An important statement about the tunnels under a synagogue in Brooklyn, New York.See also:
Walking a tightrope: Chabad's complicated relationship with Zionism.
Chabad lubavitch anti-Zionist Torah is a great danger to the Jewish community.
The synagogue where the tunnels are located belongs to the Chabad-Lubavitch community, a structure known for its support of Zionism and Israel.
In particular, Chabad-Lubavitch rabbis have secret agreements and complicated relations with Netanyahu and the Israeli state.
They are the community that supports Zionism the most in the Holy Land. In the past, they appeared to be anti-Zionism. Later, as a result of the information that emerged, it was revealed that they secretly supported Zionism.
"When I grew up in the 1970s," explains Chaim Rapoport, a British Chabad rabbi, author and scholar, "my friends to the Right - from Satmar or Brisk - would harass me by saying the Rebbe was a Zionist, whereas my friends from the Left would taunt me that the Rebbe was anti-Israel. Still today one hears both of these arguments. For me, as a Lubavitcher, I see the Rebbe as having espoused an extremely nuanced position, often walking a tightrope."
Chabad schools across the world do not mark Independence Day. They are adamantly opposed to the national anthem, "Hatikvah." Even waving an Israeli flag or having one in a Chabad center is frowned upon. Nonetheless, the strong support Chabad offers Israeli soldiers is well documented, as are the meetings of numerous Israeli heads of state with the late Chabad leader at his office in Brooklyn, who sought his counsel on internal and even security affairs.
"Throughout the years, the Rebbe received correspondence from, and was frequently visited by, senior officials in the Israeli government and Israel Defense Forces," Rapoport writes in his book The Afterlife of Scholarship. "The visitors included five of Israel's prime ministers - Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres, Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu - [who] visited the Rebbe in Brooklyn at various stages of their careers. In addition, there was a steady stream of visiting military and intelligence leaders, as well as ministers and Knesset members from the entire gamut of the Israeli political spectrum."
In fact, the Rebbe's support was not just by offering advice and blessings. As Rapoport tells The Jerusalem Post, "the Rebbe once gave $10,000 to Rabin as a contribution for building the land. So he recognized that the State of Israel was good for the Jews, and that it provided a homeland for our people in the Holy Land." SO WHY the opposition to the state's Independence Day, national anthem and flag?
"The Rebbe once met with yeshiva students in the 1960s, and they asked him point-blank if he was a Zionist," says Rapoport. "He responded: 'If Israel is a state of Jews, then I am not a Zionist, but if it's a Jewish state, then I am a Zionist.'" "The Rebbe had a problem with the government of the State of Israel," Rapoport explains, "because it was a secular government and excluded - and, in some cases, violated - Jewish law. So any religious Jew will, by definition, not be able to identify with a government, particularly in the Holy Land, which is not in keeping with the Torah."
Chabad Lubavitch has definitely always supported Zionism and Israel. Their opposition to Israel and Zionism in the past is related to Israel being secular.
Anti-Zionist Jews have always kept their distance from the Chabad Lubavitch community.
Chabad Lubavitch is not actually anti-Zionist. Pretending to be anti-Zionist is just a scam for their own political gain Zionist Israel Chabad If it becomes a state as Lubavitch wants, it will protect Israel more from the Zionists.
The Jews believe they can obtain eternal life through the Abrahamic covenant of circumcision. When performing circumcision, the mohel sucks blood from the infant child's penis and mixes it with wine which the Jews drink. Jews are strictly forbidden to drink the blood of animals because they believe that the blood carries with it the soul and that drinking animal blood turns the human being into an animal.
The Jews drink their own blood to obtain eternal life, believing that they are themselves god and that by drinking their own blood they obtain eternal life. This is outlined in the Babylonian Talmud in the Tractate Shabbath folio 133. For the Jew, the infant's penis is the Tree of Life.
For the Christian, Jesus' blood and flesh bring eternal life, because by consuming them, the Christian consumes god and becomes god. This is a Jewish doctrine. Christ on the cross is the Tree of Life, and his suffering and sacrifice on the cross brings redemption and eternal life. The Jews believe it is their suffering which brings redemption, and therefore mock Christ and the cross.
Jews sacrificed their first born and Christians sacrifice god's firstborn, Jesus, as sacrifices for redemption. Some see in this a reason why the Jews want us to worship the Holocaust over Christ as if the redemptive sacrifice of god, the Jewish People, for the salvation of man.
Jews promote abortion to destroy Gentile life and also to slay the logos come creation before it fully develops into a human being. Gnostic Christians, who were Jews and who practiced an early form of Cabalah, used to abort a fetus and grind it up and eat it so as to eat the logos. All of these acts are meant to be a reenactment of the temptation of Eve in the garden of eden, whereby the Serpent wins out and humans do eat of the tree of eternal life. The Tree of Life is ultimately human flesh and the Jews believe that by murdering and cannibalistically consuming humanity they become eternal.
Many Christians believe that by genociding the human race they will be "raptured" and hasten the second coming of Christ. It is an entirely irrational and sick Jewish system of thought whereby life is supposedly achieved by death.
'They need to be put in their place, put in their place, in so many meanings of the word,'... How many meanings of the word do these people have??
Especially the part where it’s ok for a Jew to rape a 3 year old girl and then she should be killed because she tempted the man. This book can be read free online.They also believe that it is ok for adults to have sex with children under 3 years old. They justify it as saying that at that age a girl's hymen will grow back and that at that age a boy's penis counts as much as "wood".
We don't do that in AmericaKen
We don't do that in AmericaWhat, underground foreskin banks?
“When a baby is circumcised, some ritual Jewish circumcisers (mohelim) do a practice called metzitzah b’peh. Metzitzah b’peh is when the mohel uses their mouth to suck blood away from the baby’s circumcision wound as part of the circumcision ritual. After metzitzah b’peh, some babies can get an infection.“