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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Meet the New Boss, Same as the Old Boss

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Relieved that the Republicans lost the recent U.S. mid-term elections? Maybe you shouldn't be. The two U.S. political parties are Tweedledum and Tweedledee. A change of course at mid-term works wonders for putting discontented Americans back to sleep. "See! The system works!". All we can say is, "It sure does. Only not in your favour." What's in store now that Bush "lost" the election?

Running Time: 00:40:16

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SOTT Focus: In Broad Daylight

Ken McElroy - the common or garden variety 'failed' psychopath
Karl Rove - The smart, professional psychopath who never gets caught

I just finished reading the book In Broad Daylight, by Harry MacLean. It is an account of a murder in Skidmore, Missouri. To sum it up in a sentence, Ken McElroy, who could be described as a child molester, rapist, wife-abuser, thief (he had no other source of income), stalker - in short, a violent psychopath - was eventually murdered by citizens of the town he terrorized, after it became clear he would never be arrested or charged for any of his crimes - his lawyer was too good, and he always managed to threaten witnesses not to testify.

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: Yay Democracy! Long Live The Murdering Bastards

Beit Hanoun Child Mother
Israel and America - bringing the 'peace' to Palestine

Yay America! Democracy rulz! Doesn't it make ya feel good?! A 'sea change' in American politics no less! Democrats take control of Congress and the Senate, Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic leader is now House Majority leader, third in the power ranking in American politics behind the president and the white anti-Buddah Cheney. No more unchecked Republican and Presidential power, a new, bright future for everyone. I mean, how could it not be?


SOTT Focus: Post-Election Reality Check

So you think "the system worked", democracy has won out, and that yesterday's election is the first step to straightening out the mess Bush and the Neocons have made on the planet?

Think again. It's not that "the system" didn't work; it worked very well, but you have again been duped.

Nothing has changed. In fact, many of you have been put back to sleep by the staged Democratic victory which was set up just for that purpose; to make you think you still live in a democracy. The fact is, the Zionist halter is as firmly strapped on the head of American State policy as it ever was, and the American voter needs to realize that it is immaterial which party prevails at elections.


SOTT Focus: Bush Reveals Real Iraq Policy: Mass Slaughter Of Iraqi Civilians

US Terror

I used to have a little sympathy for those people who were still sitting on the fence over the justness of the Iraq invasion. I understood that the US government and mainstream media talking heads made an effort to imbue their official claims with a semblance of logic and reason, and that the American public could, to some extent, be forgiven for sanctioning illegal war and suffering. They were, after all being deceived.

Not anymore.


SOTT Focus: Massive Death Toll In Iraq

You want to talk conspiracies? Even better, you want to talk "crazy conspiracy theories"? Try this on for size...

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: It's the End of the World as We Know It (Do you feel fine?)

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It is clear that the planet is in deep trouble, from war to global warming, from disease or just the threat of disease to the growing economic squeeze on the mass of humanity. Our leaders try to keep us in a state of fear in order to convince us that we need them to protect us. But they are the real enemy of people of conscience everywhere. What can you do about it?

Running Time: 00:37:33

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SOTT Focus: Foley, Hastert And The Putrid Body Politic

Pedophile Dennis Hasert
© Paul Beaty/APFormer House Speaker and serial child molester Dennis Hastert arrives at the federal courthouse, June 9, 2015
As I am sure you can understand, it took me a while to digest last week's stomach turning story of the perverted private life of 'upstanding' Republican Representative Mark Foley.

For those that missed out on the story:

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Poland: From Soviet Republic to American State

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What changes has the shift from communism to capitalism brought for the ordinary Pole? Has life improved? What are the benefits of western-style democracy? The editors of Signs of the Times discuss these questions with Oliwer, a man from Poland who has also travelled extensively in the former communist countries.

Running Time: 00:59:57

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SOTT Focus: Manufacturing Anti-Semitism's No Joke

Borat - understanding 'anti-Semitism'

Zionist groupings like the ADL, AIPAC and the Israeli government regularly regale Jews and non-Jews alike with fantastical claims that "anti-Semitism is on the rise" and that all Jews must quickly flee to the 'safety' of Israel. These groups never waste an opportunity to remind those of Jewish faith that they can never rest easy among non-Jews, going so far as to assert that "hatred of Jews simply because they are Jews" may actually be an unconscious genetic trait of non-Jewish people.