A few incredible UFO events occurred in the Grass Valley California area and was reported to the Sacramento UFO Examiner as the following. While traveling up Hwy 20 toward Grass Valley from Penn Valley area of the California foothills a local woman slammed on her brakes with little regard to who or what was behind her. She was over come by a circular craft approximately 35 to 40 feet in diameter shoot over the trees and turn on it edge while ducking into the tree line in the area of Condon Park. She observed the craft cut between two tall pine trees possibly on approach for a landing. She made her way to the area where she thought it had landed and found nothing other than a cloudy disturbance. This was reported to the Sheriffs dept by a few others as well. The Craft may have been cloaked but was not verifiable. The property in question was fenced and not accessible.

The second event occurred in a field where two young boys were playing with shovels digging holes. Both boys were startled by a very small vehicle, which made no noise, passing them only to circle around to make another pass as if to play with them. The craft was said to be no larger than the hood of a car. The boys dropped what they were doing and ran toward the house where they remained in doors for the next few days.

We have an associate that works at Beale Air force base on the drone projects. He will not talk about the projects they are working on but it still make us think, Could the little craft the boys saw possible be one of these drones? It was too small for a conventional sized being as we know it.....or....can they be that tiny?

We have been contacted by a number of people who have had some very interesting experiences in the foothills area. Some of the experiences are not very cool and are down right frightening. We will be referring to these testimonials later in our series when our topic switches to direct contact with ET's.