, a bill that has now passed second reading in the House of Commons, which adds "gender identity" and "gender expression" to the list of attributes protected by the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code, and to similar legislation already in place in Ontario and other provinces.

To say that the videos attracted a lot of attention is to say almost nothing. They produced two demonstrations at the University of Toronto, where I teach psychology, including a free-speech rally where the misbehaviour of social justice warrior counter-demonstrators was caught on cellphone videos that have now been watched by millions of people. They have been the subject of articles written by Canada's most famous journalists. They have been covered extensively by CBC, CTV and TVO, as well as internationally. My story has been making headlines for more than a month, and the furor is not dying down. After writing me two cautionary letters, and then requesting my silence, the University of Toronto has agreed to host a public debate about the issues I raised.

One of the more controversial things I said in the videos was that I would not use what have come to be known as "preferred pronouns" to refer to people who believe that their gender does not fit neatly into the traditional categories of male and female. The gist of the counter-argument was: "Why won't the mean professor change the way he speaks, if doing so would spare some vulnerable peoples' feelings?" (A National Post columnist described me as a "jerk.") There are a few reasons why I took this stand.

First, I will never use words I hate, like the trendy and artificially constructed words "zhe" and "zher." These words are at the vanguard of a post-modern, radical leftist ideology that I detest, and which is, in my professional opinion, frighteningly similar to the Marxist doctrines that killed at least 100 million people in the 20th century.

I have been studying authoritarianism on the right and the left for 35 years. I wrote a book, Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, on the topic, which explores how ideologies hijack language and belief. As a result of my studies, I have come to believe that Marxism is a murderous ideology. I believe its practitioners in modern universities should be ashamed of themselves for continuing to promote such vicious, untenable and anti-human ideas, and for indoctrinating their students with these beliefs. I am therefore not going to mouth Marxist words. That would make me a puppet of the radical left, and that is not going to happen. Period.

Second, I am not happy with what is happening in this country in regards to gender — even to discussions about gender. Bill C-16 is predicated on absolute nonsense: sex is a biological fact that is determined by anatomy and chromosomes. Independent of biological sex, there is gender identity (which, according to the Ontario Human Rights Commission, is the personal sense of being "a woman, a man, both, neither or anywhere along the gender spectrum"). Independent of that, there is gender expression (how a person "publicly expresses their gender," including their fashion choices, such as "dress, hair (and) makeup"). These exist and manifest themselves purely as subjective choices. This is an axiomatic part of the new legislation, by the way, mandating social constructionism as the legally sanctioned scientific doctrine of the land. Look out, evolutionary biologists. The PC police are coming your way.

Let's examine these claims. First, more than 99 per cent of the population has a gender identity that's identical to their biological sex. So much for independent variation. Second, there is overwhelming evidence indicating that men and women differ greatly, for biological reasons, in their gender identity, defined most accurately as their personality and interests. Biological sex and gender identity are therefore strongly and causally linked, and no legislation is going to change that. In fact, the differences between men and women are so great, that if you add them up, there is almost no overlap: you can almost completely differentiate (biological) men from (biological) women on the basis of their hypothetically independent gender identities.

Are these just differences in socialization? Well, no, they're not. The differences are largest in the Scandinavian societies where the most extreme efforts have been made over the last three decades to remove the legal, social and economic distinctions between the sexes. Technically, this is because men and women differ in their psychology for social and biological reasons and, if you remove the social influence, the biological influence becomes stronger. Thus, not only have the attempts made in Scandinavia to eradicate the differences between men and women failed, they've backfired. And these aren't studies of a few hundred people, either: tens of thousands of participants provided personality information and descriptions of their personal interests. But who cares what the science has to say, when there's ideology at stake?

Finally, it is absurd to insist that each person should have the right to, or could practically, choose their own pronouns. Those who have been complaining about my rigid and parochial viewpoint argue that the word "they" (a possible alternative to he or she) has been used in a singular sense in the English language for centuries. So, the argument goes, why can't everyone just use "they," like Shakespeare did? Well, "they" has never been used in the manner indicated by those who advocate for its revised use. It's been used to indicate the singular in very restricted cases, and certainly not as a simple replacement for "he" or "she." But let's give the devil his due, and imagine that I agreed to that. Would the demands stop there? Absolutely not.

Consider the case of New York, which now protects 31 genders, including "gender gifted" (look it up) and "gender fluid" (a boy one day and a girl the next). The Big Apple is prepared to fine businesses up to US$250 million ($335 million) if owners or employees refuse to speak to each other properly. And New York's list of 31 genders is just a drop in the bucket compared to the number some would like us to use — I found lists online that contain more than 70. And the fact is that for every person whose feelings are respected and whose identity is somehow validated because of the use of such pronouns, there are going to be 20 already mixed-up and unhappy adolescents whose chaos will be multiplied 10-fold because of all these new choices.

Bill C-16 is dangerous legislation. Those who formulated it and who are pushing it and its sister legislation are dangerous people. I'm not going to use their words. Read the Ontario Human Rights Commission website dealing with such things. Formulate your own opinions. Decide for yourself — while you still can.

Jordan Peterson is a tenured research and clinical PhD psychologist who teaches at the University of Toronto. His YouTube channel is titled Jordan Peterson Videos.