Health & WellnessS


American Academy of Pediatrics Initiates Public Relations Effort to Counter Bad Vaccine Publicity

National Autism Association Requests AAP Instead Focus on Removing Unnecessary Toxins From Vaccines and Providing Medical Treatments for Children with Autism


Sex and the Evolution of Love

I am such a loser.

According to evolutionary psychologists, women are supposed to look for mates who are good providers and willing to support a brood of children. But I've chosen an artist, someone with no real income, no access to affordable health care and no financial future.


In Romance, Looks Matters Most to the 'Beautiful'

In the world of romance, we seek out partners who are just as "hot" or "not hot" as we are.

A new study supports the idea that super models flock together while individuals lacking the perfect face and body also stick together.


Broiler Chicken Welfare Definitely Isn't Pukka

If you kept your television tuned to BBC One after the England-Switzerland football match on Wednesday night, you might have caught a feature on the Ten O'Clock News about a paper published in last week's PLoS ONE (although the Beeb didn't think to mention the journal). Nonetheless, we were impressed that the story was second only to the coverage of some voting I hear is going on in a faraway land...


A genetic variant increases the risk of developing schizophrenia in women

A complete scan of the human genome has revealed that a genetic variant in the Reelin gene increases the risk of developing schizophrenia in women only. Researchers from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Oxford, who conducted the study in the Ashkenazi Jewish population, confirmed their findings by establishing a multinational collaboration that included populations and researchers from the United Kingdom, Ireland, United States, and China. Their research is published in the February issue of the open-access journal PLoS Genetics.

Eye 2

Blinded by sFRP-1: A WNT signaling protein plays a key role in glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the major causes of visual impairment and blindness throughout the world. A major risk factor for the disease is an increase in the pressure in the eye (intraocular pressure [IOP]). IOP is determined by the rate of production of the clear fluid in the eye and the rate at which this fluid flows out of the eye.


Blood Pressure Rx May Have Added Benefit

Lexington โˆ’ University of Kentucky researchers have discovered a possible added benefit of a novel new drug that lowers blood pressure.

Dr. Lisa Cassis and Dr. Alan Daugherty found in animal studies that aliskiren not only lowered blood pressure but also significantly reduced artery-clogging lesions that are the leading cause of heart attack and stroke, the top cause of death worldwide.


How to deal with a psychopath at work

Edmonton - Even the politest people have called their boss a psycho over Friday beers or while lamenting a work problem to a spouse at dinner - few of us actually mean it.

And yet you just might be right. One person in 100 is a psychopath, meaning that they lack a moral compass, sense of responsibility or empathy (this is a personality disorder, not a mental illness). And although they are overrepresented in the prison system, according to research by American psychologist Dr. Paul Babiak, and his Canadian counterpart Dr. Robert Hare, psychopaths are also well-represented in corporate environments.


CDC: Death Count 82 for 'Choking Game'

Atlanta, Georgia - At least 82 youths have died from the so-called "choking game," according to the first government count of fatalities from the tragic fad.

In the game, children use dog leashes or bungee cords wrapped around their necks or other means to temporarily cut blood flow to their head. The goal is a dreamlike, floating-in-space feeling when blood rushes back into the brain.

Monkey Wrench

CDC: Gulf Coast Trailers Have Toxic Air

Atlanta, Georgia - U.S. health officials are urging that Gulf Coast hurricane victims be moved out of their government-issued trailers as quickly as possible after tests found toxic levels of formaldehyde fumes.