Health & WellnessS


Eating This Can "Tear Holes" in Your Gut

Leaky gut is a condition that occurs due to the development of gaps between the cells (enterocytes) that make up the membrane lining your intestinal wall.

These tiny gaps allow substances such as undigested food, bacteria and metabolic wastes,that should be confined to your digestive tract, to escape into your bloodstream -- hence the term leaky gut syndrome.

Once the integrity of your intestinal lining is compromised, and there is a flow of toxic substances "leaking out" into your bloodstream, your body experiences significant increases in inflammation.

Also, your immune system may become confused and begin to attack your own body as if it were an enemy (autoimmunity).

Most often, leaky gut syndrome is associated with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn's and ulcerative colitis, or celiac disease, but even healthy people can have varying degrees of intestinal permeability leading to a wide variety of health symptoms - and this can be influenced heavily by the foods you choose to eat.

Comment: To learn more about the Benefits of a Paleo Diet read the following:

The Paleo Diet: Should You Eat Like a "Caveman"?
Should You Eat a Paleo-Diet for Health Like These Californians?
A Real Paleo Diet - Grassfed Meat, Fat, and Organ Meats


Why Women Should Stop Their Cholesterol Lowering Medication

If you are a post-menopausal women with high cholesterol, your doctor will almost certainly recommend cholesterol lowering medication or statins. And it just might kill you. A new study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that statins increase the risk of getting diabetes by 71 percent in post-menopausal women. Since diabetes is a major cause of heart disease, this study calls into question current recommendations and guidelines from most professional medical associations and physicians. The recommendation for women to take statins to prevent heart attacks (called primary prevention) may do more harm than good.

Take it if you already have had one, but beware if your doctor recommends it for you if have never had a heart attack.

This current study adds to an increasing body of literature questioning the benefits of statins, while highlighting their potential risks.

Comment: For a more in depth look at the harmful effects of Statins read the following articles:

How Statins Really Work Explains Why They Don't Really Work

Pharmageddon: America's Top Selling Statins Cause Diabetes

Big Pharma Lies About Statin Drugs Finally Exposed in British Medical Journal

Human Sacrifice Alive Well 21st Century: Statins
Statin drugs concretize and institutionalize a certain myth about cardiovascular disease that the masses are only now beginning to awaken from, namely, that cardiovascular disease is caused by cholesterol and that cholesterol-suppression "therapy" reduces cardiovascular morbidity and mortality.

The 25 billion dollar-a-year commercial apotheosis of Statin drug therapy, purportedly intended to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease, represents a very real post- post-modern form of human sacrifice, implicit in the very etymolgical origin of the word "pharmaceutical"


Scientists Say to Delay Breastfeeding to 'Improve' Vaccine Potency

© n/a
Scientists are now recommending that mothers delay vital breastfeeding in order to 'improve' the effects of vaccinations, stating that consuming breast milk could hamper the potency of vaccinations such as the rotavirus injection.

The authors state that the immune-boosting effects of breast milk could negatively affect the vaccine potency.

Of course the authors make no mention of the relationship between vaccination and over 189 diseases as observed by peer-reviewed research.

In a study published in the Journal of Pediatric Infections & Diseases that anyone can freely read, scientists say that breastfeeding should be halted to improve vaccine effects (which include negative effects).

The advisory is specifically targeted toward developing and poor nations, as is the norm with massive vaccination campaigns funded by the likes of the Bill Gates Foundation and the United Nations.


Belgium: Baby Dies After 9 Vaccines in One Day

Babies Stacy and Lesly Sirjacobs
The end of last year was masked with sadness for Belgium parents Raphaël Sirjacobs & Béatrice Dupont, as their nine week old daughter Stacy Sirjacobs lost her fight for life. Stacy died just one week after her first vaccinations and left her twin sister Lesly behind. Devastated by their loss their parents are convinced that vaccines and hospital failures were the cause of their beautiful daughters death.

Stacy and Lesly were born one month premature by Caesarean section and spent the next four days in an incubator. Stacy needed resuscitation at birth.

Following medical advice parents Sirjacobs and Dupont decided to have the twins vaccinated. Stacy was slightly unwell with a cold on the day of her vaccinations but doctors assured her parents that it was safe to give her the vaccinations.

(It is worth noting that there is a history of Sudden Infant Death and allergies in the family. The twins were being prescribed a milk supplement due to a milk allergy at the time Stacy became ill)

The twins received Prevenar, a vaccine against meningitis and pneumonia, Infanrix Hexa, a six in one vaccination for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, pertussis, hepatitis B and Haemophilus type B, and finally the Rotarix, a preventive vaccine for gastroenteritis.

This means that these tiny vulnerable babies received a staggering nine vaccines in one day, vaccines that may have caused one of them to die.

A week after her vaccinations Stacy became unwell with a fever of 39.9 degrees C. Her parents decided to administer Perdolan to lower her fever. As their daughter was still very poorly they called the hospital who advised them to bring their daughter in.

The medical staff diagnosed Stacy with a slight chest infection and infection in her blood and told her parents not to worry as this was "not serious". Stacy was then given medication and put on a drip feed and kept in for observation.

Stacy's father informed me that all links to the vaccines were strongly denied.


Are You Exposing Yourself to Toxic BPA?

© unknown
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a widely used chemical substance. This chemical exists in nearly every plastic container, is used as lining for metal cans, and can even be found on receipts, toilet paper and worldwide currency.

BPA leaches from its container into whatever it happens to contain. If you microwave a TV dinner for example, the chemical content of the plastic container would find its way into the food you are going to eat. Likewise, when bottled water or a soft drink is manufactured and shelved, BPA leaches into the liquid over the time it takes to be purchased and consumed.

Because of its widespread application in all forms of packaging, manufacturing and otherwise, chances are that you are somehow interacting with this substance on a daily basis. Many other countries have already declared BPA a toxin and prohibited its usage in a number of products.

Comment: For more information about BPA and the number of health issues associated with this pervasive toxic chemical read the following articles:

BPA Report Details Chemical's Hazards

One of the Most Common Chemicals Used in Modern Life Is Now Being Seen as a Health Threat

President's Cancer Panel Warns of Toxic Effects of BPA


FDA Threat: Vitamins, Supplements, & Alternative Health Therapies

The FDA generously lends its approval to drugs that cause ghastly symptoms and untold damage. Many contain toxic contaminants from China. Vioxx is said to have claimed 70,000 lives. "Yet not one of them was taken off the market until the desired profits of the product manufacturer were realized and not once were criminal charges ever levied at a pharmaceutical company that decided profits were far more important than human lives."

Consumer reports seek to demonize natural remedies with ambiguous statements like "thought to be linked" and "could be linked" because natural products are not patentable and there are barely any substantial reports of negative consequences. But this is not enough for the FDA to turn public interest against natural health products and close small supplement companies. So the next step involves twisting vitamins, supplements, and alternative health therapies into something "medicinal" to crack down on companies full force. But they never crack down on the real culprits of death and damage.

In the matter of independent testing for new drugs and vaccines, the FDA throws its hands up, "We don't have the power!" When it comes to natural remedies it will be "Respect our power!"
~ Health Freedoms


Big Pharma Routinely Suppresses Data from Clinical Trials - But FDA Approves These Dangerous Drugs Anyway!

© Alliance for Natural Health
Drug research, even from clinical trials sponsored by the federal government, is routinely suppressed, according to a new study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ), an international peer-reviewed medical publication. The study found that less than half of all NIH-funded clinical drug trials were published in a medical journal within two and a half years of the trial's completion - with fully one-third of trial results remaining unpublished even four years after the trial. Why? Because the drug manufacturers didn't like the data.

One example cited in the study was the FDA-approved diabetes drug Avandia, which in 2007 was found to increase heart attacks and cardiovascular deaths - even though the drug's maker, GlaxoSmithKline, had known about the risk before the drug was approved. The BMJ study found that 35 of the drug's 42 clinical studies had never been published, and were obtained only because a court case required the pharmaceutical company to turn over the data.


Some Potentially Good News For UK Patients: Doctors May Go Out on Strike

The UK Government is broke, and is doing it's best to spend as little money as possible, including on pensions. It's offered state-employed doctors here a pension deal, but the doctors are not happy about it and now there's talk of strike action. The situation may seem dire for patients who will not have as much access to medical care. However, if history is anything to go by, a doctors' strike may in fact be a cause for celebration.

No Entry

Edible Drug-Tracking Microchips to be Unveiled in UK by Year's End

© N/A
Imagine a world where the government monitors everything you eat and drink, and makes sure you take all your pharmaceutical drugs by feeding you an edible microchip that transmits this compliance information remotely to authorities. Such a world is almost a reality, as a California-based biotechnology company is about to unveil an edible microchip tracking device in the UK that monitors patients' compliance with prescribed drug regimes, and sends this information to family members and caretakers.

The UK's Independent says Proteus Biomedical, the company responsible for making the edible microchip, has formed a commercial partnership with Lloyds pharmacy, a UK pharmacy and healthcare provider, to begin selling the tiny chips to patients by year's end. Smaller than a grain of sand, the tiny chip will monitor which drug pills are taken, and electronically send this information to patches worn on patients' arms. The patches will then send the information to the mobile phones of patients' relatives and physicians.


Best of the Web: The Vaccination Agenda: An Implicit Transhumanism/Dehumanism

© GreenMedInfo

Let's face it: the only real justification for using vaccines to "immunize" ourselves against disease is derived from the natural fact that when challenged by infectious agents the humoral arm of our immune system launches a successful response capable of conferring lasting immunity. Were it not for the elegance, proficiency, and mostly asymptomatic success of our recombinatorial immune system in dealing so well with infectious challenges, vaccination would have no cause, no scientific explanation, no justification whatsoever.

In fact, ever since the adaptive, antigen-specific immune system evolved in early vertebrates 500 million years ago, our bodies have been doing a pretty good job of keeping us alive on this planet without need for synthetic, vaccine-mediated immunity. Indeed, infectious challenges are necessary for the development of a healthy immune system and in order to prevent autoimmune conditions from emerging as a result of TH2 dominance. In other words, take away these natural infectious challenges, and the immune system can and will turn upon itself; take way these infectious challenges and lasting immunity against tens, if not hundreds of thousands of pathogens we are exposed to throughout our lives, would not be possible.

Can vaccines really co-opt, improve upon, and replace natural immunity with synthetic immunity?

How many will this require?

Are we not already at the critical threshold of vaccine overload?

By "improving" on our humanness in this way, are we not also at the same moment departing dramatically from it?