SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: Quantum Future? - Can be scary...

It was in June of 1990, Florence, Italy, when I formulated my Quantum Future Project. The project, with details, can be found here. Later on, in 1999, I consulted with my usually well-informed, albeit sometimes enigmatic and careful-about-what-to-share-and-what-not, sources about the status of quantum theory. The Questions and Answers run as follows:
Q: (A) Now, there are claims, more or less, shared by many scientists, that quantum theory is necessary to model or understand consciousness. From what was said before, it seems that quantum theory is not necessary, that it is sufficient to have the right geometric model of extended gravity.

A: No, not extended, expanded.

Q: (A) Does that mean that quantum theory is irrelevant for understanding the modelling of consciousness?

A: Quantum first needs to be graduated from the realm of theory.

Q: (C) It means it needs to be proved, right?

A: No. Proving is a concept we should now be moving beyond.

Q: (C) When you say 'graduated from the realm of theory,' I assumed that meant that it needed to be proven. So how does it get graduated? What is the next realm after theory?

A: No, my dear, you are missing the point. The currently imposed protocol for "proving" theories is a bit passe, we think. Can you imagine trying to fly a plane if you must first prove that there is a sky?

Q: (C) So, don't try to prove quantum theory, just go ahead and use it, I guess.

A: Pretty close.

Q: (A) Are you laughing at quantum theory?

A: No. We are laughing at 3rd density scientific protocol!
"Just go ahead and use it?" Easy to say, but use in which way? My original idea behind the Quantum Future Project was to understand the nature of Free Will, to construct a 'Free Will Detector and Amplifier'. Later on I understood that, perhaps, no one would buy such a device. Most people are probably better off giving up their free will, leaving decisions to others and to the wind. (At least they must think so since they do it all the time.)

Yet there are other possible uses of quantum theory; some of which I was not aware of until recently when I stumbled upon the publications of Louisiana State University theoretical physicist Jonathan P. Dowling. What I read is important, which is why I want to share the part that concerns our Quantum Future - yours, mine and everyone else's.


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Into the Mystic - Interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

We recently interviewed author and founder Laura Knight-Jadczyk on SOTT Talk Radio. Laura shared some stories from her past, explained how her life's work came into being, discussed her current research interests and answered listeners questions about the state of the world and what's on the horizon for humanity.

Running Time: 02:02:00

Download: MP3

Comment: Further reading

Andrew Bard Schmookler: Moral Endo-skeletons and Exo-skeletons: A Perspective on America's Cultural Divide and Current Crisis

Bob Altemeyer: Amazing Conversions: Why Some Turn to Faith & Others Abandon Religion

Frrancesco Carrota - The Gospel of Caesar

Roger Beck - The Mysteries of Mithras - A new account of their genesis

Gary Courtney - Et tu, Judas? Then Fall Jesus!

Joseph Atwill - Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus

Ice Cube

SOTT Focus: Earth Changes: SOTT Summary of Climate Chaos and Planetary Upheaval in 2013


Signs of 'Earth Changes' in 2013

The following video looks back at some of the environmental upheaval from around the world in 2013.

Seemingly more destructive, chaotic and turbulent than ever before, last year we witnessed extreme temperatures, widespread flooding, tornadoes appearing when and where they shouldn't, countless volcanic eruptions, superstorms, sinkholes swallowing cars, homes and people, record snowfalls, ongoing mass animal deaths...

...and more and more such events seem to be taking place with each passing month. The frequency and intensity of these weather and geological anomalies strongly suggest that major changes are afoot on our planet.

The question is: what is it all leading up to?

For years, has been sharing information about how Ice Ages begin, and what typically happens beforehand. The message coming through these 'signs' seems pretty loud and clear to us: 'Winter is coming'... perhaps even sometime this year.

Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers

Comment: For condensed background information on Ice Ages, check out The Apocalypse: Comets, Asteroids and Cyclical Catastrophes, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, and keep updated with what's happening here.


SOTT Focus: Collective Delusional Processes in U.S. Society

It was Andrew Lobaczewski, author of Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, who first presented the concept that, throughout history, pathological personalities have taken over societies and caused unimaginable destruction. Needless wars have caused untold millions of needless deaths and trillions of dollars in destruction. He characterized this process as political and macro-social evil in a scientifically measurable way.

Lobaczewski presented a process that begins with visionaries whose ideas are corrupted by a cascade of personalities, all deficient in character, ending in psychopaths taking the helm and guiding the society to war, destruction, and eventual collapse. Most of us think of psychopaths as being mostly criminals who end up in jail, but Lobaczewski shows that they actually are capable of leading us, at least when they are born into privilege.

Lobaczewski also describes how the rest of society largely goes along with this, and this is the subject of this article.


SOTT Focus: High Strangeness: SOTT Summary of UFOs and other paranormal stuff in 2013


Signs of 'High Strangeness' in 2013

Organized by month, the following video compilation is a collection of video footage showing just some instances of 'high strangeness' - UFOs, 'lights in the sky', strange cloud formations - from around the world in 2013.

Could some, many, or even most of these apparitions be explained by way of lens flare, other common optical illusions, or video fakery?... possibly. But when we take into account the considerable historical research into the paranormal, particularly that carried out by dedicated 'mainstream' researchers, whose skepticism motivated them to seek 'rational answers' for the hundred of thousands of reports that have been made over many decades, we come to the conclusion, as they have done, that there is a reality to these phenomena and that it closely interpenetrates humanity's 'consensus reality'.

Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers

Comment: See also: SOTT Talk Radio: Hyperdimensional Planet Earth - Are human beings really at the top of the food chain?

For more information concerning the truth and lies behind the UFO phenomenon and other paranormal occurrences, we highly recommend reading High Strangeness - Hyperdimensions and the Process of Alien Abduction and The Wave Series, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk (also available on our store, and in kindle format on Amazon.)

Fireball 2

SOTT Focus: Fire in the Sky: SOTT Summary of Meteor Fireballs in 2013


Meteor Fireballs in 2013

The following video is a 6 minute compilation of footage of the major meteor sightings from 2013, as well as a list of many more fireball events over the course of last year.

Since at least 2005, there has been an alarming increase in the number and frequency of meteors and fireballs in the skies of our planet and meteorite detonations and impacts on the surface, and the trend seems to indicate that these events will continue to increase in number and severity.

By combining these events in the below video, we hope to offer our readers a more vivid and shocking picture of what is really going on above our heads, and counteract the efforts of the mainstream media to downplay what is clearly a very serious threat to the future of human civilization.

We urge you to share this video far and wide.

Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers

Comment: For regular updates on these types of events, don't forget to check our Fire in the Sky section.

Grey Alien

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Hyperdimensional Planet Earth - Are human beings really at the top of the food chain?

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In the following SOTT Talk Radio show from late 2013, we discussed some of the 'High Strangeness' that has gone on, and continues to go on, in and around the Big Blue Marble.

From 'The Beast of Gévaudan', to UFOs to the 'Mothman' and back again, throughout modern history, tens of thousands of human beings have reported seeing and having bizarre and apparently inexplicable experiences with 'otherworldly' creatures. While mainstream 'science' automatically dismisses such reports as the product of liars or the psychologically disturbed, the reports keep coming in, both from normal people who, far from seeking a moment of fame, are very often extremely reluctant to even speak about what they saw, and people with impeccable credentials whose word, in any other circumstances, would never be doubted.

What is the truth behind the High Strangeness that appears to have plagued our planet and species for so long, and are human beings really at the top of the food chain?

Running Time: 02:12:00

Download: MP3

Pocket Knife

SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Surviving the Psy-pocalypse - Interview with Stefan Verstappen

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Earlier this month we spoke with Stefan Verstappen, Canadian writer, artist, and martial arts expert. This world traveller is also one of the few people who understands that psychopaths rule our world. Creator of the viral YouTube video documentary 'Defense Against the Psychopath', based on his book The Art of Urban Survival: A Family Safety and Self Defense Manual, Verstappen has lots to share, not only about defending ourselves from the predators in our midst, but also about what we can do to prepare for natural disasters and social breakdown.

Running Time: 01:52:00

Download: MP3

Comment: Here's a link to the documentary Verstappen refers to in this interview:

Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)


SOTT Focus: Farewell to 'psychic research'?

Cosmos. Earth. Man.

Four weeks ago I ordered the book "Cosmos. Earth. Man" by A. G. Parkhomov[1]. Two days ago it arrived from Moscow.

Cosmos. Earth. Man. by A. G. Parkhomov
Cosmos. Earth. Man. by A. G. Parkhomov
I was excited. I started reading it right away.... the last chapter first. Actually, I read the back cover first, so let me quote from that so you'll have an idea of where we might be going today.
Aleksandr Georgievich Parkhomov (Александр Георгиевич Пархомов) completed his education at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. He then worked at the Division of Radiation Physics of this institute. He directed the research group investigating of the properties of ultra-weak neutrinos at the Moscow Aviation Institute. He is Professor of the International Slavic Academy, Head of the Laboratory ''Rhythms and Fluctuations" of the Institute for Time Nature Explorations and author or co-author of more than 130 scientific publications.
A. G. Parkhomov
A. G. Parkhomov
Parkhomov's scientific career is very different from my own. He is mainly an experimental physicist, dealing first of all with facts and data and trying to understand them using the simplest possible explanations. Only when they fail would he then look for more sophisticated explanations. He has almost twice as many scientific publications as I do! And yet, in spite of these differences there is something that we both share: scientific curiosity that drives one to seek scientific explanations of the unexplained. That is what I was always looking for: the high-level scientific research into "paranormal" stuff. That is why I started reading his book from the last chapter, Ch. 4, entitled "Where physics is powerless". He has done what I always wanted to do (but never did): real, first-hand research, rather than just speculations.

The first three chapters of the book deal with those phenomena where physics still has something to say, some explanatory ability: all kinds of radiations and their strange properties, radioactivity, electronics, physical and chemical reactions of biological systems, noise, information, dark matter and dark energy, neutrinos etc.; all relatively normal. But the last chapter describes his experimental research into "psychic" phenomena. It also describes his conclusions.

So, let me start with a description of just one type of experiment that needed to be done at the early stage of this research, probably the least spectacular.


SOTT Focus: Psychopaths in power: The Parasite on the Human Super-organism

I was reading another devastating commentary by American author Chris Hedges on the overbearing tyranny of the State, and it got me to thinking about this popular notion of "rising up against" oppressors. Hedges' analysis is on target, but I feel that his conclusion that we must "tear it down" in order to escape it is lacking something important.

To 'rise up against our oppressors', to 'take back the country', and to 'overthrow the ruling class' assumes that they are 'up there' to begin with. Yes, in many ways they are. Through their domination of industry, government, media, education and so on, they invariably influence - control even - just about everything material in our world; they possess most of the wealth, work in high-rise buildings, live in elevated suburbs and generally look down from their rarefied vantage point on the masses slumming it out below.

But when it comes to the important things - moral character, worldly experience, creative abilities, and basic intelligence - what do they really possess? Few, if any of these things. In fact, I think we can make the case that, psychologically-speaking, they are actually pretty far 'down there' on the scale of haves and have-nots.

Ok, so they certainly set no moral example to follow. Well, what then do we need the State for? Standard political theory teaches that the State is the final arbiter of contracts between people, without which there would be lawless chaos. Left unto themselves, claimed schizoids like Thomas Hobbes, life for humans would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." I'm not so sure. In fact, I'm beginning to think it's the other way around: life is brutish for most because of the State.