Society's ChildS


Blind Compliance

Blind Compliance
© Off-Guardian
We all know what this means. And from what I am hearing from fellow shrews, the only way out of it is to simply not comply.

But is that really a rational path?

Sure, with clearly obvious things like mask-wearing and vaccines, it certainly is the sensible thing to do (refuse to comply). But what about things like not using a credit card? Or not supplying ID in whatever situation it is demanded? Or not using a cell phone? Or not buying an electric car when buying a gas car is forbidden and is no longer an option? And believe me, nearly everything we are used to will at some point no longer be an option if it doesn't fit into the agenda's agenda.

Just today some guy from our electric company here in Aurora came to our office (which is a free-standing house). He said he had to install a new meter, I said, "What for?" He informed me that the electric company was switching out all old meters to Smart Meters. The dreaded and evil "Smart Meter."

What was I supposed to do? I don't think I had the option to refuse the switch. Maybe some of you would have, and if so, I really admire you. But I am old and tired. I may find it relatively easy to refuse an injection, refuse to wear a mask, or refuse to follow some of the insane rules they had during the pandemic. But it just isn't in me to make a ruckus about something like a Smart Meter.

I am not defending my wimpishness. I know all I am doing is passively supporting the agenda's success. And although a Smart Meter might not have the same direct effect on my well-being as a vaccine would, I know it is the slow-boiling frog thing at work. If we ALL stood up and said "NO" to any of this stuff, it MIGHT end. At least we would get noticed.

Unfortunately, so much of this impending doom is not avoidable — even if we stood up to it and said, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore." It's just going to happen anyway. Think about the upcoming digital ID requirement. When this comes about, we will not be allowed to enter stores to buy groceries without it, buy gas for our cars, or probably do just about anything.


Benz and Rogan expose how USAID pushed 'blacklists' of independent media while operating global propaganda network

Mike Benz Joe Rogan USAID
© Joe Rogan ExperienceMike Benz discusses the nefarious activities of USAID with Joe Rogan
Former State Department official-turned-truthsayer Mike Benz sat down with Joe Rogan for three hours this week, where the two went down the USAID rabbit hole.

To review - over the past several weeks, Elon Musk's team at DOGE have descended on several key levers of power within the US government - including the US Treasury, the Office of Personnel Management, and of course, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - which was quickly revealed as a rogue, unaccountable 'blob' that used its vast funds not only to spread propaganda worldwide, it paid news organizations and 'disinformation' researchers to collude against outlets such as ZeroHedge, The Federalist, and others in order to strip us of ad revenues and damage our reputation. (Fortunately your subscriptions, and generous support of our new store, are keeping the lights on).

Comment: The bombshells just keep landing. But when is someone going to jail?

Bad Guys

Ellie Goulding and Anyma's "Hypnotized" video installation turns mind control into "entertainment"

Music Business Ellie Goulding and Anyma’s “Hypnotized” Turns Monarch Mind Control Into a Futuristic Experience  Ellie Goulding’s video “Hypnotized”
Several eyes and mouths are glued to Ellie’s face. She’s not in control of her senses anymore.
Ellie Goulding's video "Hypnotized" is meant to be part of a futuristic multimedia experience taking place in the Las Vegas Sphere. However, once the video's symbolism is decoded we realize a disturbing fact: The video depicts the process of traumatizing, breaking down and programming a mind controlled slave.

Anyma is a popular Italian-American DJ and electronic music producer. While I could write paragraphs about his career, let me post a picture to sum everything up for you.

He’s doing a one-eye sign to confirm his status as an industry pawn.


Betrayal: Republican-led Texas House names Dem as Speaker Pro-Tem, hands half of new subcommittees to the left

House Speaker in the Texas House of Representatives
House Speaker in the Texas House of Representatives Dustin Burrows (Center) has appointed a Democrat as Speaker Pro Tempore
The Texas House, under the leadership of newly elected Speaker Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock), has not only appointed a Democrat, Joe Moody of El Paso, as Speaker Pro Tempore but has also handed over the leadership of half of the chamber's newly created subcommittees to Democrats.

This decision comes despite a clear Republican majority in the House.

Texas is a solid red conservative state that went to Trump in 2024 by 14 points!

Thanks to the disgraceful support from 36 supposed Republicans and 49 Democrats, he managed to cling to his position. Now, he's repaying his Democrat cronies by handing them significant roles in the legislative process.

Burrows faced a challenge from the true conservative, state Rep. David Cook, who promised to stop the Democrat overreach by preventing them from chairing House committees.

Comment: To get some good idea of how these RINO creatures work in Texas, listen to Tucker's interview with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and hear how the Biden Administration weaponized this feckless group against him - and why.


Italian police arrest 181 people in bid to prevent mafia revival in Sicily

italy crackdown mafia
© Igor Petyx / EPA / EFE via ShutterstockPolice officers of the Italian Antimafia Division of Palermo taking part in an operation Tuesday.
The arrests in Palermo indicate that "Cosa Nostra" has remained a significant criminal force despite setbacks in recent decades.

More than 1200 police officers took part in the major operation, and the Carabinieri military police said the action was aimed at the development of the mafia in the area. In the raids, the largest in recent years, Italian authorities have sought to prevent the resurgence of the mafia and its governing body known as the Cupola.

Several mafia bosses have been released from prison in recent months after appeals, but investigators allege that those still behind bars have been using encrypted mobile phones to continue their activities.

It has been proven that the Sicilian mafia Cosa Nostra has changed the practices of its founders and that it no longer needs personal meetings.

Comment: Reuters adds:
Despite being weakened by law enforcement activities, Cosa Nostra continues to attract young people, the Carabinieri said, noting they documented one instance of a new recruit given "mafia lessons" by an older associate.

The would-be mentor gave the young man "specific instructions, inviting him to take as an example his conduct towards people to be subjected to extortion, and advising him on how to relate with mafia leaders," the police statement said.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, writing on X, hailed Tuesday's arrests as inflicting "a very hard blow to Cosa Nostra", and giving a clear signal that "the fight against the mafia has not stopped and will not stop".


Legacy MSM sent their top executives to Pentagon to protest losing onsite workspaces

pentagon media workspace
© Kristina Wong/Breitbart NewsLegacy news outlets are being vacated from their workspaces in the Pentagon to give to other news outlets. The middle office, currently occupied by NPR News, will now go to Breitbart News.
The Trump Pentagon's decision to remove legacy media outlets from their long-held workspaces and replace them with other news outlets has generated outrage that was notably missing when the Biden White House canceled press passes for more than 400 journalists.

In fact, legacy media outlets were so concerned about losing their Pentagon workspaces that they sent top company executives and editors to a private meeting with a senior Trump Pentagon press official earlier this week, according to a source at the meeting.

One outlet's president even flew down from New York to attend the meeting, which was requested by the Pentagon Press Association to push back against the Pentagon's order, according to the source, and was attended by about five dozen members of the press.

Comment: Another Biden wrong set to right:


Facts about the deindustrialization of America that will blow your mind

abondoned buildings
The United States is rapidly becoming a "post-industrial" nation. All great economic empires eventually become fat and lazy and squander the great wealth that their forefathers left them, but the pace at which America is doing this is absolutely breathtaking. Nobody can deny that our economy is a complete and utter mess right now, and we only have ourselves to blame. It was America that was at the forefront of the industrial revolution. It was America that showed the world how to mass produce everything from automobiles to televisions to airplanes. It was the great American manufacturing base that crushed Germany and Japan in World War II. In fact, the primary reason why we won World War II is because we simply outproduced our enemies. But now we are witnessing the deindustrialization of America. Tens of thousands of factories have left the United States over the past several decades. Millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs have been lost during that same time period.


The DEI agenda exists throughout the video game industry

The Lord Of The Rings Game
Calliope Ryder, the Lead Producer on Tales of the Shire: A The Lord of the Rings Game, claims that the DEI agenda that has taken over numerous video game developers is a conspiracy.

Uncovered by YouTuber Vara Dark, Ryder posted back in September 2024 to X, "I promise I've never received a message from a higher up that said NEEDS MORE DIVERSITY so we can get GOVT FUNDING."

She added, "it's just that games are made by and for a wide range of people with varying experiences. there's no scary cabal forcing devs to add women and POC to games."

more diversity

Comment: YouTube influencer Gothix was quite well known and popular in the gamer community - until she started speaking up about the DEI/Liberal groupthink she began to see, and disagreed with. And then did the rancor and cancelling begin.


US tax dollars fueling Ukrainian elites' lavish lifestyles - Tucker Carlson

© Chip Somodevilla /Getty ImagesUS talk show host Tucker Carlson
Ukrainians are "the richest people" in Europe, spending fortunes in expensive resort towns, the American journalist has claimed.

Ukrainian elites have enriched themselves from embezzling US taxpayer money sent to fund the conflict with Russia, American journalist Tucker Carlson has claimed. He recounted his observations of affluent visitors at an elite ski resort, during an interview with retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Davis on Monday.

Carlson, a former Fox News host and a vocal opponent of US support for Ukraine, described his visit to a pricey resort in the Alps, where he discovered:
"The whole town is Ukrainian. All the visitors are Ukrainian, and they're rolling into Hermes, and dropping a million dollars in an afternoon. It's all through Europe you see this. The richest people are the Ukrainians. The money they're throwing around "belongs to me and you and every other American taxpayer."
Carlson went on to say that Ukrainian corruption not only squanders American resources but also endangers US citizens. He cited allegations of Ukrainian military personnel selling weapons on the black market, which have reportedly reached the Mexican drug cartels. He claimed to know this for a fact, but did not provide evidence. He also criticized US funding for the Ukrainian special services, saying they have orchestrated "terrorist attacks" within Russia.


Microsoft ditches USAID-funded NewsGuard after Ted Cruz starts digging

newsguard microsoft cancels
Microsoft has dropped NewsGuard, a left-wing fact checking organization they partnered with that has helped the advertising industry justify blacklists for independent conservative media sites such as ZeroHedge.

The move came after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) began investigating Microsoft for funding the online "media literacy" censorship tool created by NewsGuard to help guide "learners of all ages through the overwhelming landscape of online news and information."

Comment: "Newsguard" has been a blot on free speech in the media space. Even has had its own run-ins with Newsguard:

Warning: Do NOT Read This! NewsGuard 'News Rating Agency' Gives Red 'Fake News' Label