Reader Question: Could the earthquakes in Iran [see here] and the "dryness" be caused by seismic and climatic high tech weapons?That describes the situation in a nutshell. And naturally, the PTB would like all of you to believe that they are behind all of this sort of thing with the exception of global warming which is, of course, YOUR fault, not theirs! As SOTT has pointed out again and again, historically, when a people begin to perceive that the cosmos is "against them", their first - and natural - reaction is to find a scapegoat, and the most obvious one is, of course, their leaders. During repeating periods in history when famines, earthquakes, plagues have struck and taken a heavy toll, when volcanoes erupt or comets blaze across the sky or meteor storms and weather anomalies increase, the target has always and ever been the ruling classes, going back to the most ancient times when the king was ritually sacrificed to appease the Storm Gods in their various appearances.
Answer: Earthquakes could possibly be caused by satellite based weapons. Weather issues, I'm afraid, are not. Weather is nonlinear and nobody in his right mind would meddle with it. Obviously they try to, but with very limited results and it usually backfires on them. Their inputs are just so small they don't perturb the system very much. (The same applies to "anthropogenic global warming".) Plus, notice the most important clue: that the weather is changing dramatically on the other planets in our solar system which suggests a more "cosmic" cause. Also notice the other interesting phenomena such as increasing volcanic eruptions (keep in mind that 75% of the planet's volcanoes are under water and appear to be erupting with greater frequency lately), sinkholes, torrential rains, landslides everywhere on a scale previously unknown, heating of the troposphere from internal heat of the earth, combined with cooling and sinking of the stratosphere, comet/meteor dust loading of the stratosphere resulting in noctilucent clouds being seen further south than ever before. Then, there is the meandering of the jet stream. Put that together with the really sad performance of the sun during this solar maximum, the puzzling decrease of the Earth's magnetic field, the increase in electrical activity, including the now well-known "mysterious sounds" phenomena, and you get the impression that something outside the solar system or at least at the edges of it, is "grounding the current flow" through all the planets and things are definitely getting interesting.
For the love of the father and of the mother for the child when it has just been born is not like their love for it when it is one year old, and their love for it when it is one year old is not like their love when it is six years old. Consequently if it were left uncircumcised for two or three years, this would necessitate the abandonment of circumcision because of the father's love and affection for it. - Moses ben Maimon Guide for the Perplexed Part III Chapter 39It seems that secular humanism in Germany has finally completed its decades-old plan to ruin the moral heritage of our grand United Empires of Earth. How? By ending the genital mutilation of children.