High StrangenessS


The Hidden Truth Behind a 1960s Nuclear Test: A Non-Human Craft Fell Down To Earth

Bluegill Triple Prime
AVCO Mark IV Re-entry Vehicle, used in the Atlas 8F and Bluegill Triple Prime tests
Something crashed from the sky - sparking an urgent retrieval mission - after that, the world changed.

On October 26, 1962, the United States conducted the Bluegill Triple Prime nuclear test as part of Operation Fishbowl, a subset of Operation Dominic.

The Bluegill Triple Prime test detonated a nuclear warhead 48 kilometers above Earth to study how high-altitude explosions affect ballistic missile systems.

Decades later, newly declassified evidence suggests something far more extraordinary โ€” a possible collision with an unidentified object, which I believe was a craft advanced non-human origin.

Footage, scientific reports, and naval recovery logs hint at a dramatic event where nuclear weapons technology intersected with the unknown.

This test was a key Cold War experiment.

The XW-50-X1 warhead was built to emit high-energy X-rays, designed to disable missile re-entry vehicles by causing intense heat and internal damage, a process called thermo-mechanical spall.

While the test aimed to push missile defense technology, the evidence shows it may have done much more.

A mysterious object following the Avco Mark 4 re-entry vehicle appears to have been destroyed, raising questions about what really happened that day โ€” and what was in the sky with us.

Comment: Former presidential advisor Harald Malgren (the "shadow Kissinger"), mentioned above, posted this response on X endorsing Cruickshank's analysis of the Bluegill Triple Prime test:
I want to thank @ChrisUKSharp for publishing Geoff Cruickshank's deep dive into the events around one missile test in 1962 that I worked on in my capacity as and advisor to The Joint Chief's. He has done an excellent job of explaining the significance of the test. It helps us understand why JFK, LBJ and soon after, I myself, all rushed to visit @LosAlamosNatLab soon afterwards.
The results of this specific XW-50-X1 Oct 23, 1962 was directly reported to me as leader of anti- missile projector for JCS, and reported directly to JFK. Thus it was official input to my official task. Was that not sufficient basis for my decisions? I went to Los Alamos to verify.
When asked when he knew a UFO had been downed, Malmgren replied:
As soon as I received the report from Los Alamos in early November, at the same time as that report was made to JFK

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Multiple drone incursions confirmed over Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton (Updated)

Aerial view
© screenshot/Google EarthCamp Pendleton Base
This is the first Marine Corps facility to acknowledge drone incursions during the recent wave of sightings at bases across the country.

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton in southern California experienced multiple drone incursions over its airspace the past several days, a facility spokesman told The War Zone on Tuesday morning.

Capt. James C. Sartain, a base spokesman in response to our query, said:
"Between Dec. 9 and 15, there were six instances of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) observed entering Camp Pendleton's airspace, with no threat to installation operations."
Sartain could not immediately provide details about how many drones flew over the installation, their origin, what actions were taken in response and if any air or ground operations were affected as a result of the incursions. We have asked for these details and will update this story should any be provided.


UFO crisis in US causes panic and political crisis, being "no foreign cause"

sign in desert
© New York TimesUFO sign in the Mexican desert
It might sound almost too wild a thing to state, but the United States of America right now is in fact undergoing a kind of a major UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) crisis, with national security implications. Sightings are also taking place in other Western countries such as the United Kingdom (UK), but the US seems to be the focal point. The matter has gone beyond the realm of rumor, is in fact triggering a political crisis and unrest in at least 3 states, with federal investigations going on, and should be taken seriously at this point. Consider the following:

On late Friday (December 13) and early Saturday, officials went so far as to simply close airspace for almost four hours over Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, this being one of the country's key Air Force bases, due to UFO sightings. The authorities described them as "small unmanned aerial systems" (UAS).

Unidentified "drones" were also spotted over three military bases used by the US Air Force in eastern England.

Such activity was also reported (and confirmed) over the Ramstein Air Base, a US base in Germany, around the same period there were sightings over Ohio and Utah.

There are thus simultaneous "UAS" activities across the Atlantic, apparently targeting the US.

Comment: Interpretations are not relevant. What matters: What is, what for and why.


Brazen, mysterious 'drone' incursions now a major crisis

News announcer
© The HillFor Video go here: https://thehill.com/video/dc-bureau-drone-sightings-frustration/10300921
Over the last five years, a series of brazen incursions involving objects that exhibit seemingly highly advanced technology, have left local, state and federal authorities baffled. In short, an unknown actor appears to be sending a stark message:
"We can operate drone-like vehicles in American skies, over critical infrastructure and hover even above sensitive military facilities with complete impunity."
Most recently, military personnel, law enforcement officers and New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New York residents observed what they described as mysterious low-flying drones over their respective states. According to New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy,the objects are "very sophisticated... the minute you get eyes on them, they go dark." Murphy is taking the situation "deadly seriously."

The Pentagon strenuously denied that the objects are U.S. military assets and claimed to have "no evidence" they are from a foreign adversary.


Strange aerial activity near Texas military site under investigation

Drone Tex
© White Settlement Police DepartmentSuspicious drones were spotted near military properties in White Settlement, Texas this week, triggering an investigation.
Police officers says they observed multiple drones flying near city neighborhoods, federal and military properties.

As mysterious aerial activity continues along the East Coast, cities in Texas are also getting similar sightings in the sky, this time triggering an investigation. The White Settlement Police Department, along with federal authorities, has launched an investigation into multiple suspicious aircraft were reported flying near city neighborhoods, and federal and military properties at 8:14 p.m. on Tuesday. After observing drones flying near Bomber Road, Silver Creek and North Las Vegas Trail, officers coordinated with security personnel from military and federal properties to locate the pilot. At 8:54 p.m. and again at 10:21 p.m., police responded to additional reports of multiple drones in the area.


Report: New Jersey pilot 'lost control' of his drone after encounter with unidentified drone

michael b drone podcaster unidentified drones new jersey
© FOX 5 New YorkNew Jersey podcaster Michael B prepares to launch a drone.
Paranormal investigator Michael B says his drone fell from sky

A New Jersey drone pilot says his device lost power and was forced to descend from a restricted chunk of airspace while the mystery flier he was trying to investigate managed to stay airborne despite a signal designed to shut down legal drones.

Michael B, a podcaster and paranormal investigator behind the Terror Talk Productions YouTube channel, lives near the Picatinny Arsenal, an Army facility near where dozens of sightings have been reported in recent weeks. He was flying in the area, attempting to get a closer look at a larger, unidentified object he believes is a drone.

"There was a drone just hanging out," he told FOX 5 New York. "I had full battery life. Not 3 minutes into the flight, I lost control of the drone.


Flashback SOTT Focus: Witness Statements Reveal Alarming 'Drone' Incursions Over Langley Air Force Base as Dronebusters Failed to Intercept Objects

Comment: New Jersey aint the drone-swarm-operators' first rodeo...

langley uap
Liberation Times has obtained twenty-two witness statements and an incident report through a Freedom of Information Act request, following December 2023 'drone' incursions reported over Langley Air Force Base, Virginia.

These statements come from members of the 633d Security Forces Squadron, who are responsible for guarding Joint Base Langley-Eustis.

Witnesses reported observing the so-called 'drones' 'moving at rapid speeds' and displaying 'flashing red, green, and white lights'.

Concerningly, one witness stated that their dronebuster 'failed to register' one of the objects, while another was unable to use a dronebuster 'due to not having a visual'.

The objects were spotted in various areas around the base, including the flight line, which is used for servicing and maintaining airplanes, as well as for parking ramps and hangars

Comment: The above happened a year ago. The current 'drone swarm' - again with bright white, red and green lights, and again with the inability of US military personnel to intercept and, it seems, even to track them - over sensitive US military sites in New Jersey has COPIOUS video and photographic evidence.

That the New Jersey 'swarm' is part of a pattern makes it even more mysterious. We're not ruling out any explanation for now, and in the meantime the US government has no choice but to pretend that millions of Americans are not seeing anything flying low above their homes!


Flashback Radio transmissions from police helicopter's chase of bizarre craft over Tucson add to mystery

drone chase
© www.twz.comTucson Police Helicopter Drone Chase
"Its abilities were pretty incredible."
โ€” FAA audio points to confusion during and after police helicopter's encounter with strange aircraft.
On February 9, 2021, a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) helicopter encountered what was described as a "highly modified drone" hovering in controlled airspace above Tucson, Arizona. A Tucson Police Department (TPD) helicopter was called in to aid the CBP aircraft in its pursuit of the small aircraft, but the drone, or whatever it was, was able to outrun both of them as it flew through military airspace, deftly maneuvered around both helicopters with bizarre agility, and ultimately disappeared into cloud cover above the altitude the helicopters could safely fly.

A police report previously obtained by The War Zone showed that the TPD crew described the drone as "very sophisticated/specialized" and "able to perform like no other UAS" they had previously encountered. Now we have the actual audio from the CBP helicopter's interactions with air traffic controllers in Tucson during the incident, as well as audio from an after-action call between the TPD crew and the air traffic control tower.


Pilots report mysterious lights 'moving at extreme speeds' across Oregon skies as drone sightings baffle New Jersey

The mysterious lights over Eugene, Oregon
© KGW8The lights were spotted over Eugene, Oregon, last weekend.
At least four commercial airline pilots have encountered mysterious, colorful, circular lights "moving at extreme speeds" through the skies above Oregon this past weekend, according to local reports.

Pilots and nearby air traffic control dispatchers discussed the alarming sightings in air traffic control audio archives from Dec. 7, which were obtained by OregonLive.

Comment: See also:


Best of the Web: Drone incursions closed Wright Patterson Air Force Base's airspace Friday night

aerial view wright patterson air force base
© Google EarthThe sprawling Wright Patterson AFB complex.
Wright Patterson AFB, a high-profile base that's home to critical Air Force units, is the latest installation to deal with mysterious drones.

The sprawling Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio is the latest military installation to report mysterious drones flying over its airspace, The War Zone has learned.

"I can confirm small aerial systems were spotted over Wright Patterson between Friday night and Saturday morning," base spokesman Bob Purtiman told The War Zone on Sunday in response to our questions about the sightings. "Today leaders have determined that they did not impact base residents, facilities, or assets. The Air Force is taking all appropriate measures to safeguard our installations and residents."

The drones "ranged in sizes and configurations," Purtiman said. "Our units are working with local authorities to ensure the safety of base personnel, facilities, and assets."
