High StrangenessS


Bigfoot in Fresno County?

Whether you want to believe it or not, there are a lot of people in Central California who think they've had a brush with a Bigfoot, or Sasquatch.

Many won't talk about it for fear of being ridiculed. But others are convinced they are real, and think science is about to prove they really do exist.


Lurking in the forests of the high Sierra are people, like Bill Compton. A cell phone salesman during the week, he spends many weekends in search of the elusive Bigfoot. He says," I truly believe there is a bi-pedal primate roaming the terrain. I've seen too many footprints, seen beasts walk away from me on two legs that look like giant, hairy animals."

Eye 2

Does a Welsh Loch Ness monster lurk in city lake?

Experts failed to pour cold water last night on reports a crocodile is alive and well and living in a Welsh lake.

Crocodile hunters are heading for Swansea after it emerged one of the reptiles has been spotted patrolling the 20ft deep pool in the middle of a city business park.


'It shot off and left a long orange trail behind'

FIVE mine workers are convinced they saw a UFO fly over them on a remote Territory island.


Alabama UFO Sighting & Crash: Eyewitnesses Report Military & Ambulance Response

What was it last night around Decatur that had people talking?

Friday night and into today, our newsroom has been flooded with people inquiring about a strange sighting in the western sky.

What did people see?

What we do know is that an object was in the sky that night. What it was is the focus of tonight's WAFF 48 Investigators Report.


Russian tourist photographs a UFO

Mushroom UFO
©Anastasiya Gavrilenko

A foreign student on a sightseeing spree in South London has claimed to have seen and photographed a UFO.

Anastasiya Gavrilenko from Russia insists that she had seen and captured the mysterious object speeding through the sky while walking through a park in Croydon, south London.


Mount Teide calling Mars, you are clear to land

Is Mount Teide a magnet for UFOs?

Are aliens from outer space fascinated by our dormant volcano? Does it have an aura around it which can be seen from another hemisphere? Or perhaps there is a more sinister appeal? Is there perhaps an alien base deep down inside the crater?

Alarm Clock

New Zealand: Sleepless nights over 1am alarm mystery

A Campbells Bay couple seem to have a mysterious problem with their alarm clock. For some reason, their two alarm clocks have gone off at the exact same time for four consecutive mornings, despite not having been set, they say.


Bright lights, big city: UFO reported over Baytown skies

Baytown, Texas - Lisa Fogt and her aunt, Kathy Boyd, say they saw more than the bright refinery lights of Baytown when they crossed the Fred Hartman Bridge Saturday night.


Propaganda Alert: Neighbor caused Monday's mysterious Phoenix lights

Have the Phoenix lights returned? The race to the most ridiculous explanation is on!


US: No further investigation into UFO

Chetek, Wisconsin - Investigation into the reported unidentified flying object near the Rice Lake Air Center last week has ended without a determination for what it may have been.

"Our officers saw some strange lights," said Barron County Sheriff Tom Richie. "That is what we're leaving it at."