Society's ChildS

Heart - Black

State-sponsored kidnapping: Family has home-birthed babies taken away by CPS for not using hospital

Baby Levi
All three of their babies have been taken away from them and placed in the care of strangers. Levi was 10 months old when his mother, local singer and songwriter Erica May Rengo, gave birth to his twin brother and sister, at their home in Bellingham, Washington.

"Our birth was glorious," she said, and the twins were reportedly healthy, full-term babies, who had no problem quickly figuring out how to breastfeed. The little family was overjoyed until CPS stepped in to "help."

It is another medical kidnapping according to the parents. The Rengos have chosen a wholesome, holistic lifestyle, based in their Christian faith. But CPS has stepped in to override the parents' decisions. Now Erica and Cleave are living what they call a nightmare, separated from their children for reasons that don't make any sense at all to them.

Decision to Home Birth

It was only natural for Erica to choose normal, family-centered birth. Erica herself was born at home, and says that her mother was a homebirth educator and La Leche League leader (a world-wide support and education group for breastfeeding mothers). She and Cleave chose a birth-center birth with their first baby, but decided to birth at home the second time. She knew that her body was perfectly designed to work for birth. She believed this was the direction God was showing them for the birth. Erica was very careful during her pregnancy to watch her diet and exercise, in preparation for the birth. She read, researched, and prepared.

She describes her homebirth as "exquisite" and "empowering." Morna Kai Grace and Daniel Clemente were born into their parents' loving arms.

The birth was perfect. There were no complications with the birth or afterwards. But Erica and her husband Cleave had agreed to notify the local paramedics, in an effort to appease concerned family members who were fearful of their decision to birth at home. That is where their problems began.

Comment: It is inhuman what Child Protection Services (talk about an oxymoron!) is doing to parents and children based on the most flimsiest of accusations. This is a system that needs a total overhaul, because it is broken. It is traumatizing children who should be with their parents and causing untold emotional heartbreak. The people who enforce such psychopathic rules should be ashamed of themselves. This isn't the first time they've been involved in what should be deemed illegal behavior, but condoned by the state:


Ferguson: This isn't a revolution, it's the same old divide and conquer technique used throughout history

When faced on the battlefield with a numerically superior enemy, one must attempt to divide his enemy into smaller, more easily dispatched opponents - or even more ideally, divide them against one another, and have them defeat each other without ever drawing your sword. For Wall Street's 0.1%, divide and conquer is a way of life.

Divide and Conquer

Never in human history has there been a more effective way for tyrants to rule over large groups of people who, should they ever learn to cooperate, would easily throw off such tyranny.
Zululand lies in flaming ruins.
At the conclusion of the Anglo-Zulu War, the British despoiled Zululand, divided it into 14 separate chiefdoms, each led by a proxy obedient to the British Empire. The British ensured that these 14 chiefdoms harbored animosities toward one another and fostered petty infighting between them to ensure British interests would never again be challenged by a unified Zulu threat. Before the British, the Romans would employ similar tactics across Germania and Gaul.

Cloud Lightning

No sunny days ahead: Stuck in reverse and descending into trauma

© Sharpy/John VachonJune 1941. Rain. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
US Q3 GDP was revised up by the BEA to 3.89%, but that's no longer what financial markets react to. They sit and wait for more QE somewhere on the planet to be doled out. Will Americans, if they see this at all, take those numbers, add them to the sweet drop in prices at the pump and spend what they save on more holiday purchases? I'm not saying I know, but I do see that US consumer confidence is down, as is global business confidence - the latter at a five year low.

The Case/Shiller index reports a "broad-based slowdown" for US home prices, and that in the rear view mirror that looks at Q3. So that's not where those 3.89% came from, it wasn't housing (wonder what it was). The Gallup Christmas survey lost 8% of exuberance in one month. What this adds up to is that Americans may not spend all of that saved gas money, and that means there's a real danger of deflation coming to America too - as if Japanese and European attempts to export their own were not enough yet.

While the media continue to just about exclusively paint a picture of recovery and an improving economy, certainly in the US - Europe and Japan it's harder to get away with that rosy image -, in ordinary people's reality a completely different picture is being painted in sweat, blood, agony and despair. Whatever part of the recovery mirage may have a grain of reality in it, it is paid for by something being taken away from people leading real lives. US unemployment numbers are being massaged three ways to Sunday, as is common knowledge, or should be; the amounts of working age people not working, and not being counted as unemployed either, is staggering.

Comment: What the author presents as solutions make good sense. However the rot is so bad that it seems only a total collapse of the financial system will provide the opportunity to rebuild it as the author points out. People have to learn about psychopathy first so the same mistakes are not repeated.


Manipulative marketing memes for your mind

This may seem to be common knowledge to most, but to what degree? Do people really see the depths and breadths these wicked conniving controllers are willing to stoop to in order to control the mass mind according to their greedy, parasitic intentions?

Here are a few examples that will resonate and help plant your feet squarely in the camp of the observing enlightened. These exposures portray clearly what we're witnessing daily in the constructed matricized world around us, and why we should steer clear of it.

First, an overview of the subtle yet obvious trickery of modern advertising. Pay close attention, it's not as simple as it may appear and you'll soon see these memes and themes all around you in a fresh and empowered fashion.

Comment: Additional information on the Bernaysian manipulation of the human psyche:


Millionaire Chinese businessman builds free homes for residents of his family village

The business tycoon returned to his village and gave everybody a place of their own to live
A millionaire Chinese businessman has bulldozed the wooden huts and muddy roads where he grew up - and built luxury homes for the people who lived there.

Xiong Shuihua was born in Xiongkeng village in the city of Xinyu, southern China and said that his family had always been well looked after and supported by residents in his childhood.

So when the 54-year-old ended up making millions in the steel industry he decided to repay the favour - for free.

The business tycoon decided to return to the village and give everybody a place of their own to live.

Comment: Some rich people inherit compassion and empathy, far more seem to inherit psychopathic traits.


From Russia with love and support: Russia sends humanitarian cargo for Palestine

While Israel continues to kill and torture Palestinians, Russia sends humanitarian aid. So who's the "bad guy" here?
A transport plane of the Emergencies Ministry took on board 26 tons of humanitarian supplies that will be airlifted to Jordan.

Russia sent a humanitarian cargo to Palestine on Wednesday. A transport plane of the Emergencies Ministry took on board 26 tons of humanitarian supplies that will be airlifted to Jordan, the ministry's spokesman Alexander Drobyshevsky said Wednesday. The cargo will be handed over to representatives of the Palestinian embassy in Amman.

"Interaction with the authorised Jordanian charitable organizations will make it possible to timely transfer the cargo to Palestinian territory and distribute it among the local population," Drobyshevsky said.

The humanitarian aid is provided pursuant to Russian government's resolution in connection with Palestinian authorities' request for medications and medical equipment.

Comment: Thank you Putin and Russia for showing the world how decent human beings should behave. While the West spreads nothing but death and destruction, including supporting the murderous Zionist state, Russia makes a choice to follow its conscience.

Also read the following articles to understand the bigger picture and Russia's role in it:

SOTT EXCLUSIVE: Must-read statement by Russian FM Sergey Lavrov
Putin: Russia won't get dragged into geopolitical intrigues and conflicts


Shoot first: Cop shoots at unarmed man rushing home during daughter's asthma attack

Brian Dennison
A Florida sheriff's deputy averted a gunshot at the last second Tuesday to avoid wounding a man he realized was not armed.

Officer J.C. Garcia mistakenly believed a driver who led him on a brief pursuit was armed, so he drew and fired his weapon about 9:15 p.m., investigators said.

But the Jacksonville sheriff's officer managed to wave his gun off immediately upon determining the driver, 29-year-old Brian Dennison, was not actually holding a weapon.

Garcia began following the green Ford Focus driven by Dennison after spotting the car speed through a parking lot to avoid a traffic signal.

The officer said the car had expired tags, and he said Dennison drove away from an automatic teller machine as he approached from behind.

Garcia turned on his lights after the driver ran a stop sign, but the officer said Dennison did not stop and nearly caused a crash after driving the wrong way into a traffic lane.

Dennison pulled into an apartment complex and got out of his vehicle, and Garcia initially thought he spotted a weapon and fired his own.


Free speech no more: Man sues police for arresting him at home after he called them racist on Facebook

A federal lawsuit filed by a Wisconsin man alleges that Arena police violated his civil rights by charging him for calling officers racists on Facebook.

In 2012, Thomas G. Smith had seen an Arena Police Department Facebook post thanking community members for helping to detain two black children. Smith responded with a profanity-laced message about how Arena officers were racists.

A federal lawsuit obtained by the StarTribune said that Officer Nicholas Stroik had deleted Smith's comments, and the comments of others who accused police of targeting suspects based on race.

Smith then received a call from officers, who wanted to know if he had posted the comment. Smith replied that he had posted the Facebook message, and that he had meant it.


Doctor who secretly filmed his patients in the bathroom sentenced

© Reuters / Michael Buholzer
A South London doctor who took secret video footage of patients and colleagues on the toilet has been jailed for eight years.

Hearing specialist Lam Hoe Yeoh was sentenced at Croydon Crown Court after it was discovered that he had secretly hoarded 1,100 indecent images and videos of his patients at his home.

The 62-year-old man admitted to seven counts of voyeurism, six counts of taking an indecent photograph of a child and one count of possessing extreme pornography.

Yeoh was sentenced to eight years, five of which he will serve in prison before being released on license. While only 30 victims could be identified on camera, one woman was reportedly filmed 300 times.

Recorder Warwick Mackinnon called the disgraced doctor "nefarious and despicable." He told the court Yeoh's behavior posed a significant threat to the public.

"The sheer scale, the gravity, the ingrained and compulsive behavior demonstrated by the offences is significantly important. You are considered a high risk to the public.

"[Had you not been caught], I have no doubt that this prolific offending on a hitherto unprecedented scale would have continued," he added.

The Malaysian doctor, known by the English name Robin, was caught after a small camera he fixed to a communal toilet at St Anthony's Hospital in Cheam was discovered.


Paul Craig Roberts: The safety of citizens lost with unaccountability of government, police

© AP/Jeff RobersonRiot police in Ferguson, Missouri.
Events in Ferguson unfolded as most aware Americans thought they would. A white prosecutor guided a grand jury to the decision that the white policeman who shot and killed a young black male had just cause and committed no crime.

The black majority but politically powerless community in Ferguson consists of Americans who are constantly harassed and abused by police. The black community responded predictably to the exoneration of the white policeman. The results were riots, looting, and the destruction of property.

This response hardened the whites in their view that black people are criminally inclined and a threat to the safety of the lives and properties of whites.

The issue has been cast as white-black racism.

Actually, the situation is far more serious than racism.

I can remember times when police in America were reliable. They had themselves under control and saw their role as helpful to citizens and investigators of crimes. They took care not to bring charges against innocent people and to kill citizens without cause. Police would put their lives on line in order to avoid making a mistake in the use of their power.

Those times are gone forever. The police have been militarized, especially after 9/11, but even before. Police are taught to regard the public, especially any suspect or traffic offender as a potential threat to the police. The new rule taught to police is to apply violence to the suspect or offender in order to protect the police officer, and to question suspects only after they are safely secured, it they are still alive after being beaten, tasered, or shot.

Comment: Police brutality is on the rise due to the actions of our leaders. As a result, police have become more dangerous to the public than criminals.

See also:
  • Police state: A natural result of collapse of moral leadership at the highest levels