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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: In Search of the Miraculous

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Where did the teaching of George Gurdjieff come from? What were his aims? Laura Knight-Jadczyk discusses some clues left by Gurdjieff in his book "Life is Real Only Then, When 'I Am'". Gurdjieff's first aim had been "to investigate from all sides, and to understand, the exact significance and purpose of the life of man." To that was added a second, an aim that still has great relevance for today: "[to] discover, at all costs, some manner or means for destroying in people the predilection for suggestibility which causes them to fall easily under the influence of 'mass hypnosis.'"

Running Time: 00:47:32

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Mind Control, HAARP, and the Coming Catastrophe

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For this podcast we go to the mail bag, which can be found on the Signs forum at: where you can leave your suggestions for podcast themes. This week we discuss mind control, from the media telling you what They want you to hear, passing by what is known as Greenbauming and the making of Manchurian candidates, and finishing with a look at the real use of HAARP. We end the podcast by discussing the relationship of mind control to the cyclic castastrophes that hit our planet with more regularity than the powers that be would have us believe -- another form of mind control.

Running Time: 01:06:33

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Killing Children - Israel Uber Alles

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What does it take to be able to kill a child, or a hundred children? Or to burn them alive and tear their bodies to shreds. Day in and day out. Could you do it? Some people don't give it a thought for they are without conscience. Meet the psychopath. He probably runs your country, may run the company you work for or be your direct boss. He is definitely in charge in Israel. He is the invisible enemy of humanity, invisible because he comes in all colours, shapes, and religions. He is aware of his difference from the rest of us, and is working to eliminate as many of us as he can in order to preserve his power. The real New World Order is the Pathocracy. It is already here. This week we look at war crimes in Palestine and Lebanon and the people who order them.

Running Time: 00:44:58

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Zinedine Zidane, Israeli Crimes Against Humanity, and Ten Films to Better Understand our Reality

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The Signs editors join with guest Jason Knight to discuss the head-butting incident in the last match of the World Cup and salute Zinedine Zidane for standing up and saying "No" to psychopathy in professional sport. We then draw parallels between the provocation of Zidane and the current situation in Palestine where Israel has unleashed its mad dogs against the Palestinians and Lebanon. We finish with a discussion on ten films that will help you to better understand the nature of our reality.

Running Time: 01:05:20

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: One Degree At A Time - Part 2

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A look back at developments around the world in the last year by the editors of Signs of the Times. In Part 2, we look at the bellicose attitude of the US towards Iran, the successes of Hugo Chavez in inspiring Latin American to throw off the domination of its northern neighbour, and the deterioration of rights and liberties in the United States. How much more brazen can it get before people stand up and say "Enough!"? Like the proverbial frog in boiling water, the heat is being turned up one degree at a time. How close are we to being cooked?

Running Time: 00:41:12

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: One Degree At A Time - Part 1

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A look back at developments around the world in the last year by the editors of Signs of the Times. In Part 1, we look at changes in Britain since the Tube bombings one year ago, the open warfare against the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories waged by Israel, and the continuing resistance of the Iraqi people against the US invader in Iraq. Like the proverbial frog in boiling water, the heat is being turned up one degree at a time. How close are we to being cooked?

Running Time: 00:44:46

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Interview with Lisa Guliani of WING TV - Part 2

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This week, we interview Lisa Guliani of WING TV. WING TV has recently created quite a stir in the alternative media and the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement" with its hard-hitting questions about people like Alex Jones and Jeff Rense. Lisa's expose on Jeff Rense resulted in quite an uproar, including threats of legal action to silence her and her source. In part two of our phone interview with Lisa, we discuss the co-opting of 9/11 and alternative media researchers through clever and subtle divide-and-conquer COINTELPRO tactics.

Running Time: 00:38:59

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Interview with Lisa Guliani of WING TV - Part 1

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This week, we interview Lisa Guliani of WING TV. WING TV has recently created quite a stir in the alternative media and the so-called "9/11 Truth Movement" with its hard-hitting questions about people like Alex Jones and Jeff Rense. Lisa's expose on Jeff Rense resulted in quite an uproar, including threats of legal action to silence her and her source. In part one of our phone interview with Lisa, we dive into her experiences with COINTELPRO related to the 9/11 Truth Movement.

Running Time: 00:48:59

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Counter-Intelligence and the 9/11 Movement - Part 4

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In Part 4 of this discussion, we look at the links between different disinformation sites and see how they serve to reinforce each other, even when they appear to be antagonistic. Such in-fighting can convince readers that the sites are really digging to find the truth. How do Jeff Rense, Mike Rivero of What Really Happened, Oil Empire, TV News Lies, Mike Ruppert, and others fit into a well-orchestrated campaign on the part of the pathocracy to limit your thinking and keep you within the fold -- even while you believe you are learning the truth?

Running Time: 00:39:32

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Counter-Intelligence and the 9/11 Movement - Part 3

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We continue our discussion of the "playing" of John Kaminski by people close to him in order to marginalize him and to effectively silence one of the most eloquent voices in the United States today. A passionate writer with a sincere heart, John's emotions were used to push him into writing stories that would drive him to the fringe. We also look at how the disinformation campaign is used to create web sites for every particular stripe of opposition. Billions of dollars are used to control your minds. You need to know how it works.

Running Time: 00:36:00

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