Don't Panic! Lighten Up!S


Mysterious Bra Theft Baffles Cops

Police in Flagstaff, Arizona, are still trying to figure out how someone managed to steal hundreds of bras from a Victoria's Secret store.

The brassiere-napper was able to take about 350 of the sexy undergarments out of the store in broad daylight.

According to authorities, anti-theft tags on the bras didn't trigger the store alarm. .

And the theft wasn't captured on surveillance video.


Manchester, UK schoolgirl's balloon found... in China

A balloon released by a four-year-old schoolgirl in Manchester was blown nearly 6,000 miles to China.

Alice Maines launched the balloon at her school's summer fair in Flixton, Greater Manchester, six weeks ago.

©Daily Mail
This graphic shows the journey made by the balloon as it travelled more than 5,000 miles from Flixton to China.

She was amazed when a boy called Xie Yu Fei wrote to say he had found it. The 13-year-old was playing with friends in the city of Guangzhou, formerly Canton, when he found the balloon in the street.


US education system on display!


Seminole County officials are scrambling to fix a typo on a roadway after a motorist informed Local 6 that the word "school" was misspelled "scohol."


The world's tiniest baby - meet the 10oz bundle of defiance

When she was born, 15 weeks premature and weighing ten and a half ounces, her father's confidence was about the only thing on Kimberly Mueller's side.

In the few snatched moments he was allowed before his daughter was whisked away by doctors, Andreas Mueller spoke from his heart.

"I whispered to her: 'Kimberly, you'll make it,'" he recalled.

©Bild Zeitung
The size of a mobile phone: Kimberley Mueller weighed just over 10 ounces when she was born in Hanover, Germany - making her the world's smallest surviving baby


Tom Cruise building 'bunker to protect against alien attack'

Hollywood star Tom Cruise is planning to build a bunker at his Colorado home to protect his family in the event of an intergalactic alien attack, according to new reports.


N.C. Man Charged With 'Coughing' Assault

MORRISVILLE, N.C. - Morrisville police have charged a man with assault on a government official after an officer said the man coughed into his face during a traffic stop.


UK: Major helicopter search for missing boy, 5, ends when he is found asleep UNDER his bed

Maybe he thought it would be cosier beneath his bed rather than in it. Or perhaps five-year-old Alex Olver simply fancied a change.

Whatever the reason, the youngster was soon curled up under a blanket and fast asleep, out of sight and oblivious to the commotion developing around the family home.


Extreme Makeover: Man Spent Year Following Bible Rules

After A. J. Jacobs spent a year reading the entire Encyclopaedia Britannica for his book "The Know-It-All," he figured he had the yearlong experiment thing down. How much harder could it be to follow every rule in the Bible? Much, much harder, he soon discovered, as he found himself growing his beard, struggling not to curse and asking strangers for permission to stone them for adultery. Jacobs spent the year carrying around a stapled list of the more than 700 rules and prohibitions identified in the Good Book, and also consulted with religious leaders and spent time with the Amish, Hassidic Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses. He spoke to NEWSWEEK's Jennie Yabroff about his experience and his new book, "The Year of Living Biblically" (Simon & Schuster), which goes on sale Oct. 9. Excerpts:

Magic Wand

Hundreds flock to see image of Virgin Mary on Miami altar

Virgin Mary on Miami altar.

Hundreds of faithful people lined up at a South Florida church on Thursday and Friday nights, claiming to see visions of the Virgin Mary and Jesus in a cloth tapestry.

Comment: They obviously wanted a day off from those smelly grilled-cheese sandwiches.

Arrow Up

Russia: Newborn baby Nadia weighs in at 17lb

A Siberian woman who gave birth to her 12th child was stunned to find that little Nadia weighed in at 17lb (7.75 kg).

The child, who was delivered by caesarean section earlier this month, joined eight sisters and three brothers. "We were all simply in shock," said Nadia's mother, Tatyana Barabanova, 43, from Russia's Altai region.

Nadia joined eight sisters and three brothers