Yahweh's 'fiery chariot'
Think about it, he has to be. Anger, Jealousy, covetousness, vengeance, extreme bias towards his 'chosen people' in the Israel-Palestine conflict and against literally everyone else in creation; all these are hallmarks of the politics of a die hard Republican. Well, we should probably say
were hallmarks of a die-hard Republican. Nowadays they are also the hallmarks of die-hard Democrats, the two-party system having long since given way to the unifying power of "Christo-Judaism" and the influence of their representatives on earth - the Washington Neocons and their Zionist friends.
If you're still not convinced of the far right-leanings of the almighty, consider the fact that the previous Republican president admitted that he enjoyed the benefits of a personal hot line to our lord and savior. By all accounts, Bush used his direct connection to the occupants of the flying,
fiery metal chariot for consultations on the more difficult aspects of governance - like which country to invade next or how best to torture.
It was in 2004 that Bush
revealed that God had told him to invade Iraq (for the sake of Israel of course). It was notable that he choose a meeting with then Palestinian Prime Minister Abbas to make his shocking declaration. The problem however was that he failed to tell Abbas who this "god" was. But perhaps it was better that he chose not to reveal to the Muslim Arab world that he was receiving instructions on Middle East policy directly from the Judahite tribal war god Jehovah. It probably wouldn't have gone down well.
All of this poses a slight problem for the
120 million avowed Christians in America and a really big problem for the other 40 million "fundie" Christians - the difference between those two being that an ordinary Christian is not 'overcome with the love of Jesus' quite as often as a fundie Christian.
The fact that Bush's God and mentor is obviously the same as the one that spoke from the '
pillar of cloud', coupled with the fact that the policies of the US government will most likely end up ushering in the "end times", tends to suggest that the 40 million fundie Christians in the US (and all others around the world) should be preparing themselves to be '
ruptured' (see 3.a) rather than 'raptured'.
That just leaves the Jews; were they right all along? Are they the 'Chosen People' that will lead the world into a new dawn of peace and joy? Well, "chosen" is a rather ambiguous term, and when your God is, by his own admission, jealous and violent, we have to wonder exactly what he has chosen the Jewish people for and what he means by "peace and joy". Currently, things do not look good or peaceful for anyone on the planet, least of all the Semitic peoples of the Middle East region - keeping in mind that the Palestinians are the descendants of the Jews that did NOT leave Israel in the alleged Diaspora. Furthermore, there is a
strong case to support the idea that the 'Zionist' leaders that are shaping the future of the Jewish people are Jewish in name only, and their intentions towards their 'own people' , are somewhat less than wholesome.
When all is considered, we are left with the distinct impression that each of the major religions are right to assert that their god is "the one true god". Jehovah, Jesus, Mohammed, Barney, call him whatever you want. It doesn't really matter. When you look at that which has been wrought in the name of any of the "gods" over the past 5 thousand years, it is not hard to deduce that we are talking about the same violent and jealous identity who thrives on conflict and the pain and suffering of his "children".
As an essayist and print author, Joe has been writing incisive editorials for
Sott.net for over 10 years. His articles have appeared on many news sites and he has been interviewed numerous times by
Sputnik News and Press TV. His articles can also be found on his personal blog
The God of Moses manifested in a volcano in Sinai. He would appear to be a denizen of the core. He made a deal with Israel – do as I say and I'll give you Palestine. Does this ring any bells? Didn't the devil make a similar sort of proposal to the Christ. Is it just possible that the God of Israel is actually the devil? How does one reconcile the usual attributes of God with the instructions given to Abraham etc to ethnically-cleanse the holy land?
The only other religion in the world of similar antiquity is Zoroastrianism – the fire-worshippers of eastern Iran who lived in a land where hydro-carbons continuously leaked out of the ground and would occasionally spontaneously combust. Its another hot-body religion.
Could it be that our species has been had? Could it be that we have fallen into error and been misled for millennia?
I see true spirituality manifesting everyday – in a mother's love for her child, in all sorts of common acts of social responsibility between ourselves, in those people who resist the money and devote their lives to what used to be called the vocations (nursing, medicine, teaching) – isn't this true religion?