SOTT Focus:

Black Cat

SOTT Focus: Between Physics and Psychology

There is a breach between the fields of physics and psychology. Indeed, between physics and psychology there is a whole abyss. That is understandable if we take into account the different histories and different goals of each of these disciplines. But it does not have to continue to be so in the future, especially if we take into account the fact that both disciplines aim at expanding our knowledge, if we take into account the fact that in the world around us everything is connected to everything by a communicating vessel. All things seem to be connected either by causal links or, as suggested by a physicist Wolfgang Pauli and psychologist Carl Jung, by some "acausal connecting principle."

The breach can be ploughed over, the abyss can be filled up. One of the results of my previous article "Feeling the Future: Premonitions and Precognition - Elements of Practice and of a Theory" was a dialog with Tomasz Witkowski (T.W.), a well known Polish representative of a particular psychology school, a prolific author, rationalist and skeptic. I consider it as being a positive sign. This dialog was not an easy one. Both sides are suspicious of each other, sometimes emotions take over, the arguments used were not always well aimed. This is natural, and the psychologist knows it from his own professional experience even better than the physicist.

In a difficult dialog between the two sides that are suspicious of each other a mediator may help. A marriage consultant sometimes helps in a difficult relationship. Sometimes it helps, but it also happens that the result is quite opposite - the mediator tries to heal a relationship that, for the good of all the those involved should be broken, the sooner the better. In our case of the conflict between physics and psychology no such mediator is in sight. To the contrary, there are those who show the symptoms of an arsonist - happy to watch the conflict explode. Therefore the task of filling the abyss (real or imaginary) is left to the parties involved. Here I am taking this task on myself. Whether I will succeed or not - the future will show.

Light Saber

SOTT Focus: The Mystic vs Hitler

© KJJ Visual
Recently, the formerly highly respected web essayist, John Kaminski, wrote a new piece entitled "Parasite alert: Outing those who pretend to be friends of the truth" in which he took a strange jab at yours truly as follows:
[...] It's also interesting that Daryl writes about Zionists but agrees with French law that one may not speak about the Holocaust, a colossal act of cowardice that should send people running from his site and should de-legitimize anything he says in the minds of anybody who can think. [...] Another person who falls into this category is channeler Laura Knight-Jadczyk, who has inveigled many with her prescient psychological pronouncements that it is a percentage of psychopaths that hold the world in thrall through savagery. K-J's encyclopedic and endlessly perfect papers about aspects of human behavior scare the shit out of me, because her new science of ponerology could serve perfectly as a new template for totalitarianism, to be imposed by the very people who get to fund spooky think tanks like these. Thankfully, she has not caught on in any of the groups I observe working on the world's problems. [See our Forum Thread for the entire essay]
John is right: understanding what is really going on here on the BBM has not caught on in any of the groups he observes "working on the world's problems." We can also note that none of these groups seem to be making any progress because the very science that could help them to understand the first level of what they need to solve before anything can ever get done "scares the shite" out of them. Now, why would that be?

It's an interesting question, and I want to share a story about someone else who was working on solving the world's problems at another time and place in history, similar to our present day, in order to make a particular point. I want to talk about Frtiz Gerlich's Bloody Spectacles. Now, before I get to Fritz, let me first say a few words about David Irving. In my previous blogpost, I discussed the truly scary idea that is taking hold in many anti-Zionist circles that, because the Zionists seem to be at the root of the world's problems today, that Hitler must have been a good guy because he saw the Jews as being at the root of all the world's ills then. David Irving seems to be one of the ringleaders of this idea. I recently read an interview with Irving where he says that the "defining moment" for him was when he had penetrated the "inner circle" of the people who had been close to Hitler and he realized that they were all "well-educated, nice and decent". So, of course, if all these well-educated, nice people with deep thoughts and insights thought Hitler was a good guy, then of course, he must be! Irving was caught in the psychopath's trap just like all the people in Hitler's inner circle were caught... . He's not the first, either. Nor will he be the last. In fact, it's almost epidemic nowadays. I won't belabor the point; those of you familiar with the problem know exactly what I'm talking about. What is problematical is what this "conviction" has driven Irving to do: cherry pick and spin data. More than that, it has driven him to emulate his hero in certain respects. About the people who support him, Irving has been recorded to say:
"I find it odious to be in the same company as these people. There is no question that there are certain organizations that propagate these theories which are cracked anti-Semites."

Evil Rays

SOTT Focus: Feeling the Future: Premonitions and Precognition - Elements of Practice and of a Theory

The subject of this article is precognition and premonitions, psychology, parapsychology and quantum physics. It's a relatively long article. Glancing through it for sixteen seconds - the average time that the average reader spends on a web posting - is not enough to get a grasp of its content. Therefore, for those in a hurry, here's the comic-book version:


Dr. Daryl J. Bem - a not-so-serious-looking professor of psychology at Cornell University


Recently wrote a serious-looking paper


on the subject of parapsychology.


He argues that we can see our future, including the erotic one.


Others are attacking him


But I have found a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon. The phenomenon is possible given an appropriate antenna and a kaironic mirror retransmitter.

Here is the essence of my invention:
Knight went on again. 'I'm a great hand at inventing things. Now, I daresay you noticed, that last time you picked me up, that I was looking rather thoughtful?'
'You were a little grave,' said Alice.
'Well, just then I was inventing a new way of getting over a gate - would you like to hear it?'
'Very much indeed,' Alice said politely.
'I'll tell you how I came to think of it,' said the Knight.
'You see, I said to myself, "The only difficulty is with the feet: the head is high enough already." Now, first I put my head on the top of the gate - then I stand on my head - then the feet are high enough, you see - then I'm over, you see.'
'Yes, I suppose you'd be over when that was done,'
Alice said thoughtfully: 'but don't you think it would be rather hard?'
'I haven't tried it yet,' the Knight said, gravely: 'so I can't tell for certain - but I'm afraid it would be a little hard.' [LC]
End of the comic part.


SOTT Focus: Comet Elenin is Coming!

One of the members of our research team is an astronomer at a large observatory. We've been having a number of exchanges about the theories of James McCanney. Unfortunately, I can't find any really good videos of McCanney talking about his ideas. I did find the following which are basically just audio with minimal graphics. They do explain his ideas so have a listen before you continue on. If anybody has links to better videos, please let me know!

Take 2

SOTT Focus: Political FistyCuffs - Humanity's Last Great Hope?

As the new year dawns, and we look at the state of our world and its human population, we find little cause for hope for the future. Wars, rumors of wars and suffering on an ever increasing scale seem to be the order of the day. The blame, of course, lies squarely with ourselves, the civilian population, not so much for anything we are doing but rather for what we, collectively, are not doing. Our political leaders are, naturally enough, very happy with this state of affairs, having invested long years and much effort in placating and anesthetizing the 'little people' via toxic propaganda and toxic food. But have they, the supposed creme de la creme of human society, been a little too successful?

If their main reason for getting up and going to 'work' in the morning (or early afternoon) was to wage silent political (and often military) wars to safeguard their own ascendancy against the threat of an irate multitude of awakened plebs, what will they do now that that threat has been neutralized? Where will all that self-righteous, narcissistic rage go? If we look to the animal kingdom (which is a rather good place to look for an analogy in this case) we find that in similar situations, predatory animals tend to turn on each other.

Hope springs eternal, as they say, but perhaps not in the way we expect.


SOTT Focus: Change is Good! What it means...

© n/aSometimes it's good to leave the freeway.
We've already received some interesting feedback from readers about the changes on the SOTT page. It seems that there is some real confusion by the change of focus. For example, one reader wrote:
I am extremely sad to see that your coverage on the Levant is gone ? any reason were u bought out, caved-in or gave up? or are you re-directing your coverage to the more esoteric - i hope its the latter as it would be sad if any of the former was the reason.
Another reader wrote:
I'm sorry to see the changes that you have implemented in your website.

I thought it was a great place to find out news that was unbiased and found from other sources that I was unaware of. I especially loved how you covered the world situation, news, big brother, 911 truth, etc. That is how you have backed down from telling the truth. For start, I thought your mission was getting the truth, corruption, and propaganda out into the public eye and not having to rely on the state controlled media which toe's the party line.

I do not have the same values that you do when it comes to my beliefs. I am a born again Christian and I don't believe what you espouse on your website.

I wanted to thank you for what you have offered in the past and let you know I will not be returning to your site.

Pretty stupid when you think about it, all over an article that you wrote about "chemtrails" or "contrails". People have strong beliefs and will argue and fight the way they believe, just look at politics and religion. Just because you didn't like some of the comments and had your feelings hurt, you change everything that you stood for. Unless I was mistaken about you and this was what you wanted all along.

I'm very sorry to see the change.
Yet another:
I have been an avid reader of Sott for at least the last 4 years, bought several books, contributed and I had enjoyed access to real unbiased, unmolested news and views that do not make it to Lame Street Media or that have been twisted and distorted and robbed of essential facts and information.

Sadly, I no longer see the real news in your New Age and Mystic groupings. Should you still continue to give the news as before, but under different headings then I am missing the mark and therefore I do not stand by this confusing new look.

I do commend you on you sterling efforts to offer something new and improved however, I find that it now has some aforementioned elements missing.

This is important to myself and no doubt others on being able to get a handle on what is going on in the world around me/us, as I cannot trust the MSM to give me a straight and unbiased answer. I do not want to sound bitter, but the new look does rather defeat my reasons for dropping by and contributing now and again to the sott cause. I find it sad that there would be precious little on the sott site to hold my interest.

Sincerely hoping that you can address the loss of real news as we knew it.
Keep your coins, I want change
© n/aUnlike Obama, SOTT delivers Change!
First of all, these changes were discussed and planned long before the Chemtrails article. In fact, you could say that the Chemtrails article was a first salvo of change. Such a topic would never have been covered on SOTT before except perhaps in the "Haunted Planet" category. If you search the SOTT database for "chemtrails" you will find less than a dozen articles on the topic. However, it will now receive more coverage under the "High Strangeness" category. So will many other important things that fell by the wayside.

Let us assure you that our coverage of news from the Middle East will not cease. It will, however, be re-categorized under the heading "Society's Child." That's where you will find news that is "anthropological." That will include politics, social movements (including 9-11 Truth, anti-Big Pharma, etc), murder and mayhem, psychopaths in action, (including government and economics), and so forth. The point of this change is to consolidate all anthropological phenomena on a more-or-less level playing field.


SOTT Focus: Not Ready To Make Nice

First let's have a little musical interlude to get us in the right mood for what I'm going to say in this essay:

Tom Petty And The Heartbreakers - I Won't Back Down

I sure stepped in it writing about so-called "Chemtrails." The flamers and ad hominem attackers came out of the woodwork and when that happens, you know you've hit a hot button or a sore toe. Can we say COINTELPRO controlled clappers in the audience trying to keep the attention on the distraction so nobody will figure out what is really going on?

My readers know I'm into conspiracies - have been since the time I read None Dare Call it Conspiracy back in 1985 and tried to convince myself it was all paranoid nonsense and failed. What's more, I've paid a high price for what I've learned and shared. I don't do this for my health or to win a popularity contest. After all, people in mainstream religions hate and fear me, mainstream science types hate me, New Agers hate me, and even a lot of conspiracy theorists hate me. I guess it's because I don't buy into the "friend of my friend is my friend, enemy of my friend is my enemy"; I prefer to take each situation and examine it on its own merits. And when I see the kinds of reactions I got to my little piece about chemtrails, I know that something is rotten and getting smellier by the day and it isn't chemicals being spouted from the rear of passenger jets.


SOTT Focus: Chemtrails? Contrails? Strange Skies

© NASAContrails as seen from space: the fact that now the contrails persists for so long is in itself a sign that something is not going well, but it's NOT evidence they are "chemtrails."
A few things that should be considered when talking about so-called "chemtrails":

1) Obviously, there is some "spraying" that goes on and it's not for the benefit of humanity. I've heard a few stories from people about very low flying planes dispersing stuff that lands all over everything or makes people sick. And I do mean LOW flying.

2) Spraying that actually affects a designated area beneath the sprayer (the plane in question) must be at a fairly low altitude otherwise what is sprayed will not come down on the area beneath the spraying. This is due to the fact that our atmosphere has a number of layers and each layer has its own temperature and wind speed and direction, and very often, things in one layer take a very long time and distance to mix or mingle with other layers, IF they mix at all. Usually, the wind speeds in the upper layers are such that anything deposited there might only penetrate to lower, weather, layers, after many thousands of miles of travel. It's a very nonlinear situation and highly, impossibly, unpredictable.

3) So, if you are talking about chemical spraying that you can see above in the sky, that then falls on the area below it, you must be talking about low altitude spraying.

4) Therefore, trails that are very high in the sky that have no hope of ever interacting with the ground below them cannot properly be called "chemtrails" except, perhaps, if a chemical is being sprayed that is supposed to affect the weather (and even that is done fairly low). Cloud seeding is done by dispersing elements such as dry ice crystals or silver iodide in the atmosphere with an airplane or even ground based stations. Seeding clouds is believed to promote condensation of water droplets, thus, rain.


SOTT Focus: Forget About Global Warming: We're One Step From Extinction!

© S. Deiries/ESO
Often, some of the most important news comes from local papers, stories that don't make it up the feeding chain and onto the news wires or major newspapers or nightly network news. It can be news that at first glance wouldn't appear to have a national or international impact. Second glance, and a good memory, can reveal that the impact may well be quite significant.

The other day a reader sent us an article link that he found on another website: Bad news - we are way past our 'extinct by' date

Since we had run the same story back when it first came out, we thought "yeah! Flashback!" After all, with all the talk about Global Warming, it served to remind readers that human caused CO2 levels are not all there is to what is going on here on the BBM today.

Comment: We posted an article yesterday from Ivan Eland where he said:
Spending all that money to combat a threat that is as rare as a catastrophic comet hitting the United States makes little sense. If NASA were able to use the same scare tactics as DHS, perhaps the space agency could persuade a reluctant Congress to give it the paltry $1 billion (by comparison) for its equally absurd Spaceguard Survey program, which tracks asteroids and comets that have an equal probability of killing Americans as terrorists do.
As you can see from the article above, Mr Eland knows not of what he speaks. But how many people on the planet do? How many of your fellow citizens have any idea that the human species has passed its due date? Think about that the next time you see a shooting star or read about a fireball in the newspaper...


SOTT Focus: Procession of the Damned: Mass Bird and Fish Deaths Turning Up Everywhere

Triste hallazgo: El Dr Alasdair Bruce, uno de los expertos que estudia los cangrejos muertos. Es el segundo aรฑo seguido que las playas han quedado colmadas de cangrejos
And the Procession of Damned Data continues...

Yesterday, January 4th, RyanX discussed the recent mysterious deaths of blackbirds and fish in Arkansas. As reports about mass deaths of birds and sea creatures continue to pour in from all over the world, perhaps it's time to, how should I put it... "open up the field" ?

January 4th: Canada: Hundreds of Dead Fish 'A Natural Occurrence'
Sarnia, Ontario - Hundreds of dead fish that washed up on shore in the north end of the St. Clair River is a natural occurrence and not the result of a chemical spill, a government officials say.

Only one species was affected, further supporting the idea it was a natural occurrence, she said.

"There was nothing to indicate that it was man-made."
January 4th: US: Thousands Of Fish Dead In Spruce Creek, Florida
Thousands of dead fish are floating in Volusia County Tuesday. They were all in Spruce Creek in Port Orange. The fish kill is unusual, according to people who live along the creek, because it's warm.

It's been a week since there were freezing temperatures, but there are fish lining the banks. Some said it's the worst kill they've ever seen; thousands of fish lined the twists and turns of Spruce Creek.

The sheer number of fish and the smell were both overwhelming.

Most of the fish were mullet, ladyfish and catfish, and not the valuable sporting fish called snook that died in mass during a cold spell last year.

Comment: To see the staggering number of 'die-offs' around the world depicted on the world map (with links to the news stories) click here