You've heard about the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, Los Angeles, London, Toronto, Berlin, Tel Aviv and elsewhere around the world. But did you know that huge demonstrations have been taking place in Tokyo as well? We certainly didn't until a SOTT forum member sent us the details. The general lack of awareness of the protests in Japan is probably due to the fact that there has been zero coverage of 'Occupy Tokyo' - which has grown out of the country's large (and growing) grassroots anti-nuclear movement - in Japan's mainstream media.
Several large demonstrations have taken place all over Japan in recent months, especially in Tokyo. The general mood is the same as elsewhere: ordinary people in Japan are fed up with their leaders' lies, particularly the lies told by TEPCO, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, and how the government has handled the Fukushima disaster. Or rather, how it has
avoided handling it. This should all be eerily familiar to Americans of course; BP's lies and the US government's enabling role from the moment the
Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in April 2010 has continued to this day, with the tragedy
continuing to unfold in deathly silence. What is happening in Japan is almost a carbon copy; denial, smear campaigns, heavy-handed tactics and, of course, total media blackout. Up to
one million people may have died as a result of Chernobyl, although we'll never really know the true death toll. Fukushima is
many orders of magnitude worse...
Comment: The author is confused as to how Blair could do something that is so transparently treasonous. Tony Blair is a psychopath, so it's all just words to him. He has no emotional attachment to the words coming out of his mouth. The appearance of emotions he produces is just him acting out, which psychopaths learn to do from an early age. He can't actually feel those emotions, of course. So whether he's advising that government, this government or his own government makes no difference to him. All provides golden opportunities to con people out of their money, energy and, ultimately, their lives. It's perfectly fitting that Blair is making money from a dictator who really does 'torture his own people'.