Puppet MastersS

Black Cat

Meir Dagan on Israel's Threat To Attack Iran: "the stupidest idea I have ever heard"

US Military bases surrounding Iran

In a rare interview, ex-chief of Mossad Meir Dagan speaks out against a preemptive strike against Iranian nuclear facilities anytime soon. He says the Iranian regime is rational in its own way. Lesley Stahl reports.


Three key members quit Syria's SNC opposition bloc because 'it's linked to foreign agendas'

Haitham al-Maleh
Three prominent members of main Syrian opposition group have broken away, accusing the group of serving the interests of foreign countries.

According to a Syrian National Council (SNC) official, Haitham al-Maleh, Kamal al-Labwani and rights activist Catherine al-Telli left the main opposition bloc due to their "disagreements" with the SNC.

Al-Labwani, however, said that they resigned because they did not want to be "accomplices to the massacre of the Syrian people.'' He also accused head of SNC Burhan Ghalioun of running the organization autocratically.

The SNC is "linked to foreign agendas which aim to prolong the battle while waiting ... for the country to be dragged into a civil war," said al-Labwani, adding that "There is no council, it's an illusion."

He also said that many more will quit the council in the coming days.


Panetta Is Safe After Breach Near His Plane at Afghan Base

Leon Panetta
© Pool photo/Scott OlsonDefense Secretary Leon E. Panetta arrived at Forward Operating Base Shukvani, Afghanistan, on Wednesday.
Kabul, Afghanistan - A tense visit to Afghanistan by Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta got off to an alarming start on Wednesday when a stolen pickup truck sped onto a ramp alongside a runway at a British military airfield and crashed into a ditch as Mr. Panetta's plane was landing.

Mr. Panetta was not hurt, but Pentagon officials said the Afghan driver emerged from the vehicle in flames.

No explosives were found on the driver, a civilian, or in the truck, the officials said, and the Pentagon was not immediately considering the episode an attack on Mr. Panetta. But it reinforced the lack of security in Afghanistan at the beginning of his two-day visit, the first by a senior member of the Obama administration since an American soldier reportedly killed 16 Afghan civilians, mostly children and women, in Kandahar Province. The visit had been planned months ago, but took on new urgency after the Sunday massacre.

Mr. Panetta, like President Obama, has denounced the deaths and vowed to bring the killer to justice, a message he was to deliver in person to President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan. The killings have further clouded already strained Afghan-American relations. On Thursday morning, an American official said the suspect had been moved out of Afghanistan to Kuwait. That is likely to further anger Afghans, who called for him to be tried in their country.


Best of the Web: KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing

Invisible Children disables comments on viral propaganda video + meet the real Joseph Kony.

As the US State Department, USAID centric Invisible Children psy-op KONY 2012 collapses, Invisible Children has disabled comments on their viral YouTube video.

When last checked, negative comments were voted to the top and a cascading effect of skepticism as well as damning facts began drowning out the initial confusion, sympathy, and emotional knee-jerk support the propaganda video purposefully created and preyed upon.

screenshot of Invisible Children's Kony 2012 video
© You TubeA screenshot of Invisible Children's Kony 2012 video on YouTube. Comments have been disabled.
As comments are now being censored - it is suggested that people simply go to the video and click the "dislike" button to voice their opposition to this stunt. Most likely, even that feature will be disabled, and the video KONY 2012 will become the one-way Wall Street infomercial it really is, rather than the faux-participatory "social media" "activism 2.0" experience it masquerades as being.

The Establishment-Funded "Anti-Establishment" Charity

It has been revealed that indeed Invisible Children has been working with USAID, a US government agency that helps lay the groundwork for what could best be described as a modern-day imperial administrative network. It is now also revealed that Invisible Children attended the 2010 US State Department and Fortune 500 sponsored Alliance for Youth Movements (AYM) summit in London.

Eye 1

DARPA Director Leaving the Pentagon for Google

© Reuters / Krishnendu Halder
One of the most top-secret Pentagon departments - the same that spawned America's drones, military robots, electromagnetic guns and other sci-fi weaponry - is about to lose its top officer to Google.

Regina Dugan oversaw the development of some of the US military's most marvelous high tech accomplishments as director of Darpa, but the head of the DoD's research lab is parting ways with the Pentagon to take on a role with Google. Not even three years after she took on the role as the first female director of the America's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or Darpa, Regina Dugan is now walking away to join the ranks of America's other innovative powerhouse. Dugan will be relinquishing her top roll at the Defense Department's Darpa program and trading in the Potomac River for Silicon Valley, and says it is a natural decision to move somewhere where the possibilities seem endless. Apparently within the cogs of the war machine, there is only so much left to explore.

Confirming the move to a "senior executive position" with Google, Darpa spokesman Eric Mazzacone tells Wired that Dugan couldn't refuse an offer with such an "innovative company" as the search engine giant. Until the latest news broke, however, Darpa had been touted as a creative - yet controversial - research lab for space-age technology only once imaginable. Darpa has developed technologies used across the globe that can take away lives and, as seen with cutting-edge robotic limbs, practically create them.

Star of David

Best of the Web: Palestinians in Gaza: Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter

The site of an Israeli army attack in Gaza
© ReutersThe site of an Israeli army attack in Gaza.
Four days of Israeli terror bombing left at least 25 Palestinians dead and dozens injured, some seriously. Human rights groups expressed outrage. So did Arab League states, Iran, Turkey, and Malaysia.

Israel's UN envoy Ron Prosor wants the Security Council to condemn Palestinian victims. Like Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, his audacity gives chutzpah new meaning.

On March 12, Egypt's lower parliamentary house unanimously approved a text declaring Israel Egypt's number one enemy. It called for expelling its ambassador, halting gas exports at below market prices, and reevaluating its 1978 peace treaty. It followed the 1978 Camp David Accords.

Its text said:
"Revolutionary Egypt will never be a friend, partner or ally of the Zionist entity, which we consider to be the number one enemy of Egypt and the Arab nation."

"It will deal with that entity as an enemy, and the Egyptian government is hereby called upon to review all its relations and accords with that enemy."
No Israeli comment followed.

Bad Guys

Perpetual War: American Massacres Have Been Common for Centuries

Detail from The Sand Creek massacre
© Eugene RidgelyDetail from The Sand Creek massacre, painted on elk hide by Northern Arapaho artist Eugene Ridgely
For hundreds of years Americans have been committing massacres of women and children, old men and sometimes even young men, mostly unarmed or armed only with primitive weapons. The early massacres were mostly of Indians who refused to leave their lands when Americans decided it was God's will that they steal those lands for nothing or for a few trinkets.

In the Civil War Sherman and Grant routinely massacred Southern civilian populations with bombardments of cities, burning homes and Atlanta [though I do not know death figures], and so on. The introduction of automatic weapons led quickly to far more massive U.S. massacres, obviously in the Philippines where freedom fighters were using primitive weapons to try to gain freedom from the U.S. Empire. The U.S. gunned down tens of thousands of the Philippine sons of liberty and piled them in mass graves.

In WWII the U.S. massacred vast numbers of Japanese soldiers trapped and starving on remote islands, bombed and burned all the cities of Germany and Japan [except Kyoto] and killed and maimed millions in a vast American Holocaust, capping it all off with the ghastly murder and maiming of hundreds of thousands of women and children in seconds by two nuclear weapons dropped to catch them going to school and in ways to maximize the deadly blast effects. The nuclear bombings were done against the pleas of Adm. Nimitz and most U.S. scientists who made the bombs. Nimitz said the Japanese were starving, surrounded and strangled by U.S. ships and would have to surrender soon to avoid starvation mass deaths. But Truman and his War Dept. and Pentagon brass wanted massacres to terrify the world into submission, especially the Soviets who had no such weapons.


Flashback When sex abuse can lead to murder

Award-winning journalist Nick Davies concludes a series looking at the evils of paedophilia by confronting the grim mysteries of snuff movies.

A year after Bristol detectives finally started to unravel the ring of paedophiles who had been abusing children there for up to 20 years, they found an informant with an alarming story. The man, whom we will call Terry, had a long history of sexually abusing boys. He did not come from Bristol but, by chance, he had come across some of the paedophiles the detectives were investigating - in Amsterdam, where he said they had become involved with a group of exiled British child abusers who had succeeded in commercialising their sexual obsession.

The exiled paedophiles were trafficking boys from other countries; running legitimate gay brothels and selling under-aged boys "under the counter"; they had branched out into the production of child pornography. And they had killed some of them. One boy had simply been shot through the head, Terry said: he had been causing trouble and had been executed in front of several paedophiles. Another, he believed, had been thrown into one of the canals. But the one about whom he spoke the most was a boy who had been tortured and killed in the most painful fashion in the course of producing a pornographic video.

Terry said he had seen most of the video himself and had vomited before he could reach the end. The few detectives who specialise in the investigation of child abuse invariably say the same thing about "snuff" movies: they have often heard of them, sometimes pursued them but never found one. The videos remain one of the great unsolved mysteries of the burgeoning underworld of international sexual exploitation.


Flashback Global trail of child abuse led to arrest of five suspects in Ireland

Pascal Taveirne
The trial that eventually led to the doors of five men in Mayo, Westmeath, Wicklow, Clare and Galway, began six years ago in Denmark. Police there arrested a 45-year-old chiropractor who had been sexually abusing his nine-year-old daughter, and then uploading images on to an internet site operated by a network of paedophiles calling themselves the "Fun Club".

Since the late Nineties, 45-year-old Dr Lloyd Alan Emmerson had been using the internet to exchange images of the abuse of his daughter with 25 other European men who were also abusing their daughters, or little girls in their care.

In all, 65 girls aged from two years to 14 were found to have been abused and were taken into care in 2002. Emmerson, who was found to have half a million images, including films of children, was sentenced to 30 years' imprisonment.

One of the men with whom Emmerson was sharing images via the Fun Club bulletin board -- an early version of the popular teenage websites, like MySpace -- was Pascal Taveirne from Bruges in Belgium.

Taveirne was sharing images of himself raping and otherwise sexually abusing his daughters, who were then aged four and five and both described on Fun Club as severely autistic. In one of the videos shared on the internet, one of the little girls is heard referring to her abuser as "daddy" in an accent clearly from the area of northern Belgium, where Bruges lies.


Flashback International Sex Ring Exposed, Thousands of Children and Infants Raped

A collage of images of children taken from the Zandvoort file
In a case that investigators called nauseating, the Dutch police say they have discovered a ring of traders in child pornography whose images of abuse of even babies and infants were peddled via the Internet and other media to clients in Europe, Russia and the United States.

The police said they found out about the ring after one of its members was killed several weeks ago, apparently by a rival. They said they were still sorting through thousands of digital images stored on computer disks, as well as hundreds of addresses of suspected suppliers and clients. They said the cache of pedophiliac material was probably the largest they had ever seized.

The case has provided new fuel for groups that have been demanding Europewide legislation for restrictions on the Internet.

Child pornography is a burning issue in Europe, particularly in Belgium and France, where abused and slain children have been the focus of scandals in the last few years. Several European countries have passed laws to curb child pornography and also ''sex tourism.'' These laws allow the police to arrest citizens of their countries for using children or adolescents sexually, even if they did so as far away as Africa or Asia.

Comment: Zandvoort was the case which elevated the Dutroux network from a nationwide pedophile ring in Belgium to an international (literally, a global) network of child prostitution, child slave labour, drug trafficking, money laundering... in short, Organized Crime. What the above article doesn't mention is the name of the person who exposed the Zandvoort connection. Marcel Vervloesem was a well known Belgian activist for children's rights. He once highlighted pedophilia in high places by sending child pornography to Belgian royals and aristocrats. Vervloesem has since been framed for rape, and is currently dying from illness in a Belgian prison. His story can be heard here.