SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: Making Sense of Political Complexity

Looking out over the sorry state of our world, it isn't easy to make sense of what is going on. There are so many factors at play, so many levels of play and deception and manipulation with very few of the players having a complete overview of the ultimate plan. This complexity allows everyone to become a pawn: you'll hear one say that the Iraq war was about oil, another will say it was to advance Israel, another that it was to move in on the French and Russians. Each of these explanations have a kernel of truth to it because there were groups involved who did have these interests, and many more. But the entire situation cannot be understood as the expression of a single issue unless and until the real underlying cause is identified, the one that serves as context for the others, that is capable of subsuming them all within it.

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: Zionism - An Existential Threat To The Jews of Israel

We recently received an email from a reader who challenged certain aspects of the Stranger Than Fiction article that we have posted on our site. After an opening paragraph, the reader appears to quote an article by Steven Plaut, a professor at the Graduate School of the Business Administration at the University of Haifa, Israel and columnist for the Jewish Press. Having responded to the reader, (and indirectly to Plaut's analysis), we thought it was worth sharing with our readers as it provides an idea of our stance on "Zionism" the state of Israel, Jewish people and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


SOTT Focus: From Holocaust To Armageddon

At this late hour, having already had my fill of incredible nonsense passed off as truth, I need to get something off my chest. Everyone who retains but a residue of that once common human attribute that is now seems vanishingly rare - common sense - can clearly see that the major Zionist organizations and entities (the State of Israel, the ADL, AIPAC and the NeoCons to name but a few) have, for the past 60 years, shamelessly manipulated the deaths of 6 million Jews to further their own selfish agendas. But what, exactly, is the agenda?

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: From the Pentagon Strike to the Da Vinci Code - Part 1

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Signs Editors Joe Quinn, Scott Ogrin, and Henry See discuss with Laura Knight-Jadczyk the recent release of video footage from security cameras at the Pentagon that purport to show Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon on September 11, 2001, and continue on by looking behind the false dichotomy presented in the battle between the Church and the bestselling book The Da Vinci Code. When both sides begin by accepting the historicity of the myth recounted in the New Testament, it doesn't matter where the debate goes. But there is a real mystery? What is it?

Running Time: 00:45:08

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War Whore

SOTT Focus: New Doctored Video of Pentagon Attack Release - Confirms Boeing Was Not Involved

It only took four and a half years, but finally the U.S. government has seen fit to confirm what so many of us have been saying all along - Pentagon security cameras recorded no evidence of a Boeing 757 hitting the Pentagon.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Mission Accomplished in Iraq

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Signs Editors Scott Ogrin, Joe Quinn, and Henry See discuss the current situation in Iraq and find that it is an age-old game of divide and conquer being played by the occupier. In the face of the normal reaction of an occupied people banding together to fight the common enemy, death squads trained by the US are carrying out false flag operations to set Sunni and Shia Iraqis against each other. We are told the country is on the brink of civil war. Is this the ultimate goal? Is the utter destruction of the country the intended result?

Running Time: 00:49:02

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SOTT Focus: The Pathocratic Nature of the Hunt

The term "witch hunt" has become a common phrase in popular political discourse over the past fifty years. We've all heard of the McCarthy era communist witch hunts, where there was supposedly a "red under every bed." The term now stands for an "investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views," as the American Heritage Dictionary puts it. Wikipedia defines it as the "persecution of a perceived enemy (commonly socially non-conformist groups) with extreme prejudice and disregard of actual guilt or innocence."

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Unlimited Energy and Doomsday Scenarios - Part 2

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Wrapping up our conversation with astrophysicist Jean-Pierre Petit, we look at several doomsday scenarios. One from Sandia, another from Lambda Corporation, and another from the Pentagon. Is this the future that our leaders have in store for us?

Running Time: 00:38:28

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SOTT Focus: Peace In the Middle East? - Over the bodies of 3 million Palestinians

"Everybody has to move, run and grab as many hilltops as they can to enlarge the settlements because everything we take now will stay ours... Everything we don't grab will go to them." - Ariel Sharon, as Israeli Foreign Minister, addressing a meeting of militants from the extreme right-wing Tsomet Party, Agence France Presse, November 15, 1998.
By now it should be clear to all Middle East analysts that the main impediment to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is Israel and the right-wing Zionist extremists in Israeli politics. Time and again the Palestinians have expressed their sincere desire to end the inhuman conditions under which they are forced to live by the occupying IDF forces, yet every time that a peaceful settlement seems to be within their grasp, bizarrely, Hamas or Islamic Jihad decide to fire a few, usually harmless, Qasam rockets at an illegal Israeli settlement, or unknown "Palestinian gunmen" will murder an Israeli settler, inviting the IDF to retaliate with deadly and overwhelmingly superior force.

How to explain such repeated, apparently self-defeating acts by the alleged representatives of the beleaguered Palestinian people? It has been obvious for many years now that the Palestinians cannot win an armed conflict with the massively militarily superior Israel and any further attacks against Israeli forces, population or interests simply provide Israeli politicians with the justification to increase Israeli control and oppression in the occupied territories. And Israel's nukes ensure that no other Arab nation dare interfere. It is equally obvious that the international community has all but washed its hands of the conflict and is resigned to allowing it to play out to its final and surely tragic denouement.

Eye 2

SOTT Focus: A Lesson In Essential Psychopathy

Yesterday, in comments by the new Israeli PM Ehud Olmert, we were provided with an important lesson in, and example of, essential psychopathy: