Society's ChildS


Cop macing elderly man exposes departments history of corruption & violence in LA

cop pepper sprays man
The results of an extensive LA Times investigation recently revealed the existence of a secret list within the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department containing the names and crimes of hundreds of problem cops who are currently employed by the county. Blowing the bad apple theory completely out of the water, the list revealed over 300 deputies with histories of dishonesty, misconduct, and brutality-who all still have their jobs.

Despite the discovery of this list, however, the LA Times was unable to look at it and it remains a tight secret among the department's top brass. Not even prosecutors can access it-and this is a problem.

As the LA Times reports, amid growing public scrutiny over police misconduct, Sheriff Jim McDonnell wants to give the names on the list to prosecutors, who are required by law to tell criminal defendants about evidence that would damage the credibility of an officer called as a witness. But McDonnell's efforts have ignited a fierce legal battle with the union that represents rank-and-file deputies.


NYC terror suspect Akayed Ullah entered US as relative of 'visa lottery' immigrant

immigrants Bangladesh immigration
© AP/Lai Seng Sin
The Bangladesh-born terror suspect who allegedly attempted to detonate a suicide-bomb in New York was able to enter the United States as a foreign relative of an immigrant, extended-family member who had won a visa to the U.S. under the Diversity Visa Lottery.

On Monday 27-year-old Akayed Ullah, a Bangladesh national, injured three individuals when he allegedly tried to detonate a suicide bomb in New York City in a planned terrorist attack.

Comment: Trump and supporters have been attacking the idea of the 'immigration lottery' by highlighting possible links to terrorism: While people are understandably on edge due to terrorist attacks, and while immigration policy is probably in urgent need of reform, identifying immigration as the cause of terrorism might be too simplistic.

It is expected that within a large pool of immigrants some will have extremist ideologies, and out of those, some may try to carry out attacks. But if the intent is to minimize both immigration and extremism, then a revision of foreign imperialistic policy and the debt-driven global economic system is in order. Less imperial adventures and interference in the Middle East and Asia means less wars, a higher standard of living for the locals and more space for secular and moderate governments.

Syria is a good example: Europe would not have seen a mass migration inflow from that country if NATO and the Gulf States had not supported so-called 'rebels' (mercenaries and yihadists) in their fight against Assad.

Update: The news has prompted Trump to re-affirm his call to end "chain migration". He issued a statement yesterday saying:
"Today's terror suspect entered our country through extended-family chain migration, which is incompatible with national security," Trump said. "America must fix its lax immigration system, which allows far too many dangerous, inadequately vetted people to access our country."

"Congress must end chain migration," the president emphasized, referring to the program whereby immigrants enter the US through the sponsorship of relatives already established in the country.

Trump also called on Congress to "act on my Administration's other proposals to enhance domestic security, including increasing the number of Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers."

He stated that Congress needs to enhance "the arrest and detention authorities for immigration officers" and end the "fraud and abuse in our immigration system."

2 + 2 = 4

Moscow State University has become Russia's only college represented in first national academic rating's top 50

Ten more Russian higher educational institutions are found beyond the 100th spot

Moscow State University
© Alexandr Sherbak/TASSMoscow State University
Moscow State University has become the only Russian university represented at the first Moscow International University Ranking the results of which TASS has at its disposal.

Moscow State University (MSU) was listed as 25th. However, the top 100 also include Saint Petersburg State University (SPBU) and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), they rank 72nd and 73rd, correspondingly.

Alarm Clock

Must Watch: Black Feminism Has Destroyed the Black Community

Shahrazad Ali
© Unknown
Every once in awhile you decide to watch a video from somebody who everyone has been saying for years is bat shit crazy. You watch, and they don't sound all that crazy.

We're supposed to listen to marginalized voices, and hear what they have to say. As a black woman, Shahrazad's voice can't be much more marginalized, from any side of the political spectrum.

Comment: Whether you agree with her or not, she speaks in a voice and cadence that is difficult to ignore.

Mr. Potato

Oops, I did it again! CNN backtracks on another false 'collusion' report

CNN fake news logo globe
CNN has gently walked back a report from earlier this year that faulted Attorney General Jeff Sessions for failing to reveal meetings he had with Russian officials when he applied for his security clearance - a disclosure he wasn't required to make.

CNN reported last May that Sessions didn't disclose meetings he had with a Russian ambassador when he was a senator. The mainstream media was all over the story and significant airtime was spent portraying Sessions as shady and dishonest. In addition to embarrassing Sessions, the storyline also fed the narrative that the Trump administration colluded with Russia during the election.

The splashy headline on CNN's website said, "First on CNN: AG Sessions did not disclose Russia meetings in security clearance form, DOJ says." CNN's story claimed the incident was "the latest example of Sessions failing to disclose contacts he had with Russian officials." Roughly six months later, the network has admitted that the entire report was essentially meaningless.

"A newly released document shows that the FBI told an aide to Attorney General Jeff Sessions that Sessions wasn't required to disclose foreign contacts that occurred in the course of carrying out his government duties when he was a senator," CNN's Evan Perez wrote on Monday.

Comment: See also:


Analyst: They ultimately need the financial markets to implode

Market analyst Lynette Zang says even with the new tax cuts passed in Congress, the market looks like "it's running out of steam." Zang explains, "I have been noticing in the past month some pattern shifts that would indicate to me the market is struggling and breaking down. So, these tax cuts make earnings per share look a lot better and also brings back a lot of funds. . . . The CEOs are saying that money will go into share buybacks, and they need to because that is shifting. . . . Corporate buy backs are actually breaking down."

Zang says ever since the 2008 meltdown, the elite have just been buying time to set up a debt reset. Zang charges, "I am 100% certain we are in the middle of a money standard shift. Ultimately, they need the markets to implode. . . . In 2008, the debt based system broke. It died, it was done. The central banks, globally, put it on life support, and they have to create a new system. In my opinion, they want us cashless, and they want everything in digital form. They want to dematerialize wealth at least for the masses. I am 100% certain that this Bitcoin craze, and all of this, is about getting people used to digital currencies. So, when they shift us from the debt based system to the digital system, we are more comfortable with it and more familiar with it."

Comment: Who knows when it'll happen, but according to many, things are sure shaping up that way - and from numerous areas in the financial industry:

Bizarro Earth

Bakery labeled 'racist' after shopkeeper assaulted by three black students who pleaded guilty to shoplifting

Gibson's bakery
An Ohio bakery has filed a lawsuit against Oberlin College and its dean for slander, after the establishment was branded as "racist" after three black men assaulted the shopkeeper and were arrested for attempting to steal wine.

The men had claimed that they were simply trying to purchase the wine from Gibson's Bakery using fake identification cards, but pleaded guilty to attempted theft and aggravated trespassing in August. Campus Reform reports that part of their plea agreement included an admission that their actions were wrong and that the store had no racist intentions.


Canary in the coalmine? Law Society of Canada says TWU's mention of "Jesus Christ" is discriminatory

Trinity Western University
Trinity Western University
Many of you have been following the case of British Columbia's Trinity Western University for quite some time. With Canadian law societies claiming that law students from a university with Christian principles would be too warped and bigoted by those principles to practice law in Canadian society, the case winding its way to the Supreme Court of Canada is one of the most consequential for religious freedom in over a decade. If Trinity Western loses the case, it will confirm in law what many progressive politicians already affirm in the actions they are taking against Christian schools across the country: Christians, based on their beliefs in biblical sexuality, are now second-class citizens.

Last week, Trinity Western University President Bob Kuhn sent out an email updating TWU alumni on the progress of the case-and included some jarring new developments:


Mandalay Bay struggles with business after Las Vegas massacre - and the public still struggles with the official story

Mandalay Bay
Around dusk on a late November weekday, hundreds of people walked through Mandalay Bay, past empty restaurants just off the casino floor and toward the huge convention center.

Employees of CarMax, the nation's largest used-car dealer, had gathered here from around the U.S. to attend the company's annual President's Club gala, an award ceremony to recognize top talent.

Roughly 4,500 people filled the convention center to eat, dance and hobnob with CarMax senior management. Many employees stayed at the hotel.

"It's a business trip. We didn't choose the Mandalay Bay. It was already chosen for us since last year," said CarMax employee Felicia Green.

Visiting from Fayetteville, North Carolina, Green said she wouldn't have stayed at the Mandalay Bay if she'd had a choice. The Oct. 1 mass shooting that occurred at the hotel was still too fresh in her mind. On that late October Sunday night, a VIP guest staying on the 32nd floor blackened the image of Mandalay Bay when he smashed his room windows to spray gunfire on thousands of concertgoers across Las Vegas Boulevard, killing 58 people.

Comment: Of course the Sheldon Adelson-owned Las Vegas Review-Journal where this story was published would begin by hammering us with the official narrative - which has, by now, been thoroughly debunked by and many other sites and observers who maintain the basic ability to question "the news". See:

Comment: So the Mandalay Bay (like much of Las Vegas) has seen a predictable drop in business after the massacre, but the real story here - and what has been largely swept under the rug - is still just what the heck happened. More than two months later, and we are on to other news, and one of the worst shootings in US history has been all but wiped from the memory of the news consumers. Well, almost.

Shortly after the mainstream media quickly got their orders to do some serious spin in response to all the questions and inconsistencies of the official story, they chose to bless us with the following stories:

Five of the craziest conspiracy theories about the Las Vegas shootings and...

Las Vegas Shooting Conspiracy Theories Now Include the Illuminati and Antifa

But once you've begun questioning what's being told, it's very hard not to see through at least some of its bullshit. It can't be unseen. And thankfully, this has been proven true in a number of the comments that followed the drivel presented in the above articles. Take a look:

las veg comment2
Las veg comments
Las veg comments4
Sure there's going to be a lot of nonsense and inane speculation when the facts just don't add up. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be calling the mainstream media out for trying to obfuscate and confuse the situation either! Because the fact of the matter is, many Americans and people everywhere are fed with being treated like idiots, shouldn't accept it (like the above commenters), and refuse to take it lying down.


NHS survey asks 10-year-olds: 'Do you identify as boy, girl or other?'

school children
© Caiaimage / Sam Edwards / Getty Images
Children as young as ten are being asked whether they are confused about their gender in a new survey distributed to schools by the National Health Service (NHS). Critics have called the question 'intrusive.'

The survey, conducted by the Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust, usually monitors weight, height, and fitness. Now the form, which may have been sent to schools nation-wide, is asking children who have yet to attend high school whether they feel "comfortable in their gender."
