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'Atlantic' editor: Israel's expulsion of Palestinians not 'a tragedy'

Jeffrey Goldberg
© Mondoweiss
On Thursday night, Jeffrey Goldberg, the new editor in chief of the Atlantic, spoke at Temple Emanu-El in New York, and said many quotable things: 60 percent of Americans depend on the mainstream media and the internet is a swamp of unreliable reporting that has given rise to Trump; the American Jewish community and the Israeli Jewish community are now "like two ships in the night;" the Democratic Party is split on Israel between its progressive base and its big Jewish donors; it is incumbent on Israel, the client state, to make things right with the U.S.; Netanyahu is a "reckless" "stunt"-man; the American Jewish community fed young Jews a "simplistic" narrative about Israel, but young Jews on campus don't know what they're talking about when they adopt the Palestinian version of events.

And: the dispossession of the Palestinians in 1948 was not a tragedy. No; the tragedy was Israel wasn't founded in 1938. That comes last. Now let's listen to Goldberg.

Comment: The heck with Jeffrey Goldberg and his biased concerns of past and present. If allowed to take place, political and 'human'itarian evolution will provide psychopathic Israel the means and will to join the human race. Caught in the antisemitism snare with blind allegiance, the US could help foster the change by addressing its own tricked obedience. By denying Jewish/Israeli passive-aggressive martyrdom and its complementary manipulative-based propaganda, the US might loosen the yoke of psychological and monetary leverage currently influencing congress and the American people.


Former FBI chief calls Clintons a 'crime family' as bad as Gambino mob

© GettyEx-FBI chief James Kallstrom claims Hillary Clinton and Bill are a crime family
James Kallstrom hit out at the Democratic candidate and her husband during an interview for US radio, in which he compared the Clinton family to notorious criminal mob the Gambinos.

The ex-FBI official, best known for leading the investigation into the explosion of TWA flight 800 in the late 1990s, said: "The Clintons, that's a crime family, basically.

"It's like organised crime. I mean the Clinton Foundation is a cesspool."

The former director, who is a Trump supporter, also criticised the handling of the FBI investigation into the presidential candidate's emails, claiming it was impeded by Attorney General Loretta Lynch - a Clinton ally.

James Kallstrom hit out at Hillary Clinton in a scathing radio interview He said: "The problem here is this investigation was never a real investigation."


U.S. election reform is needed - some proposals to consider

bush recount headlines election reform
With less and less faith in elections in the western world being free and fair, urgent reforms are required to solve this crisis of faith.

With the American election less than two weeks away, people ought to be talking about election reform. Since both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton think the election is rigged, here are some ideas to make elections less prone to sabotage.

Ban all postal/absentee voting

This is beyond scandalous. The idea that a vote can be cast without any proof of who is ticking the box is an insult to the concept of a free election. With increased security checks at US polling stations this election, it beggars belief that this practice should be allowed to continue.

In a recent interview with Infowars, Nigel Farage told of some of the practices in postal voting that lead to fraud. The classic example is elderly people being abused and exploited by those 'helping them' to fill out the ballot but whom in reality are voting for them.

Of course some of the sentiments behind postal voting are valid. What if someone is too frail to get to the polling station? The simple solution to this, is for a paid civil servant or police officer to attend the house of such a person on election day. If democracy matters, this matters.

Comment: Good ideas, presuming the 'reformers' actually want to clean up the election process. Otherwise it is easy to subvert such things as poll monitoring, mental soundness testing and even CCTV cameras. Look how difficult it is to hold the police accountable, even with bodycams.


Feds closing in on Killary? How 5 separate FBI cases are investigating every one of Clinton's inner circle and their families

Hillary Clinton
© AFP 2016/Brendan SmialowskiDemocratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks to supporters at Craig Ranch Regional Park Amphitheater after the final presidential debate at the University of Nevada October 19, 2016 in North Las Vegas, Nevada.
The extent to which Hillary Clinton's key advisers are now the focus of major FBI investigations is becoming clear.

The Clintons' long-term inner-circle - some of whom stretch back in service to the very first days of Bill's White House - are being examined in at least five separate investigations.

The scale of the FBI's interest in some of America's most powerful political fixers - one of them a sitting governor - underlines just how difficult it will be for Clinton to shake off the taint of scandal if she enters the White House.

There are, in fact, not one but five separate FBI investigations which involve members of Clinton's inner circle or their closest relatives.

The five known investigations are into: Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin's estranged husband sexting a 15-year-old; the handling of classified material by Clinton and her staff on her private email server; questions over whether the Clinton Foundation was used as a front for influence-peddling; whether the Virginia governor broke laws about foreign donations; and whether Hillary's campaign chairman's brother did the same.


South Front: Russian T-90 tank in action in Western Aleppo (VIDEOS)

south front military situation
Clashes between the Syrian government forces (the Syrian army, including the Tiger Forces, the Desert Hawks Brigade, Hezbollah and others) and the Jaish al-Fatah militant coalition, led by Jabhat Fatah al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian Al-Qaeda branch) have been ongoing in the western part of Aleppo city.

The pro-government forces on the battlefield are supported by the Syrian Arab Air Force. The Russian Aerospace Forces don't provide a close air support to them, but provide intelligence and coordination of the operation (recently, the Russian Tu-214R electronic surveillance aircraft was observed in the area).

Comment: Bonus video: John Kirby being an idiot (watch till the end - it's worth it):


'The blast points are too precise': Is the Deep State targeting Killary?

Hillary puppet
The Deep State's most prescient elements must derail Hillary's campaign to clear a path to Trump's executive team.

Back in August, I asked Could the Deep State Be Sabotaging Hillary? I think we now have a definitive answer: "These blast points on Hillary's campaign... too accurate for the Mainstream Media. Only the forces of the Imperial Deep State are so precise."

star wars hillary

Comment: That the Deep State is targeting Killary is a strong possibility. What they have in mind for Trump remains to be seen.


Rumors abound: Will Weinergate expose the darkest secrets of Washington elites?

anthony weiner
Anthony Weiner
Another day, another scandal...but this one might turn out to be the most damaging so far.

On October 28, FBI director James Comey informed the Senate Judiciary Committee via letter that the agency would be re-opening its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server.

Comey wrote:
In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation ... I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.

Bizarro Earth

Amnesty Int'l warns white phosphorus used in Mosul 'poses grave danger' to citizens

white phosphorus weapons mosul
© Pichi Chuang / Reuters
White phosphorus munitions used in Islamic State-held Mosul by Iraqi forces pose a grave danger to civilians, as their scattered remains can cause horrific burns all the way to the bones, a senior Amnesty International adviser told RT.

While white phosphorous is said to be a useful tool aiding the Iraqi forces during their advance on Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL) stronghold of Mosul, it may cause more harm than good on the ground, Donatella Rovera, senior crisis response adviser at Amnesty International, told RT.

People trapped in Mosul are likely to start fleeing the city, taking the eastern road covered with half-burned white phosphorous munitions which may ignite again and hurt civilians who come into contact with the chemical.

"We are aware that civilians face tremendous risks from ISIS, of being caught in the middle of the fighting. There are mines planted by ISIS. [But our concern is] that civilians leaving Mosul eastward may get hurt by parts of white phosphorus munitions," Rovera said.

White phosphorus can leave severe burns, penetrating through the skin, muscles and bones, she explained.

Comment: White phosphorus is a thoroughly evil weapon. That won't stop the Empire from using it. In any case, Amnesty International's statements appear to be purely cosmetic:

Stupid Amnesty Int'l says to coalition: Don't use white phosphorus in Mosul siege 'unless absolutely necessary'

Arrow Down

If Killary goes down she'll take Loretta Lynch with her

hillary and loretta lynch
Killary and Loretta Lynch
Oh, Loretta.

I'll bet that AG Loretta Lynch is shaking in her boots right now, because when Hillary Clinton goes down, Lynch's career will go down with her. Heck, maybe they'll even be cellmates.

Loretta Lynch's ties to the Clintons go back to 1999 when then-President Bill Clinton appointed her to run the Brooklyn US Attorney's office. She left in 2002 and went into private practice, but returned to the Brooklyn office in 2010 at the behest of President Barack Obama. (Here's her official bio.)

In 2015, she was sworn in to become the 83rd Attorney General of the United States, taking the place of the blatantly corrupt Attorney General, Eric Holder, who will probably be most famous for his roles in the Fast and Furious operation, inciting racial tensions, and his mishandling of the Lois Lerner/IRS debacle.


People Power - The power of nullification to counteract government tyranny

"The people have the power, all we have to do is awaken that power in the people. The people are unaware. They're not educated to realize that they have power. The system is so geared that everyone believes the government will fix everything. We are the government."โ€”John Lennon
John Lennon
© QuoteHD
How do you balance the scales of justice at a time when Americans are being tasered, tear-gassed, pepper-sprayed, hit with batons, shot with rubber bullets and real bullets, blasted with sound cannons, detained in cages and kennels, sicced by police dogs, arrested and jailed for challenging the government's excesses, abuses and power-grabs?

Politics won't fix a system that is broken beyond repair.

No matter who sits in the White House, the shadow government will continue to call the shots behind the scenes.

Relying on the courts to restore justice seems futile.

Indeed, with every ruling handed down, it becomes more apparent that we live in an age of hollow justice, with government courts, largely lacking in vision and scope, rendering narrow rulings focused on the letter of the law. This is true at all levels of the judiciary, but especially so in the highest court of the land, the U.S. Supreme Court, which is seemingly more concerned with establishing order and protecting government agents than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution.

Even so, justice matters.

It matters whether you're a rancher protesting a federal land-grab by the Bureau of Land Management, a Native American protesting an oil pipeline that will endanger sacred sites and pollute water supplies, or an African-American taking to the streets to protest yet another police shooting of an unarmed citizen.

Unfortunately, protests and populist movements haven't done much to push back against an authoritarian regime that is deaf to our cries, dumb to our troubles, blind to our needs, and accountable to no one.

It doesn't matter who the activists are (environmentalists, peaceniks, Native Americans, Black Lives Matter, Occupy, or the Bundys and their followers) or what the source of the discontent is (endless wars abroad, police shootings, contaminated drinking water, government land-grabs), the government's modus operandi has remained the same: shut down the protests using all means available, prosecute First Amendment activities to the fullest extent of the law, and discourage any future civil uprisings by criminalizing expressive activities, labelling dissidents as extremists or terrorists, and conducting widespread surveillance on the general populace in order to put down any whispers of resistance before it can take root.

Thus, if there is any means left to us for thwarting the government in its relentless march towards outright dictatorship, it may rest with the power of juries and local governments to invalidate governmental laws, tactics and policies that are illegitimate, egregious or blatantly unconstitutional.