Society's ChildS

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South Carolina mother jailed for letting 9-year-old daughter play at park unsupervised

© Shutterstock

North Augusta - A mother has been arrested and thrown in jail on charges of child neglect because her 9-year-old daughter was found playing at a park by herself.

It might sound like a reasonable, normal place for an American kid to spend a summer day. That is, until busybody neighbors and overzealous government agents arbitrarily decided that it is abusive.

Debra Lynn Harrell, 46, was arrested by the North Augusta "Department of Public Safety" - charged with unlawful neglect toward a child, according to WFXG, when someone reported that the girl had been hanging out there playing by herself for a few hours.

Ms. Harrell later confessed that she does give her daughter the freedom to play at the neighborhood park while she works at a McDonald's restaurant to support her family. For her efforts, Ms. Harrell was locked in a cage and her daughter was taken into the custody of the Department of Social Services.

Star of David

Idiocracy: 3 Israelis say they killed Palestinian teen 'in revenge' for something he didn't even do

ultra-Orthodox Jews
© AFP Photo / Ahmad GharabliMembers of Neturei Karta, a small faction of anti-Zionist ultra-Orthodox Jews who oppose Israel's existence, hold pictures of Palestinian youth Mohammed Abu Khder.
Three Israeli Jews who were arrested for the murder of a Palestinian teenager have confessed to kidnapping him and then burning him alive, officials stated. They said it was revenge for the killing of three Jewish youths last month.

The murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir has unleashed intense fighting between Israel and Hamas around the Gaza Strip which has been going on for a week. The Israeli court refused to give the names of the suspects, who have not been formally charged, however it did state that two of them were minors.

The Jerusalem Post revealed that the main suspect in the investigation, a 30-year-old man, attempted to kill his own daughter weeks before the homicide. It is believed he may cite previous mental health problems in mitigation.

"I expect soon to get the investigative material, in which I will look for support for the assessment there is a complex problem in the matter of my client's criminal culpability," an attorney for the organization, Honenu, said.

It was also claimed by Israeli media reports that the other two teenage suspects will likely claim "temporary insanity" in the grisly murder of the 16-year-old.

Petah Tikva Magistrate's Court also confirmed that three of the suspects involved in the kidnapping, torture and murder of Abu Khdeir had unsuccessfully tried to abduct a different victim in the same area the night before.

Comment: So if a Canadian kills an American, are Americans justified in killing some random Canadian teen for revenge? These Israelis are almost as irrational and downright idiotic as their leaders.

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'Justina's Law' - A bill against medical experimentation on minors

Justina Pelletier
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) explained the motivation behind H.R. 4989, known as Justina's Law. "Sixteen months ago, Justina was a [competitive] figure skater. Today, she cannot stand, sit or walk on her own." The bipartisan legislation aims to chop federal funds to "research in which a ward of the State is subjected to greater than minimal risk to the individual's health with no or minimal prospect of direct benefit."

The proximate cause is the tragic saga of now-16-year-old Justina Pelletier. Both officials in Massachusetts and medical staff at Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) are accused of sanctioning and conducting experimental research on Justina after removing her from parental custody. Justina's ordeal occurred over the vigorous objections of both parents.

It could happen to any family. In February 2013, Justina had difficulty retaining food due to flu-like symptoms. Her parents, Lou and Linda Pelletier, were particularly concerned because she was being treated for a confirmed diagnosis of mitochondrial disease. A leading expert, Dr. Mark Korson, chief of Metabolic Services at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, advised taking Justina to the emergency room at BCH.

Comment: Over 95 children dead during the last decade in DCF alone? Probably not even the tip of the iceberg. See:

Head of Mass. Social Services agency at center of Pelletier case resigns
The embattled head of Massachusett's child welfare agency resigned Tuesday under mounting pressure following the deaths of three children, with Gov. Deval Patrick saying it was impossible for her to continue in her job [...]

The state's DCF is also involved in the contentious custody battle involving Connecticut teenager Justina Pelletier, who for more than a year has been in state care after her parents disagreed with a diagnosis made at Boston Children's Hospital that contradicted another diagnosis and were then met with allegations of medical child abuse.
Boston Psychiatric Unit's imprisonment of teenager Justina Pelletier needs State investigation into reckless endangerment of psychiatric diagnosing
Based on what can only be described as a "cozy" relationship between the Hospital's "child protection team," its psychiatric staff and the Department of Social Services, the Hospital filed a child abuse or neglect form against Justina's parents.[...]
Another clue in this article:

Mother jailed for refusing to drug daughter with a highly controversial antipsychotic - Child ends up in a mental institution
Maryanne Godboldo endured a mother's worst nightmare when in May 2011 police and social workers burst into her home without a warrant, seized her then 13-year-old daughter, locked the child in a psychiatric hospital and purportedly doped her with dangerous antipsychotic drugs[...] "For every child they put in foster care in Michigan, the state gets $1,200 for the paperwork," she said. "This has become a money making business for taking children."


Baroness steps down as head of UK pedophile inquiry

Elizabeth Butler-Sloss
© AFP Photo / Leon NealElizabeth Butler-Sloss
Saying she was "not the right person" for the job, Baroness Butler-Sloss has stepped down as head of the UK government's inquiry that looks into reports of at least 20 senior figures including MPs and cabinet ministers abusing children over decades.

Butler-Sloss, 80, had been under pressure to quit by both MPs and victims due to her family links. Sir Michael Havers, who is the Baroness' late brother, served as attorney general in the 1980's, and is suspected of turning a blind eye to incidents of child abuse conducted by politicians during the time.

Butler-Sloss said that she was 'honored' to be invited to chair the inquiry but that she "did not sufficiently consider whether my background and the fact my brother had been attorney general would cause difficulties."

"This is a victim-orientated inquiry and those who wish to be heard must have confidence that the members of the panel will pay proper regard to their concerns and give appropriate advice to government" she added.

The retired judge had been appointed by Home Secretary Theresa May last week, a decision that has been called "somewhat shambolic" by a leading MP.

Comment: Perhaps the reason she was appointed to head the inquiry is due to her family links since the UK elites have been trying desperately to quash this scandal.

UK government ignored warnings about pedophiles: "There's too many of them"
The U.K. political pedophile ring scandal is just the tip of the iceberg - The full story is much more disturbing
About 40 politicians on UK pedophile ring: Report


Mass immigration through US borders proves the hoax of the terrorism threat

As America continues to be overwhelmed by an obviously orchestrated mass intrusion of immigrants over its borders, the utter hypocrisy of increasingly stringent so-called "security measures" for the rest of the population paints a very clear picture.

There is no terrorism threat to the United States. It's bogus now and has been completely fraudulent from the get go.

If there were such a threat, not only would this flood of illegals not be allowed never mind clearly encouraged, but anyone crossing the border would have to undergo the same rigorous Orwellian strip downs, x-rays, inspections and interrogations normal citizens are subjected to. On top of that, once they are herded over the border they are being given escorts to safe havens including military bases, given supplies and free transportation to destinations around the country, and are in line for free health care, legal representation and a plethora of other benefits that will no doubt prove back-breaking to the American economy and way of life.

All by design, while cardboard cut-out Obama, the human decoy, takes his multi-million dollar 2-week summer vacation at swishy Martha's Vineyard. Get the picture? There's no concern because they are transparently behind it. Besides, while the stage prop Obama is away the real rulers in the shadows can have a field day without having to worry about programming their mouthpiece. Hence all the "vacations" for this vapid useful idiot.


What I don't like about life in the American Police State

"A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government."―Edward Abbey, American author
Boot on Face
There's a lot to love about America and its people: their pioneering spirit, their entrepreneurship, their ability to think outside the box, their passion for the arts, etc. Increasingly, however, as time goes by, I find the things I don't like about living in a nation that has long since ceased to be a sanctuary for freedom are beginning to outnumber the things I love.

Here's what I don't like about living in the American police state: I don't like being treated as if my only value to the government is as a source of labor and funds. I don't like being viewed as a consumer and bits of data. I don't like being spied on and treated as if I have no right to privacy, especially in my own home.

I don't like government officials who lobby for my vote only to ignore me once elected. I don't like having representatives incapable of and unwilling to represent me. I don't like taxation without representation.

I don't like being bullied by government bureaucrats, vigilantes masquerading as cops, or faceless technicians. I don't like being railroaded into financing government programs whose only purpose is to increase the power and wealth of the corporate elite. I don't like being forced to pay for wars abroad that serve no other purpose except to expand the reach of the military industrial complex.

I don't like being subjected to scans, searches, pat downs and other indignities by the TSA. I don't like VIPR raids on so-called "soft" targets like shopping malls and bus depots by black-clad, Darth Vader look-alikes. I don't like fusion centers, which represent the combined surveillance efforts of federal, state and local law enforcement.

I don't like being treated like an underling by government agents who are supposed to be working for me. I don't like being threatened, intimidated, bribed, beaten and robbed by individuals entrusted with safeguarding my rights. I don't like being silenced, censored and marginalized. I don't like my movements being tracked, my conversations being recorded, and my transactions being catalogued.

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Samsung caught once again using suppliers who employ children

samsung child labor
© Reuters / Kim Hong-Ji
Samsung Electronics has temporarily suspended business with a Chinese supplier after suspicions it illegally used child labor. The company says it'll stop cooperation altogether if the allegation is proved.

The world's biggest technology company said it is conducting an investigation into the Dongguan Shinyang Electronics Company after watchdog China Labor Watch (CLW) reported employees under 16 were working at the factory.

The day after the CLW report the New York Times published its own report which included interviews with three 14- and 15-year-old girls who worked at the plant.

"Samsung decided to temporarily suspend business with the factory in question as it found evidence of suspected child labor at the worksite," the Financial Times quotes a representative of South Korean company. "If the investigations conclude that the supplier indeed hired children illegally, Samsung will permanently halt business with the supplier."

Comment: This is not the first time Samsung has been caught using suppliers who illegally employ children:

Samsung production line staff 'forced to work 16 hours a day and are given just one day off a month'

Bad Guys

Unmasking psychopathy: Pentagon correspondent sees Americans as children to be protected from the truth

Tom Shanker
Tom Shanker
Yesterday afternoon, I happened to read a seemingly innocuous enough article in Time by Justin Lynch titled: Bloggers, Surveillance and Obama's Orwellian State. The article covered the usual bases. Such as the fact the Obama Administration is the least transparent ever, how it has attacked whistleblowers and journalists more than all other Presidents combined, and how citizen journalists pose a threat to the corrupt and dying status quo. All things that we already know.

One of the people quoted in the article is Pentagon correspondent for the New York Times, Thom Shanker, who proudly noted "his employer has implemented rigorous standards to balance the security risks of reporting classified information with the public's right to know."

While this guy's assumption that bureaucrats and media personalities posses this divine right to decide what the public "has a right to know," is extremely disturbing in its own right, what it really masks is a deep seated opinion of his own superiority compared to the unwashed masses. This seems to really come out in the extraordinarily disturbing final paragraph of the article:
The government really needs to get its message out to the American people, and it knows that the best way to do that is by using the American news media, said Shanker. The relationship between the government and the media is like a marriage; it is a dysfunctional marriage to be sure, but we stay together for the kids.


Eyewitness account of Ukrainian atrocities in Slavyansk: Three-year-old boy nailed to an announcement board

Galina Pyshnyak
Galina Pyshnyak, witness to atrocities committed by Ukrainian "anti-terrorist" troops in Slavyansk.
Preamble: Considering the controversy this eyewitness account has already generated (and will continue to generate), it deserves a thorough review from the standpoint of legal and evidentiary rules. That review will be generated and provided over the next several days. For now, I can offer you my professional expertise, as a courtroom advocate with eight years of experience before all levels of Ontario courts, as well as multiple tribunals and administrative boards, and also the professional opinion of a forensic paediatrician with twenty years of experience investigating crimes against children (which, I hope, will be expanded upon). Both of us believe this account to be genuine, authentic and highly likely to be accepted as truth in court. In considering this testimony, please recall that eyewitness testimony is considered to be direct evidence, which, if believed, does not require any corroborating evidence whatsoever to found a criminal conviction. Further reasoning can be gleaned from the following:
  1. Preamble to the transcript of Galina Pyshnyak's First Interview;
    There is no comment that I can make at this exact moment without bursting into uncensored vitriol and hatred against the Ukrainian Nazis that perpetrated these inhuman, horrific crimes. But comment I must, soon, for I know many will try to dispute this account. For now, allow me to caution the disbelievers among you: my eight years of courtroom experience unequivocally suggest to me that this eyewitness account is genuine and authentic. And, moreover, I have no doubt that former Supreme Court of Canada justices with whom I am acquainted, and the judges on the Ontario Court of Appeal that I know personally, would find it to be the truth.
  2. Preamble to the transcript of Galina Pyshnyak's Second Interview;
    This is an eyewitness account, and, as such, is considered to be direct evidence, which, if accepted by a court, would be sufficient for a finding of criminal liability in the absence of any corroborating documentary, video or audio evidence whatsoever. In my opinion (and in the opinion of others) this testimony would be found authentic and credible if presented in court. Any disbelievers should consider the limitations of their own minds, which, much like my own, refuse to accept the horrific reality of war crimes and crimes against humanity being committed by the Ukrainian forces in Novorossiya. I have already written on this issue here, in relation to Fyodor Berezin's account of the Ukrainian atrocities in the village of Saurovka. My preamble to the first interview given by Galina Pyshnyak may also be helpful.
  3. A reader's comment and response thereto (Second Interview);
  4. Further commentary by a reader (Second Interview); and,
  5. Extensive discussion of Fyodor Berezin's report on Ukrainian atrocities in Saurovka.
Video: Galina Pyshnyak's First Interview (Ukrainian Atrocities in Slavyansk) w/ENG subtitles
Video Subtitles Kindly Prepared by Marcel Sardo (@marcelsardo)

Comment: War zones are a lure for psychopaths. The chaos of such situations creates an environment free from the usual social and legal restraints of normal society. Without these constraints, they are free to act according to their true nature, as described by Andrew Lobaczewski in his book Political Ponerology. If the above report is factual, it is not surprising. Such atrocities are all too common during revolutions, civil wars, and genocides. And Ukraine is carrying out a genocide on the people of Novorussiya. Ukraine is currently ruled by a depraved, psychopathic regime, fully backed by the U.S. With the situations in Gaza and Iraq spiraling out of control, we are not only seeing a repeat of the blight on humanity that was the Nazi regime in Germany; we are seeing its exemplification.

War Whore

Seven dead and dozens wounded in Tripoli airport attacks

© AP
Worst fighting in Libyan capital since 2011 revolution kills at least six after rockets launched against units allied to Khalifa Hiftar

Islamist-led militias launched an attack on Tripoli's international airport on Sunday against units allied to Khalifa Haftar, the former general who has vowed to defeat the jihadis.

Buildings and fuel tanks were set ablaze by artillery, rocket and anti-aircraft fire in the worst fighting seen in the Libyan capital since the 2011 revolution. Thick plumes of smoke rose into the sky and staff and passengers huddled for safety inside airport buildings as battles left at least six dead and 25 wounded.

TV footage showed vehicles on fire after rockets struck the car park. Smoke swirled around planes abandoned on the tarmac. All flights to and from the airport have been cancelled.

The airport is held by militias from the mountain town of Zintan, allied with Haftar, whose forces, backed by sections of the air force, have been battling Islamist brigades in eastern Libya for several weeks.