It's being called the "most bizarre Wikileaks email to date."
A leaked email from Clinton campaign manager John Podesta shows John's brother Tony inviting John and his wife Mary to take part in a "spirit cooking" dinner at the home of occult "artist" Marina Abramovic.
"Dear Tony, I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place," Abramovic wrote June 28, 2015 in an email sent to Tony Podesta. "Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining?"
Tony forwarded the message to his brother on the same day, writing:
Are you in NYC Thursday July 9While you might assume spirit cooking to be something having to do with Native Americans, it's actually some weirdo sex magick involving buckets of blood and the consuming of all manners of human bodily fluids.
Marina wants you to come to dinner
According to Everpedia: "The origins of Spirit Cooking can be found in Cake of Light, a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley. The ingredients of the Cake of Light include honey, oil, menstrual blood and sperm. The sacrament is meant to symbolize the union between the microcosm, Man, and the macrocosm, the Divine, which is a representation of one of the prime maxims in Hermeticism 'As Above, So Below.' The consumption of the Cake of Light is a fulfillment of the sacred circle of the connection between Man and the Divine."
Video shared on YouTube from 1997 shows Abramovic's writing out "spirit cooking" "recipes" on the wall of a room with "pigs blood."
Be forewarned, the video is gross:
Redditors shared these two screenshots if you just want a glimpse, this one is less gross than this one. You can read what the ritual involves on this art gallery's website.
Voters might want to know before heading to the polls on November 8th that this is what Hillary Clinton's campaign manager and his brother are into.
Has Hillary Clinton herself attended one of these sick rituals?
The story is going crazy viral right now on Twitter where it's currently the number one trending topic. Wikileaks themselves tweeted about it from their official account:
Here's a picture of Marina Abramovic if you have any questions of what this is all about:
Do the people of America really want a "spirit cooker" in the White House?
For a long time I have known that magic and occultism is very common among people in the high spheres of politics and economy. In the US, Thelema is more frequent. Here in Brazil, other forms of occutlsim, but always something... they are not like you and me.