The new totalitarianism is getting a test run in the wake of COVID-19. Across the globe, every person must submit to "health and safety." So long as officials "can save just one life," any draconian policy is justified. In response, millions of Christians are refusing the 'rona vaccine for fear it's the Mark of the Beast. Their refusal has invited waves of weaponized condescension from dogmatic doctors and Rainbow Xians alike.
On September 9, Joe Biden demanded that the entire nation receive the jab — young or old, with or without natural immunity. Addressing unvaxxed Americans, the nominal Catholic warned, "We've been patient. But our patience is wearing thin."
For many Christians of all races and nationalities, the supposed president's aggressive tone carried the weight of prophecy fulfilled. They see present-day history as manifesting the Bible's symbolic structure.
Are they wrong?
The thirteenth chapter of the Book of Revelation — received as a vision by St. John on the Greek island of Patmos — describes the rise of two Beasts who will institute a one world order. Channeling the power of Leviathan, the first blasphemous Beast emerges from the sea:
A second Beast then rises from the earth:"It was given authority over every tribe and people and language and nation, and all the inhabitants of the earth will worship it."
It's no surprise that vigilant Christians perceived something ominous in the invention of the television, the desktop monitor, the smartphone, and especially in the holographic images that will populate augmented reality. A two thousand year-old symbol has been realized by the glowing Cyclops."It performs great signs, even making fire come down from the heavens. ... [I]t deceives the inhabitants of earth, telling them to make an image for the [first] was allowed to give breath to the image of the Beast so that [the image] could speak."
Imagine smartphones in every person's hand and virtual reality helmets strapped to every forehead. Whatever the Revelation's final meaning may be, if we look beyond the specific phantasms of St. John's vision, a troubling motif of world domination and universal tracking comes into view."Also [the second Beast] causes all — both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave — to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark, that is, the name of the Beast or the number of its name...six hundred sixty-six."
The Mark as a Tracking System
There are countless ways to interpret the Mark of the Beast. Fundamentalists tend toward a literal reading. Convinced we're living through the End Times, they look for exact correlates between the Book and the world.
In the 1930's, it was supposed to be a social security number for every citizen. In the 1980's, it was a scannable UPC bar code — allegedly marked with three 6's — stamped on every product. In the 1990's, radical ministers were sure it would be an RFID tracking chip stabbed into every palm. In the early 2000's, it was biometric identification.
Today, the Mark of the Beast looks like a Covid jab in every arm — although no one seems to agree on the particulars. As technology advances, the so do the calculations for 666.
On August 27, the WHO published a paper detailing the technical specifications of using QR codes to implement digital vaxxports, both locally and globally. As any Luddite could predict, the research was partly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Even from a purely literary standpoint, runaway tech evolution reflects St. John's sinister Apocalypse. Guided by this sacred narrative, today's biblical literalists scan the horizon for concrete signs and portents. It may be more ambiguous than they would expect.
Let me be the first to say I am neither a pastor nor a theologian (although I was trained by the last remaining scholars at Boston University's rapidly deteriorating School of Theology). My purpose isn't to argue a religious dogma here, but rather to highlight clear parallels between the Christian mythos and present day events.
The faithful have good reason to fear. So do non-believers. Even if we view the Apocalypse of John as a cosmic symbol — a visionary sign pointing to a greater reality — the prophet's story reflects profound truths that are coming to pass.
The Mark as Hi-Tech Surveillance
In late 2018, Biohax International in Stockholm, Sweden caught the attention of NPR, The Independent, and ArsTechnica. At the time, the company had injected chips into the palms of over 4,000 Swedes with a radio frequency identification (RFID) device, each the size of a grain of rice.
Using near-field communication, Biohax implants give recipients access to their workplaces, homes, gyms, live events, and public transportation. They can also store social media passwords, personal health information, and money for traceable cashless purchases. That same year, the Seattle-based bio-implant company Dangerous Things estimated that some 50-100 thousand people around the world had been chipped by various tech corporations.
Then in December of 2019, a team of MIT researchers developed a quantum dot tattoo for vaccine verification. Their proposal was published in Science Translational Medicine. The project drew serious interest from Bill Gates, who personally funded the research through the Gates Foundation.
The quantum dot tattoo is to be administered using a microneedle patch in tandem with any given vaccination. Fluorescent nanoparticles are placed in a specific configuration — a sort of QR code embedded in the flesh — which can be scanned with infrared light on a modified smartphone. Experimentation on lab mice indicates the quantum dot tattoo will last for up to five years. The project's leader openly stated that their goal is "widespread adoption" in humans.
These invasive technologies fit into a broader paradigm known as the "Internet of Bodies" — a physiological version of the already pervasive "Internet of Things." The concept has generated tremendous interest at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. An article by Xiao Liu, a fellow at the WEF's Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution — published in June of 2020 at the WEF website — advocates the use of bio-sensors to monitor personal and public health.
Xiao explains that the bio-sensors might be wearable, like a Smartwatch or a FitBit, or they could be digital implants inside the body. They can also be a swallowable digital pill. These devices will be used to monitor temperature, heart rate, glucose levels, blood oxygen levels, and so on.
In essence, they will connect bodily processes to devices in the wider digital environment. Many versions of these bio-sensors already exist. Consider the long history of the pacemaker.
Back in 2016, the WEF's chairman Klaus Schwab was asked when we should expect humans to be implanted with digital brain chips. Eyes locked in a thousand-year stare, Schwab replied:
Schwab went on to discuss the virtues of robot servants who will do household chores and solve difficult cognitive tasks, leaving you free to ponder what it used to mean to be human."Certainly in the next ten years. And at first we will implant them in our clothes. And then we could imagine that we will implant them in our brains, or in our skin. And in the end, maybe, there will be a direct communication between our brain and the digital world. What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital, and biological world."
Four years later, PC Magazine reported that Microsoft had just filed a patent application for a blockchain-based bio-sensor system. The invention is basically an electronic carrot-and-stick that monitors the user's activity — eye and muscle movement, brain waves, bodily fluids, and so forth — and automatically rewards desired behaviors with cryptocurrency payments.
Sinister as this Pavlovian scheme may be, inquisitive Christians also noticed an unsettling synchronicity. The Microsoft application's publication number is WO/2020/060606. More imaginative observers saw this as code for "World Order - 2020 - 666."
Soon afterward — as the COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, contagious fearmongering, and overt social engineering intensified — it was discovered that Rep. Bobby Rush (D-IL) had introduced a House bill to fund digital contact-tracing for Americans.
The numeric designation? H.R. 6666.
It's as if the Powers That Be are trying to trigger Christian paranoia.
The Mark as a Perennial Symbol
As scientific discoveries catch up to ancient traditions, modern thinkers have noted various correlations between the two. Neuroscience provides evidence for many concepts developed by Buddhist monks, as articulated in Robert Wright's Why Buddhism is True: The Science and Philosophy of Meditation and Enlightenment. The physicist Fritjof Capra showed how ancient Chinese speculation foreshadowed the findings of quantum mechanics in The Tao of Physics: An Exploration of the Parallels Between Modern Physics and Eastern Mysticism.
Indeed, the belief that all living beings are sentient — which inspired the concept of ahimsa, or "non-harm," for traditional Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists — is largely vindicated by the modern science of animal cognition, and to some extent, a plant's visceral response to stimuli. And yet, for whatever reason, Christian insights into the deeper structures of reality are a little too close to home.
One broad interpretation is that the Beast of Revelation symbolizes centralized power, unbridled animal instincts, and the potential for global oppression. The various concrete manifestations are old as the story itself. Ultimately, this struggle for freedom extends from the primate hierarchy to the current technetronic era.
Just after the Internet's widespread adoption, dot-connecting Christians noticed that — according to a superficial application of Hebrew numerology — WWW (the "world wide web") equals 666. The alphabetic letter "W" is transliterated into Hebrew as the letter ו, or "waw," whose gematric value is 6. Therefore, on the surface: www = 666. The evidence is right there on the Internet!
This is an eerie coincidence, but similar numerological relationships go back to St. John's time of writing in the 1st century AD.
The original Book of Revelation was written and disseminated in Greek. At that time, the Roman emperor Nero was persecuting Christian communities around the Mediterranean. After a transliteration of "Nero Caesar" from the Greek to the Hebrew — from NEPΩN KAIΣAP to נרון קסר — the Hebrew letters add up to the numeric value 666. So do the Greek letters for "beast" — therion (θηρίον) — when transliterated into Hebrew (תריון). This image resonates with Nero's primal brutality.
Theological wrangling aside, it seems that 666 is a perennial symbol that spans distant eras. From a bestial Roman emperor to social security numbers to bar codes to RFID chips to smartphones to VR helmets to QR codes to quantum tattoos, the Mark of the Beast signifies a universal system of control. The underlying mythos is perpetually relevant, wherever it may be directed.
The threat of vaccine mandates and global vaxxports reflect a valid metanarrative that underlies historical events. The image of the Beast as seen in the Revelation may not be exacting, but it's accurate nonetheless.
Christian visionaries should be appreciated for their insight. For millennia, they've sounded an enduring rallying cry for resistance and human agency. Today, their poetic narratives are a bulwark against technocracy.
Much like 9/11, the COVID-19 pandemic opened the door for dark forces to enter all our lives. As various totalitarians incite and then seize upon fear in order to demand subservience, Christian "superstition" is proving to be as relevant to non-believers as it is to the faithful.
Never let it be said that no one warned the world.
Reader Comments
Speaking of cognitive dissonance, reminds me of a story that took place in the winter of 1954 when psychologist Leon Festinger infiltrated a cult led by Marion Keech, a suburban homemaker in Lake City, Minneapolis who claimed to communicate with aliens. Her followers, believing the end of the world was imminent, had become convinced they would be whisked away to safety aboard a space ship. Needless to say, when the prophesied date of destruction arrived, neither apocalypse nor extraterrestrial rescuers materialized. The question that intrigued Festinger was: faced with undeniable evidence, would the cult members renounce their beliefs?
As Festinger found in his groundbreaking research on the theory of cognitive dissonance (that uncomfortable state created by two contradictory ideas), exactly the opposite occurred. Rather than admitting to themselves that they had been duped, they interpreted the failure of the prophesy as a confirmation of their beliefs: the world had been spared because of their faith.
"We are familiar with a variety of ingenious defenses with which people protect their convictions, managing to keep them unscathed through the most devastating attacks." Festinger writes in 1956. "but man's resourcefulness goes beyond simply protecting a belief. Suppose an individual believes something with his whole heart; suppose further that he has a commitment to this belief, that he has taken irrevocable actions because of it; finally, suppose that he is presented with evidence, unequivocal and undeniable evidence, that his belief is wrong; what will happen? The individual will frequently emerge, not only unshaken, but even more convinced of the truth of his beliefs than ever before."
Now let's fast forward to this day and age, just after Bill Gates admitted that "the jab didn't do a good job of reducing hospitalizations and illness." At that time Anthony Fauci was also doubling down on the clot shots. The reason Fauci was not fired for the current debacle is because to fire him would be a clear admission of failure, no matter what Gates spouted notwithstanding. Festinger would have a better argument. Dissonance, he wrote, can "be reduced or eliminated if the members of a movement effectively blind themselves to the fact that the prediction has not been fulfilled." And, "support from others (media/government, WEF) is needed to make the explanation or the revision seem correct. Fortunately, the disappointed believer (Gates, et al.) can usually turn to the others in the same movement, who have the same dissonance and the same pressure to reduce it. Support for the new explanation is, (variants) hence, forthcoming and the members of the movement can recover somewhat from the shock of the disconfirmation."
"A man with a certain conviction is a hard man to change," wrote Festinger. "Tell him you disagree and he turns away. Show him facts or figures and he questions your sources. Appeal to logic and he fails to see your point."- 'When Prophecy Fails: A Social and Psychological Study of a Modern Group That Predicted the Destruction of the World' Leon Festinger
There is a way out of the painful conundrum of cognitive dissonance, and it is to accept the facts as they are. Rather than patiently awaiting the promise of rescue as the tide of destruction approaches, the solution is to think critically. To refuse to believe what has sown to be false. To no longer play along. It is, in a word, enlightenment.
The DoubleHeaded Eagle: Scottish Rite Freemasonry’s Veneration of Nimrod [Link]
The problem with this is the "sense of identity". Can a person accept that their identity is built on falsehood? In reviewing my own history, it requires a change in consciousness. The self is wearing this shell of a body.
Let’s adapt & try it this way. It has really good info or else I wouldn’t bother.
Try this link & let me know. [Link]
The decision to think is the problem, not what we think (the meaning of content in sentence 4). This is not to be confused with the "thinking" of God that is simply creation. I'm referring to the thinking of the split mind, salvation's goal being the end of concepts (i.e., thinking), including the cerebral activity of the world's greatest brains. J. Krishnamurti touched on this with his 'Ending Thought' [Link] His, 'What is thinking?' takes a deeper dive. [Link]
We need to realize that the ego's purpose is to attack, kill, and get away with it. Choosing it as our teacher means that murder is our choice as well, an insane decision we can happily undo now. Form itself is irrelevant to such a shift, for it is only the mind's content of choosing the ego that needs to be addressed. This undoing is a gradual process in which we correct faulty self-concepts by understanding that their purpose is to keep us in hell.
Section V.14.Line 6: "... So it can learn that everything it thinks reflects the deep confusion that it feels about how it was made and what it is ..."
We actually think we were born, an event that gave us life. Yet dream figures do not live, regardless of their form. By asking our Teacher, the Holy Spirit, for help in returning to the mind where learning occurs, we learn to understand the ego's strategy and its charade of life. This enables us to choose again: the Thought of Life over thoughts of death.
T-31.V.14.7: "... And vaguely does the concept of the self appear to answer what it does not know ."
Our self concepts appear to answer the question of who we are, but they cannot know because the brain was specifically made to keep our identity as minds hidden; the body being the second line of the ego's defensive system, with the mind's guilt mistakenly thinking we are separate from our Creator and other minds as the first. The Self is not only beyond idols (T-30.III) but beyond concepts, since non-dualistic reality cannot be conceptualized.
The third stage is bargaining, which seems to take the form of playing for time, letting things be, allowing the ugly to be ugly and yourself to look after yourself. After that is "depression;" I suppose that could be taken as being stuck in a rut or cycle. Acceptance would then mean something like believing the cycle to be a good thing, or transforming it into a positive feedback loop of positive emotions or of quiet horror, but hopefully they are attitudes that correspond with the truth... And then? Self-medicate, hopefully via books or family, or you can act the part of the thief, always looking to others for solutions. My solution is to see the depths people sink to, because I find it astounding. There's only so far your jaw can drop before you burst out laughing.
People who've been through our educational system, they think they're thinking, when they're just repeating like parrots.
The final war will be between Pavlov's dog and Schoedinger's Cat.
Belief is the death of intelligence.
When dogma enters the brain, all intellectual activity ceases.
We all see only that which we are trained to see.
We look for the Secret - the Philosopher's Stone, the Elixir of the Wise, Supreme Enlightenment, 'God' or whatever...and all the time it is carrying us about...It is the human nervous system itself.
On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jail break.
Fiction is the lie where we tall the truth.
That's why God won't let them become escaped, nor run into the desert!!
They are machines we are a creation with a heart and a soul.
Massive difference, worlds apart I would say.
Ive seen them on bread, olives all many people know?
Im just checking it's not a circular where the outcome is engineered to fall at that equasion.
Ive written music with different tuning of "A" and it still sound harmonically pleasing to the ear.
Keeping that post. Deeply fascinating, proFOUND.
Did you try drawing the 6 and 9 from our other thread's post🤔
Descartes and the Discovery of the Mind-Body Problem [Link]
Split Brains and the Compositional Metaphysics of Consciousness [Link]
The difference is our creator gave us a SOUL that already knows & distinguishes right from wrong from harming another;s SOUL. Other’s don’t have the control & ride the Serpent’s evil side without COMPUNCTION - remorse to harm another’s Soul. These are what the DSM 5 calls Machiavellian Dark Triad personality traits. We can even see it here if you’re perceptive enough or at least flag those types that might be & avoid a reasonable fruitful dialogue or exchange of equal respect. This is also called Christ Consciousness. Japanese Zen Samurai 47 Ronin called this Mu Shin & Bushi No Me.
This book below with link that specifically talks about the theory & is an important part that connects some of it.
The quality of thinking & higher minded people organically know this.
Cosmic Serpent: DNA and the Origins of Knowledge [Link]
Here’s a free pdf copy as my gift paying it forward: The Cosmic SerpentDNA and The Origins of Knowledge [Link]
Cheers & Namaste’
The bible explains that Adam and Eve had another son (who was not genetically corrupted like Cain) after Abel was MURDERED..this is called the seed of "the woman" as opposed to the seed of "the serpent" (which still shows enmity towards the seed of the woman till this day and hour, also are symbolically referenced as snakes, serpents or vipers who are especially poisonous).
Hosea (a prophet) was told by God to tell the people of his day in his language and culture that it was a lack of knowledge that would destroy man.
That is just one expmple as the bible is repleat with references about how the knowledge of good and evil has become part of the separation between these two specific seedlines, one will use the knowledge of evil to further their will, while others will use their knowledge to do good things, which is further compounded upon in the parabel of the sheep and the goats.
A good man can be made to do evil by the forceful will of evil, but not forever, as the natural will to do good causes that individual to seek knowledge, seek God, feels guilt and therefor can repent, evil does what evil is, simply put an absense of the will to do good, just like darkness is an absense of light, neither can "share", this is the defined separation, remember the fruit of a tree never falls far from the tree
The seed of the serpent is prophecied to be completely destroyed to prevent the total destruction of the land and the remnant of the seed of the woman.
As evil will increase in measure, by force of the will of evil people over good people, so will the sickness of people increase and the land will no longer yeild it's people as evil people are a curse on the land. The blood of Abel poured out onto the ground...created the curse that prevented Cain' progeny use of the land (it will NOT yield for they are NOT producers!)
The parabel of the wheat and tares (Yeshua gives me knowledge....he is the greatest teacher in the universe!)
Evil people find the LAW abhorent because it would completely dis-arm them.
Hence they create rules of society and even call it "law".
"Those who lose their lives for my sake will gain them"
Ignore that teaching at your own peril.
The Old Testament had far, far, far more valuable information about the Tree Knowledge‘s Evil. I posit our overlords deliberately suppressed/oppressed that information of the Tree of Knowledge’s Evil as a deliberate method to further their control on the Animal Farm. Because of my unique life & experiences it hits me hard & resonates louder. My Soul & Spirit were continually bludgeoned & traumatized by this peculiar & awkward forces of evil & manipulations that were in play. The Greek word “apocrypha” has several meanings not just what we are indoctrinated to think it means. Our overlords of control know that. Whether ithe important books of the Apocrypha was/were omitted/suppressed/deleted in 325 AD - 328 AD of its canonical importance & significance cannot be understated. My Soul & spirit were uneasy & restless. I need answers to the deep conundrum of conflict internally & wanted to arm myself with knowledge.
I researched it as best I could to explain it myself & Soul as an autodidact using our natural creators gifts, mental faculties, discernment given to me to reason it out/hone/refine & tweak the reality I was presented. I used various tools & methods. Inductive-Deductive Reasoning, Law of Parsimony, Occam’s Razor, Christ Consciousness, Scientific proof via repeatability et alia etc. I was able to self prove it & each step it brought me a deeper quantum of Sol-Ace & profound understanding of the who/what/where & why to self.
Without a more comprehensive understanding of the Tree of Knowledge & within that sub stack the Tree of Evil, I wouldn’t have been able to self prove its existence or significance. The church’s canonical SME’s sources were pathetically feeble, poorly trained & hopelessly flailing in their answers to my reasonable questions/queries in trying to explain it or their knowledge of it was severely lacking for my Soul to quench it’s thirst for a profound understanding about the Knowledge of the Tree’s contents. While I don’t partake or subscribe to this Tree of Knowledge’s Evil researching & studying it helped me to “molt” & evolve/grow to process events, behaviors, outcomes, identify the who/what/where & why. I was now armed the knowledge to know what path to follow & more importantly how to follow it & identify & recognize the who was behind it.
This is hugely significant & important as to why they hid it in the occult & alchemy. It’s hidden there for that exact reason, The overlords already knew people are lazy by nature, won’t do the work necessary to unravel the Gordian Knot’s MAGI-ck. While other’s may not agree, it doesn’t equate to the absence of evidence is evidence of absence or the fact that knowledge of the evil & how its force of inertia exist or function as principalities of darkness.
My comment & contents are thinking @ a different level & understanding of how things came to be, predicated not exclusively on the Bible as the SOL-e source.
Which came first the Chicken or the Egg ? Or was it the SEED that came first 🐔🐣🐤
Where did the Serpent emanate from ? Why ? The answers are profoundly fascinating & Church in general does a pathetic job at answering those questions. Just b/c you or other’s don’t subscribe to that doctrine/gestalt/method/beLIEf/faith/tangent of thought does that vitiate it’s truth & huge significance ? Are people who only think the Bible has all the answers able to embrace, honor, respect, accept other ways/methods/approaches as I &’other’s do ?
Why do people ONLY read the New Testament as their only exclusive metric of beLIEf/faith when it’s already known & common knowledge as fact there were other versions that contained more. Who’s playing a God;s role here in determining the New Testament has ALL the information needed or necessary. Why do they settle on their indoctrinate & controlled knowledge ? Seems to me they are the ones not following the deliberately narrowed path of judging, profiling people. Why even have religious secularism if it’s all predicated on God’s word.
Why does the Pantheon of Rome have multiple God’s if the Bible has all the answers ? Why exclusively limit one’s knowledge to only subscribe to one way as the only way but yet contradict its own canonical doctrine & dictate to now change it ?
What gives them the ecclesial authority to deny & alter the eschaton of what’s naturally obvious ?
What if there was more behind the veil & truth ?
In truth, knowledge does not start at the Bible no matter how many people claim otherwise or to the contrary. I can respect their POV & World Views but can they accept, honor,respect mine ? If I can prove & demon-strate proof of concept by continually repeating the facts - metrics of truth does that invalidate my path or thinking ?
Cheers & thank you for the thought provoking reply.
Cain the murderer that he was created the foundation of Mesopotamia, a evil kingdom.
And yes on Alien's did land once more upon Mount Sinai to be involved in the manipulation of the human body and mind by interbreeding with the human race.
Ones Bible only tells half the story.
respect WN3
What's happening with this ball lightning?
I was not raised in Christian morality, so I am not captured or fearful of the phrase "mark of the beast". However the vax is a genocide bioweapon and it contains quantum dots/graphene oxide that has the ability to be self-assembled into circuits that can transmit and receive information and apparently can interact with the central nervous system of the vaxxed. The result is changes in behavior and brain fog. The vax bioweapon can act as an ID, and therefore can be used as a "mark" that determines your access to anything and essentially your living.
"I have told you that the spirits of darkness are going to inspire their human hosts, in whom they will be dwelling, to find a vaccine that will drive all inclination towards spirituality out of people's souls when they are still very young." Rudolf Steiner (1917)
“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile... They took us over because we are food to them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in coops, humaneros. Therefore their food is always available to them.” Carlos Castañeda
“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile... They took us over because we are food to them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in coops, humaneros. Therefore their food is always available to them.” Carlos Castañeda
Call in Speedz he'll watch over them. BigTime
Very well done 👍👍
IT remains imperative that some remain 💡🔦🔥
Dr David Hawkins
Power vs Force
Power appeals to that which uplifts, dignifies, and ennobles. Force, on the other hand, is descriptive of conflict ...
( Zewsmedia is their FORCE using fear et al etc.)
Ego divides & separates, Spirit unifies & heals. 🔥🔥🔥
EmPOWERS is result of usage. 💪💪
If I may may lolll
Spirit is unity & healing. The verb (action) is up to our 👣👣👣👣👣 (Ste-TRINEity 3)
It is said, IT's never crowded along the extra mile.
Namaste’ 🍒💡🕯️🔦🔥
🎁ed... Again n Again n Again ⬆️
Power vs Force 🎯🤺 creates🌊 🌊 🌊 as does non-focus.
2023 H.U.G.E. Moment in time!!
Equinox, Star🌟New Year, NewMoon in 🔥ARIES (Pioneer) morphing into its ARIES Eclipse August 19 ( Specstorm our new friend's 🎂), 23rd (tomorrow 😱)Pluto in Aqua for 20 years, (was in Capricorn since FallOut 2008 and the last time there was 1777), 25th Mars (stationed forwards March 15 since September 3) moves into Cancer!!!! March 7 Saturn KarmaBoss who tired to Dis.Ciple us with CV exercise ditched that for 'end station reap-what-one-sows' Pisces, Health/Addiction, for our next 3 years.
April 6 will also be very interesting. And the Season ends with Scopio ECLIPSE May 5.
Everyone is 🚂aboard, staying on our 👢'ed off. The Gym is closed.
Our instrument with our toolbox -- use it or lose it. Bust or rust.
Watch a gorgeous short clip of our Montréal's brand new expensive but creatively intelligent Bridge.
Mainly Jews who hate God, hate Jesus, don't live by the commandments or even understand the context or consistancy of the biblical messages as the people you should trust the most....
When Jesus explains it all in the NT. "Nobody comes to the father but through me"
We just need to read Jesus...
I see it every day, people claiming to know things they have the least actual knowledge of as somehow unlocking the secrets of the unknown....showing their fruits defective as Jesus clearly said nothing hidden will remain hidden, he has revealed everything for those who accept him and listen to him.
Your just showing me your ignorant of true biblical discernment, also it completely goes over your head as to why God would allow books to be burned, taken out, fakes put in amongst genuine. You don't even read the bible (you have effectively told me and showed me). God has the power to give eyes to see, ears that listen and hear others preaching his word, he also has the power to put a strong message into the hearts of any of his children that directly ask him for discernment, hows that for a show of confidence, not even complete destruction of every bible can prevent his children giving account of the LAW and his Son, it's given DIRECTLY so they can give account of Jesus from the heart before they are persecuted. You can read about a book called the bible.
China and Russia are both symbolised this way, both beasts.
Just sayin
China was already ahead of the public rollout via it's production for the "whole world" and world wide distribution of COVID-19 face masks, LFT kits and other related materials. Proving enslavement of willing subjects is more desirable than ecology (an afront)
The Rothschilds introduced themselves to China after WW2 and has funded both sides of the recent RUSSIA vs Nazism (Ukraine) dialectic.
China has infiltrated just about every western area "silently" under the auspices of local, national and international government directives, China has also with help usurped every western nations intellectual property and has manufacturing rights above those who invented for their own national reliance. China and Russia are way ahead of other countries having set up a coming system of governance and society that is both Godless (humanistic by it's fruits paying homage to creations but omitting the Creator of them) and authoritarian, relying on biometric and loyalty to the system, the whole points based system is the very anti-thesis of "I gave to you freely so give" relying on a persons loyalty and a forfeiture of fundamental freedoms like the freedom to procreate and build society on love.
China might be seen as a benign entity now and will draw peoples appreciation and love for it's seemingly passive position in world politics, but of they are not a foreign offensive nation then this would contradict the need for the biggest military army waiting in the wing, pretty obvious to genuine people who won't allow themselves to get stuck down a rabbit hole or fall for the groupthink strategy, China won't be going to war with Russia or any other resource rich landmass.
I kinda see alot of what we are allowed to read and discuss purposely ignores the explaination prophecied, which anyone with the comprehension high enough to read the English language and has access to a bible can learn for themselves. There is nothing to be debated about it as this information has been available to most readers for centuries, ignoring it either shows the willfully ignorant for who they are, Godless agents of Satan pretending to be harbouring knowledge and enlightenment or enjoy the doomporn infotainment above their own soul.
If God doesnt exist, Jesus was a liar etc etc you will be happy as a pig in shit when Gods children have been forcefully removed from earth because a future is now upon all promising no more GOD, no more reminders of the Bible, Jesus, the flood.....remember your all saying it was a myth....well ok you can have it all, using science and material technology, you should be celebrating.....your "hour" is now upon you, enjoy it if that is what you want
If I use some basic logic, You don't believe in God, you don't believe in the Bible, you don't believe in Jesus. OK. So why argue with a Christian about something you don't believe in or think is real? Catch 22 for them, not for us Christians.
Have a great day.
Same to you JTF Truth
Couldn't give a hoot about what other believe, every adult man and woman will give witness to their own actions and speech in life, but when someone tries to tell me about the bible based on their own lack of spiritual discernment then I can comment.
I don't envy the people who laugh and mock God, they become responsible for their own actions, they have absolutely nothing to look foward to apart from convincing themselves they have knowledge and remain secure in it.
Ethan appears to be commenting on the Old Testament whilst you appear to be defending the New Testament
Why does the Bible need to be the two books?
Christian indoctrination is primarily based on the stories of the Old Testament and not so much on Jesus' message
Your opinions of what and who God is will not change the knowledge I have been given. Everyone who denies God can accept and enjoy the fruits of that viewpoint, it cannot be projected onto believers nor can it take away from their relationship with God, it doesn't involve psychology or groupthink, it is a personal relationship YOU have to show God you want and are prepared to give all your love, strength and accept God on his terms, not your own.
Regards Winternights3
I never said any such thing, I just don't believe that Yahweh is the creator - it seems very narrow minded to say one cannot know and love God unless one accepts Yahweh as one and the same
remember that.
To settle an account is an act of honesty and to complete the action of promising to pay.
I promised nothing to anyone and therefore have no moral or spiritual debt.
(of a thought or idea) come into the mind of (someone) suddenly or unexpectedly.'a disturbing thought struck Melissa
occur to, come to, dawn on one, hit, come to MIND, spring to MIND, enter one's head, present itself, come into one's consciousness
So you owe nothing for your own life and the creations that befit your life?
Not even a thanks?
You can have the last word.
Please do some research....
Constantine was an Edomite, a Roman, who believed in the Pantheon of Roman gods, his ilk have been trying to skew Jesus' word ever since his last breath, Jesus taught the true LAW and is the ONLY TEACHER qualified to do so with authority, Constantine changed the SABBATH day from SATURDAY to SUNDAY proving he was against Jesus' message about keeping the LAW (by extention the Saturday sabbath from friday sundown to Saturday sundown)
Romans invented TAXATION which Jesus forbade (see Mathew who was a tax collector and the charges made against Jesus in Jerusalem) as tax is "pay tribute" (supporting Roman aggression which makes people sick and curses the land which God gave freely to EVERYONE ALIKE).
JESUS DID NOT TEACH "CHRISTIANITY" HE TAUGHT THE LAW and the Prophets!! "The way"( back home to God, the FATHER) which is a Kingdom to come.
Christianity is FIRST mentioned in the book ACTS.
Paul being the major share holder ("for I became your father").
Why are you all so unhappy about the world, its completely run by satanists....who share exactly the SAME BELIEFS you all have, or are you envious because they get to act what you can only think?
" influential had become the belief that the End Times were upon them that hundreds of rabbis refused to relinquish it. Some of those rabbi, if not totally convinced of the new messiah, at least believed this new religious fervour was good for Jewish awareness of, and pride in their Jewish identities.
And so it was that on the 15th day of the month of Sivan (June 18, 1666) the announcement, which Jews had been waiting 1600 years to hear, was made; The Messiah had come and Nathan was his Prophet.
Shabtai would begin the Redemption and bring about the age of the Third Temple and a return to the Holy Land. All of the thirty six major biblical sins were now permitted and his followers were instructed that it was their duty to perform such sins in order to hasten the Redemption.
“Praised be He who permits the forbidden.”
Note : June is the sixth month, 18 divided by three is 6+6+6 and the year 1666. Shabtai was a brilliant scholar of Scripture, so the question was, and continues to be; What drove his choice of this date to make his announcement?"
The above quote is mine, soon to appear in a story about Zevi (and Nathan) on my substack. I am of the opinion that his overturning of all the Old Testament laws and his rush to meet the end times has contributed to the false society in which we now live.
There is a version of the Bible uses 661 instead of 666 - what you got to say about that....or do you believe in "number games"?
OK, 666, divided by 3 = 222 divided by 2 = 111 divided by 3 = must be 37 is the number you find "scary"? I don't know, lets try it this way.....661 is a prime number, not divisible by anything I think, oh let me try.....3 is out, 7 gives 94....3 over 7, nope, 11, that ain't gonna work, 13....hmmm. 13*4 = 52 that leaves 46 left and 13 don't divide into 46......ok 17 is the 56 and 17 don't divide into that....19 anybody? Once you get halfway there, then you can prove it - you can prove 661 is prime and a prime numbers seems more important than 3 sixes in a row.
Edit 1: [Link] - 661 is Prime and now for the fun of it:
[Link] - 666 is not and as I already said 37 is part of it, so if you looking for a number to be scared of, be scared of 37 I reckon.
661 divided by 17?
OK 17 * 3 = 51.
661 - 510 = 151
17 * 8 = 136
151-136 = 15.
17 does not divide into 15 being it is bigger.
Can you do it in your head?
I can but sometimes I forget which number I'm thinking about and I don't give no heed to 3 6's - I could give a flip about them.
661 is Prime.
666 is just a number.
But now one ought be able to deduce that 17 does divide into 663 which is basically 3 * 17 * 13 really, shall we play number games?
Seems to connect with
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2 Verse 34
Spoken by Krishna
Just FYI
Woopdie doo....ask me a number and I'll tell if it might be Prime.
Ask a computer the same question and you believe it first?
Well, why not, the computer has no conscious will - tis a robot - programmed and flawed.
Ask me a question that the computer cannot answer and I will respond in a manner a computer never could.
Go ahead - ask it.
What is time?
What is love?
What is faith?
Interesting read. I’ve always maintained that it’s a system within a system with cipher codes that elude many people’s perceptions. Interesting link. Been researching it for years myself. Didn’t know if you had read this interesting link below already. I’ll post it up for perusal & circle around later to see how it processes & it is resonates on any frequency of tangential thoughts connecting artifacts you may have. We are dealing with an extreme radical ideology & most people quit before they ever investigate to understand its profound implications.
On the Nature of the Qlippoth [Link] (keep in mind we are not only dealing with a long-standing group in power who use the gematria code. Most here are lost & don’t really understand how it works. Many people perceive the conceptual fragments superficially or at least on a minimal allegorical plane. Then you have to integrate & consider the Marrano’s of Spain, Rosicrucian codex, Merovingian Dynasty, comprehend that Freemasonry is International & that connects to Globalism, Corporate Fascism, Fabian Socialism, Nazism, Club of Rome, Luciferian/Satanic Apotheosis, Lurianic Kabbalah, Redemption via Sin, occult duality proof of concept roots which emanated from speculative Freemasonry opposed to operative Masonry etc. There are a number of contradictions within their system which illuminate it’s flaws. But keeping their foci in mind, the object & agenda is to remain in temporal world power not anything necessarily spiritual or virtuously hu man. It’s a system of dominating the hu man spirit not liberating it.
What about the Sun’s Analemma ? [Link] Why is its path shaped like an infinity symbol ? What about the Moon’s analemma ?
Why is it also shaped like an infinity symbol ? What causes the analemma ? Does the Sun & Moon have a physiological & phycological effect on hu mans ? Why did Rome follow a Solar - Gregorian Calendar & China/Israhell follow a Solar - Lunar calendar ?
Lunar calendar (Islamic Calendar) is a calendar based on the monthly cycles of the Moon's phases ( synodic months, lunations ), in contrast to solar calendars, whose annual cycles are based only directly on the solar year. The most widely observed purely lunar calendar is the Islamic calendar. A purely lunar calendar is distinguished from a lunisolar calendar, whose lunar months are brought into alignment with the solar year through some process of intercalation – such as by insertion of a leap month. The details of when months begin vary from calendar to calendar, with some using new, full, or crescent moons and others employing detailed calculations.Since each lunation is approximately 29+1⁄2 days, it is common for the months of a lunar calendar to alternate between 29 and 30 days. Since the period of 12 such lunations, a lunar year, is 354 days, 8 hours, 48 minutes, 34 seconds (354.36707 days), purely lunar calendars are 11 to 12 days shorter than the solar year. In purely lunar calendars, which do not make use of intercalation, the lunar months cycle through all the seasons of a solar year over the course of a 33–34 lunar-year cycle.
A lunisolar calendar was found at Warren Field in Scotland and has been dated to c. 8000 BC, during the Mesolithic period. Some scholars argue for lunar calendars still earlier—Rappenglück in the marks on a c. 17,000 year-old cave painting at Lascauxand Marshack in the marks on a c. 27,000 year-old bone baton—but their findings remain controversial. Scholars have argued that ancient hunters conducted regular astronomical observations of the Moon back in the Upper Palaeolithic. Samuel L. Macey dates the earliest uses of the Moon as a time-measuring device back to 28,000–30,000 years ago.
Why exclude this important information in your assessment & only use Western civilization metrics ? Other equally important & significant earth & hu man’s use another system why exclude it ?
A solar-lunar calendar and holidays on the full moon are two of the similarities between Chinese and Jewish traditions. There are cultural similarities as well: Jewish and Chinese children are likely to do well in school. On the other hand, there is nothing in Chinese tradition that in any way resembles Kashrut, since pork, dog meat, and donkey meat are all part of China’s culinary traditions.
Chinese calendar, dating system used concurrently with the Gregorian (Western) calendar in China and Taiwan and in neighbouring countries (e.g., Japan). The Chinese calendar is basically lunar, its year consisting of 12 months of alternately 29 and 30 days, equal to 354 days, or approximately 12 full lunar cycles. Intercalary months have been inserted to keep the calendar year in step with the solar year of about 365 days. Months are referred to by number within a year and sometimes also by a series of 12 animal names that from ancient times have been attached to years and to hours of the day. These names in order are rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, fowl, dog, and pig. The Chinese year 4698 (which arrived on Feb. 5, 2000, by the Gregorian calendar) was the Year of the Dragon. [Link] & [Link]
Why is the Chinese Lunar calender predicated on Animal themes & names ?
Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic [Link] & [Link]
Biscione (Alpha aromeo) [Link] & [Link] & [Link] & [Link] & [Link]
There used to be lots more. Google (DOD) is scaling down & been Weaponized to limit the knowledge once available
They are not Isrealites, not in all cases Israeli, not in all cases living in a country named Israel, they are not Judahites, Judaean, they are not followers of the OT or NT as they follow "traditions of men"....
So Im at a loss from the start as I have never found a definition that allows a solid starting point for discussion about what actually is Jewish, they are not Jewish unless they have a Jewish mother but Judaism accepts converts....
All I know is all their own identifying reasoning is interchangeable and cannot be properly determined easily.
Happy connecting your dots of consciousness !
The Crisis of Initiation [Link] & [Link]
James 1:5-6 New King James Version 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
Double Headed Eagle: Sumerian-Indian Connection [Link]
The Mesopotamian Origins of the Hittite Double-Headed Eagle [Link]
The Two-Headed Eagle of The Ancient & Accepted Rite [Link]
One thing that is WHOLEY apparent is that Earth has been occupied many times and on each occasion those who perished left evidence of a common sense of being.
I'd personally not get too distracted by the two headed Eagle, for it has its roots and in its time came symbolic across nations as have many other symbols that are to be found, yet their importance is not recognised even today.
Thank you.
respect WN3
Would one wish to share this narrative with evidence, just asking
I have my experiences/wisdom/knowledge/sources & you have yours. You’ll notice you made the claim I did not. You made a ECREE claim, I did not. You will need to present your proof of claim as I already (several times beyond patience despite the repetitious blog of war of this same bludgeoning). I have maturely articulated & elucidated my my position several times with precision. The standard of any ECREE is Law of Parsimony/Occam’s Razor regarding ECREE burden of proof applies. No matter how many times you attempt to re-visit the same topic the same reply & burden of proof is on you. While I do respect your opinion to disagree, my reply still stands for you to present your proof. Otherwise & furthermore, I respectfully ask you to stop bludgeoning me with this topic. You know my position already. It’s clearly articulated in previous exchanges. The situation remains the same until that variable of proof materializes or it doesn’t. I already stated what I will need. When & if that day ever comes (and it won’t) I’m humble enough to adjust my thinking based on that burden of proof & STRENGTH of the evidence you present.
So I have been careful with what I have learned from these rabbi and theologians and historians. No sense turning myself into Kanye West just yet.
My past comments throughout various links have been consistent and I've directed others to helpful links when it's been requested.
My viewpoint is not unique, it's refreshing to witness the truth hemorrhaging eventually though various media outlets, I'm not alone in my assertions.
I do though welcome your so called evidence with great delight.
I've learnt too much BB, there's no going back and knowing what I know doesn't make friends, one learns to read situations and see through things.
I'm I pleased by what I have discovered? No. Can I change history? No. Are there more secrets that can be discovered? YES. Could there be a price to pay for knowing what I now know? YES.
Bottom line, my time on Earth is short and what's left of it will be spent discovering the truth even if it kills me.
I’m sincerely glad you’re processing it b/c now I know you will get it & we can relate on a different plane of comprehension of higher minded thinking vs. standard levels. This is encouraging to me b/c I can now share other tangents of thought about the system & how it’s done.
You wrote & inferred I’m in denial which is not true. It means you didn’t understand what I wrote in our prior exchanges. Again that’s on you. You still need to explain the significance of what the Schumann resonance is. You have not replied to that request yet. When you don’t reply to the question which is reasonable by any standard, you create a red flag. I already know precisely what it is & how hugely significant it is. Answer the question about the Schumann Resonance & the dialogue goes a step further.
You don’t know me at all. I don’t know you at all, that is equal. You have a beLIEf for whatever reason you have which I accept it as a beLIEf as it NOT a fact. A beLIEf does not equate to a fact. The burden of proof is on you. You will need to present your facts/evidence, not beliefs. There’s no reason to get fluxed on any side of the polemic from that position until you present your proof. That means maturity in acknowledging that universal truth.
I have my experiences/wisdom/knowledge/sources/documents & you have yours. You’ll notice you made the claim I did not. You made a ECREE claim, I did not. You will need to present your proof of claim as I already (several times beyond patience despite the repetitious blog of war of this same bludgeoning). I have maturely articulated & elucidated my my position several times with precision. The standard of any ECREE is Law of Parsimony/Occam’s Razor regarding ECREE burden of proof applies. No matter how many times you attempt to re-visit the same topic the same reply & burden of proof is on you. While I do respect your opinion to disagree, my reply still stands for you to present your proof. Otherwise & furthermore, I respectfully ask you to stop bludgeoning me with this topic. You know my position already. It’s clearly articulated in previous exchanges. The situation remains the same until that variable of proof materializes or it doesn’t. I already stated what I will need. When & if that day ever comes (and it won’t) I’m humble enough to adjust my thinking based on that burden of proof & STRENGTH of the evidence you present.
OK, I admit it. Guilty as charged.
I like number games. Today is 323.....
Tis the 23rd day of the 3rd month
in the 23rd year
per some calendar sensibilities....
Hey - did you know this?
6 some say is a "perfect" number...
because its divisors add up to it....
3 2 1 gives six.
Perfect numbers got some symmetry - do they not?
The next perfect one is 28.... fond of that number I am
1 2 4 7 14 gives 28,
Number games can be harmless;
but mix intent into numbers, then you
playing with minds....
Mind games get tiring...
they seem sort of unreal
number games
with whole numbers specially
typically can be proven real.
BK, Poem of the Day, 32323 1847